Episode 17: Yes Virginia, Santa is a Network Marketer
Dec 23, 2019What’s The Episode About…
All right, so I am so excited to have Santa Claus on the podcast today. I’m actually going to tell you who Santa is at the end, so stay with me and you’ll be able to see the recording of this. Santa is at the North Pole in a full red suit, I’m not kidding you. And when you guys figure out who Santa is, actually I just got a text from Blair, I sent a screenshot of this…who is Santa? So you have to stage it, and some of you will recognize his voice. He’s spoken on many stages, huge stages in the network marketing world. He is a multiple six-figure earner, close to seven figures, and I’ll tell you his story when we close this out. But for now, hello Santa! Oh cool. Oh my gosh. I mean you guys, what is the date that this is airing on?
Let me look Santa. Okay. It is December 23rd. Oh my gosh, you guys…now behind me, you will have to go over to YouTube, and I’m going to have this all over Facebook. But behind me, Santa has his house. He has beautiful trees and wreaths. Oh my goodness. This is like my favorite podcast. So it’s December 23rd and Santa…Most of the people that listen to the podcast are network marketers, or they build online businesses. I know that this might come as a surprise, that you, Santa, are involved in the network marketing industry. So why did you choose network marketing alongside your other gig?
I am involved in network marketing, and I absolutely love network marketing. I choose network marketing because, you know I have a little bit of free time on my offseason, and I figured why not help people and make an income?
Hey boss, I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of the upcoming You’re Not the Boss of Me episode. You will be able to get your hands on this at 6:00 AM Monday morning. So go on over to nobosstalk.com to grab the latest episode.
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
- No Boss Talk
- Top Summit
- The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
- Beth’s Instagram
- Beth’s website
- The Profit HER Way Course
Keynotes discussed:
- Why did I choose Network Marketing? Honestly, because of time freedom and if you know me, I’m a big jolly fellow who likes to help people. (01:55)
- It takes you getting out of your comfort zone and actually reaching out to people, and getting to know people, and asking people questions and telling people about yourself. (04:11)
- I did not get to be an almost multiple seven-figure earner by not having conversations with people. (06:04)
- If you’re listening and you’re going into 2020 you’re looking at your goals from 2019 and I want you to, first of all, listeners, have some gratitude for what you have done. (10:14)
- It helps them really stay energized and the comradery and it fills people’s cups. (14:22)
When Did It Air…
December 23, 2019
Episode Transcript…
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
All right, so I am so excited to have Santa Claus on the podcast today. I’m actually going to tell you who Santa is at the end, so stay with me and you’ll be able to see the recording of this. Santa is at the North Pole in a full red suit, I’m not kidding you. And when you guys figure out who Santa is, actually I just got a text from Blair, I sent a screenshot of this…who is Santa? So you have to stage it, and some of you will recognize his voice. He’s spoken on many stages, huge stages in the network marketing world. He is a multiple six-figure earner, close to seven figures, and I’ll tell you his story when we close this out. But for now, hello Santa! Oh cool. Oh my gosh. I mean you guys, what is the date that this is airing on?
Let me look Santa. Okay. It is December 23rd. Oh my gosh, you guys…now behind me, you will have to go over to YouTube, and I’m going to have this all over Facebook. But behind me, Santa has his house. He has beautiful trees and wreaths. Oh my goodness. This is like my favorite podcast. So it’s December 23rd and Santa…Most of the people that listen to the podcast are network marketers, or they build online businesses. I know that this might come as a surprise, that you, Santa, are involved in the network marketing industry. So why did you choose network marketing alongside your other gig?
I am involved in network marketing and I absolutely love network marketing. I chose network marketing because, you know, I have a little bit of free time on my offseason and I figured why not help people and make an income. So I put my elves to work and we started working in network marketing. Why did I choose it? Because honestly, because of time freedom and if you know me, I’m a big jolly fellow who likes to help people. I just love everybody and I want to help people. And this industry is one of the only industries in the world that you can help people better themselves, whether it be a product or a product and an opportunity.
I totally agree. So Santa’s, I know that you’re also live up in the North pole. So obviously building a business that just requires Wi-Fi and connecting all over social media is huge for you. And one of the topics of today’s episode is how to continue to always grow your list. And since Santa has lists and you know Santa, I gotta say you’re a little, you’re a little judgmental, but I’m just going to put that out there. I know you’ve told me I was naughty. I’m like, how are you to decide? But we’re not even going to get onto that topic now it’s open for discussion. I want to make sure I get a new ring light this year because mine is like all over the place and I’ve got other things that I really want, a Peloton. Do you think you could work that out for me?
Yes, I think I can. You’ve been a very nice girl this year, so I definitely can work something out for you.
Awesome. Okay, so Santa, I notice when, I’ll tell you Santa’s Hass, his real name over on Facebook. There’s always new momentum and energy in your organization and that comes from having new conversations. And one of the biggest things, the biggest concerns that people will say to me as they get started, they get excited, they talk to their sister and their brother, they get to their warm market. They might even come out of the box and hit two ranks and then they’re like, I don’t have anybody else to talk to. There are so many different ways to grow the list. What are some of your best list building strategies of people that you know to have conversations with?
Well, for me, I’m open, right? So I’m stuck up here in the North pole. I have wifi, I have my social media platforms. Let’s start with social media, right? Social media is a free platform that you can utilize to help build relationships and grow your network. It takes you getting out of your comfort zone and actually reaching out to people and getting to know people and asking people questions and telling people about yourself. In doing so, you build relationships and those relationships turn into people who want to either join you in your opportunity or take your product, depending on what it is, you know, they’ll find the groove with you. But first things first is you have to be open to trying to connect with people and talk to people. And me being so far away from everybody up here in the North pole, it’s easier for me to do it on social media.
But from time to time when I fly over to the grocery store, I also put my head up, look around and smile at people, introduce myself, talk to people, be polite. I can’t tell people this enough. For me personally, I have a product that I absolutely love and believe it and I love sharing my experience because it’s helped me. In the past four years, it’s helped me so much be a better person, feel better. It’s given me opportunities that I could only dream of. But I go to the grocery store for a gallon of milk and Mrs. Clause is like, where’d you go? You’ve been gone for two hours. Did you milk the cow? Like no, I was talking to people. You never know who you meet.
Yeah. This is a little bit of a trend. And I feel like Santa, when people start to, and you’re hearing from someone, you guys I know that you’re like, yeah, right Santa. Well, this Santa has built an incredible business by having conversations all the time. Connection, serving, and then I see these new ways like, and I’m always up on what’s innovative and using Facebook stories to grow your lead list and all of those things. But I will for the rest of my life say it. I did not get to be an almost multiple seven-figure earner by not having conversations with people that were right in front of my face. And people will say, don’t bother your friends and family. Never have to send them a message again. Like, what do you have to say about people that have the belief that you don’t have something that your friends and family need? Like that just blows my mind.
You know? I totally agree with you because here’s the thing. If you’re not going to help your friends and family first feel amazing, or whatever the product is that you’re you have or the service. If you’re not going to help your friends and family, why do it? Like for me, that’s the first thing that I always go to is helping my friends and or family feel amazing. They’re the first people you’re going to talk to. That’s what you would call your warm market because they know you, they love you, they trust you, and if you genuinely care and are really trying to benefit them and help them, it will come back to you and you will be benefited by it. It’s a double win. You’re helping them feel better or providing them a service that’s going to make their life easier. And in return, you’re building your relationship with them, getting closer to them, and then not only that, you know you potentially are earning that you can turn around and help your family even more.
Well, and one of the things that I watching you grow your business is that you have all of the network marketers that I’ve ever seen, you have a team that has an, you guys, it’s like Santa and his elves. It’s like you have some of the best community and culture then I’ve ever seen. Like it is not just one person building a business and chatting online. Can you talk about how your team has built this community and this culture? I mean it’s, I’m so envious, so envious in fact that I just like decided that I’m a part of it. I just said, Hey, they’re having a pool party. Beth’s on the way. Tell me how that grew?
You know, we have a very different dynamic than most teams and we’re really blessed to have it. We’re a big extended family is what we are and we treat each other as such. From upline to downline. It’s not about rank. It’s not about anything. It’s about really serving and helping people like a family does. I want you guys to think about your brothers or sisters. You will do anything for them within moderation. Of course, you’re not going to bury a body, God forbid, but you know what I’m saying?
Well, you might, you might, but you know that’s another podcast.
But no, seriously though, you would do anything for them. In creating a culture like that and getting people to really grow together and support each other and cheer each other on and just share moments with those people is very important to us. We’re very big on events. Events are a huge thing for us. We plan a lot of events. We do a lot of events. I think the most events in one month that we did was 10 or 12, I don’t remember the count. We have a team dinner, one of our leaders is hosting a team dinner today. I mean these are things that you know are important to us and we push. Well, I don’t want to say push. We want people to do these events and be a good tight community. And to do that we lead in that way. We have an open-door policy at our house.
And here’s the thing that people listening, because Santa, this is like, I love that our podcast is shifting. We’re talking about growing a list, but how do people, this is when I watch, when I watch your team culture and I actually got introduced to you because we’re sidelines. Your real identity is from Michigan and some of my team members, when you guys first came on, it was like, what the heck? Who are these people? They’re growing so fast, welcomed with open arms, people from my team. And I kept hearing about this, this guy named Hass and I was like, I gotta know Hass, he’s like Santa Claus. So this is what I want you to take away. If you’re listening and you’re going into 2020 you’re looking at your goals from 2019 and I want you to, first of all, listeners, have some gratitude for what you have done.
Don’t listen to Haas and go, Oh my gosh, I suck. I have not had an event. I want you to think about what have you accomplished, who have you helped? And then here’s the thing is, you might want to shift how you’re doing things. We’ve gone to this whole idea and maybe events aren’t for you. And you might be saying, well, I built this business so I didn’t have to leave home. What if I told you that you would make, Haas, just off the top of your head from, and we’re going to start calling you Haas. Even though he is Santa, he’s in the full Santa suit. Your income has dramatically increased from here. He’s taking it off, he’s taken it off. Now take it off Santa, take it off. There we go. I mean, look at that. Now he’s like, okay, so you’re watching this and we’re going to pull this live.
So some people will say, I don’t have time to do those events, but when you look at retention of team members, and I like to say that if you have somebody that comes in and just as a thousand dollars of volume, but they know that they can show up at your pool party, they can show up at an event, they can show up at a retreat, they’re welcomed with open arms. You guys have such incredible retention and is it worth it to be out of your house six nights a month, for probably quadrupling your income, that you had when you were working at Ford?
Yeah, I mean, here’s the thing. It’s crazy because people, you know, people are like, well, you only hang out with top leaders. No, it’s not the case. I don’t care where you’re at. In our organization, I don’t care what rank you’re at, how much volume you bring in. If you’re a part of this, then you’re a part of our family. If you want to show up, you show up. If you don’t, there’s no pressure. It’s not forceful. Everything that happens, we try to make happen naturally.
So if you are talking to somebody that’s listening and they’re just starting or they might have, let’s say $10,000 of volume in a small team, what would be your advice for them to start building a culture in a community like you have?
Have events, go to events even if you’re not ready to have them. Go to an event near you, right? Watch, listen, learn. Then also bring guests to these events or and or start conversations with people anywhere, whether it’s in public or at the grocery store or online. Go on and do it. I promise you this, I can guarantee you this because I’m speaking from experience. The minute you step outside of that comfort zone is the minute you start to notice differences in how you are living, things that are happening to you, successes, doors, opening, relationships built. It’s crazy to me. I remember our first event, I didn’t want to do it and everybody’s like, no, you got to do an event. My uplines are like, no, you have to do it. Jessica said just do an event. It’s an hour from them. They’re like, we’ll come. I’m like, okay, cool.
It was the worst snowstorm ever. One person showed up to our event, right? We call her the power of one. She’s a rock star. She showed up to this event and sat in front of us like a deer in headlights. Jessica was talking, cause I didn’t know much about the business. I was still very new. So a whole presentation went on and she listened and just took it in and took it in over the next few months. This woman absolutely crushed it and here’s the funny thing is if I didn’t do that one of that, that whole team wouldn’t have started. You know what I’m saying? It was crazy because after the event we were like, Oh my God, it was an Epic fail. It was a disaster. We’re never doing this again. But I ate those words very quickly. Now we do more events than you can imagine and it’s been one of the best things we do, but not only for bringing people on and helping people, it’s helped reinvigorate our teams, keeps them engaged.
It helps them really stay energized and the comradery and it fills people’s cups. I mean, it’s just crazy how a couple hours out of a day, a one night a week can change your momentum if you were to start planning these events. Even if you don’t do it every week, do it every other week. That will help you grow your momentum. It’ll help people fill their cups. He’ll give people energy or make them feel invigorated. It will re-energize their business, especially if they’re on a lull or a standstill, these are all ways to do it. But I’m telling you, just get out and talk to people.
And that’s what you’ve done is, you’ve talked to people locally and I love, I feel like it’s like the revival of why people loved the network marketing industry. In the beginning, it was building community and you guys don’t just do it like, it’s not a boring flip chart meeting. You guys bring your families. I mean it’s like, it’s a family affair, right?
Yes. It’s my, our son. We have a three-year-old son. This was one of the reasons why network marketing has been such a blessing because of the time freedom and the ability to spend the time with our son. But we take our son to locals all the time. Don’t ever make your why your excuse. So if your why is your children, don’t make them their excuse for you not showing up, or make them the excuse that you can’t be at an event or be on a call. They are the reason why you’re doing what you’re doing most of the time. And if that’s the case, bring them, you’re putting them in an environment that’s safe. You’re putting them in an environment with people that are loving, caring, and knowledgeable and are open to helping, and they’re learning those traits from you and making them better humans. I mean, for me, my son is a loving, caring kid that says, please thank you and you’re welcome because he’s heard it from all the people that we’ve surrounded him with and the majority of them is our team in our family.
And how about listening to people that have the entrepreneurial mindset over and over again and being exposed to that?
You know, we, we had the privilege of meeting somebody, you know, Pitbull. The amazing entrepreneur producer, songwriter, singer. You know that his mom used to listen to Tony Robbins in the car every single day for the majority of his childhood as she took him to school? He credits that to make him is what made him who he is because he found out who Tony Robbins is. He was in that environment. He was listening to that motivational, entrepreneurial spirit. He absorbed it all. And I’ll tell you right now, kids are sponges and if you put them in the right environment, the odds of them being successful is going to be through the roof.
And they see the vision boards, right? They see, Oh my friends are coming over for vision board party, right? Well Santa has a different background right now, but they see the affirmations, they see the morning routines and they see us working. My son said to me and he’s 15, so we’ve got, you know you get the opportunity. He said, how can I have, I love that you have the freedom to choose when you want to work. He said you work hard, but I want to create a career or a business around what I love, and we started talking about the different options. And one of the things, he’s got this idea, he wants to make these wakeboarding sweatshirts, but I talked about overhead building a website, manufacturing delivery and he’s like, Oh no wonder network marketing was such a good fit, because you didn’t have to build your own website.
Like we just got to go, and you and I both are very much extroverted, like the ultimate camp counselors here, and just have conversations and take away all of the stuff that I call, it feels like your drunk uncle is driving. If you and I had to ship our product, build our website, and we get to do the thing of connecting, and that’s what I’m hearing you say is whether you guys, you might be saying, okay, my team doesn’t live locally. We’ll start to build a team locally. You’re missing out, and I’m going to say if you take one thing away from this podcast, from Haas and from me is, yes, you’re going to have people all over the country. You’re going to get on Zooms, you’re going to meet up. We’re going to share a place where you can meet both of us and where you can meet with your team by going to an event in February. But here’s the thing, your local community is waiting for you, your next-door neighbor, the person in line at Publix, is financially stressed, needs your product, needs your community. And if you’re not Hass, and you’re not looking up from your phone and you’re not connecting, I guarantee you, you’ve helped someone put groceries in their car and had a conversation and invited them to an event, right?
You know it, 100%! I’ve actually, I carry product in me. So if somebody is interested, I don’t squander an opportunity. I’m out there pounding the pavement, talking to anybody and everybody, and I give them an opportunity to try our product and really benefit from it.
And here’s the thing, I’m gonna say this and this is bold. And because I love all the strategies that we’re out there teaching, but the most successful network marketers, when you look at Haas, when you look at what I’ve done, when you look at the seven-figure earners, they are having conversations. Our job is to network. Our job is to connect. Our job is to change lives. So if you’re only changing lives, typing on your computer behind Facebook Messenger, hiding in a Facebook group, you’re going to have a very, maybe a nice business. But when you ask, I’ve asked people this, your biggest builder in your company, did you know that person before? No. No. How did you meet? How did you meet your biggest person, your biggest earner?
In-person, through somebody else. Because I opened a conversation, because I connected with that person and then met somebody through them, and being personable. Having conversations with people opens up the doors for you to meet people. I’m going to tell you right now, just because one person isn’t the person you’re looking for, I promise you that they could be a doorway for you to meet that one rock star that’s going to blow your business out of the water. So every relationship is valuable, in my opinion, going out and meeting people and connecting with people in person. Look, we live in a society of computers and social media. The biggest successes and some of the most successful people in this business have, one of the reasons they’re successful is because they’ve gone out, and physically in front of them, face to face, belly to belly, have talked to people, hug people, you know, shaking hands, whatever it may be out in public. I promise you if you do that, things are going to change. You’re going to have a completely different dynamic. Not only that, you’re appreciated more.
Yes, yeah, of course. And so let’s, in 2020 I’m going to encourage you, if you are looking to double, triple, 10 times your business, you are going to listen to Santa, to Haas, who says get yourself out the door. You’re not going to feel like an encyclopedia salesman. You are going to make connections and go to that paddleboarding event. Go to the sledding Hill, have conversations, and like I mean carry your toolkit on you and you will drastically see your business change. The other piece that I wanted to talk about before we close out today is going to live training, in-person events. And that’s how Haas and I first met, at a leadership conference. I felt like we were already friends. But both Haas and I are going to be at an incredible event in Naples, Florida, called the Top Summit. Do you want to talk a little bit about that event? How about those people that are listening to this podcast? I didn’t even run this by you. If you buy tickets for this event and you are going and you message us on Instagram, you can connect with Haas. I’ll give you all his information over on Facebook. We will actually meet with you, and sit in a circle, and have a conversation and Hass will do a little training on how to have conversations in public. Only if you buy your tickets today, right? Haas, a free training with you at the Top Summit?
I will sit down and we’ll have lunch, whatever it takes. Look before I get into the Top Summit, because it’s an amazing event and I can talk about it all day, I promise because I went to the first one, but be genuine. Be you, care, you know? Be honest, not only with the person you’re speaking to, be honest with yourself. These are things that you must, in my opinion, be truly honest with everything, and about everything, that you’re trying to do when you meet somebody that’s going to take you along the way. Now onto the Top Summit. I can’t wait. I live in Michigan. You live in Florida, so you’re very lucky. You know, You’re already down there.
I feel like I get to hang out with all my good friends. Like I have the best vacation ever. The Naples beach club. So here’s the thing, when I saw that that’s where it was, and then being asked to speak, what was like, what that was on my vision board. That’s a dream come true. And my husband and I, before we had kids, his mom had a membership to the Naples beach club and we used to go over, and they have the best cheeseburgers, and I have so many great memories. We would just sit on the beach, read books. It was like the honeymoon phase actually. He’s like, you’re not going alone. So I was like, Oh, are you coming to the Top Summit? I’ll meet you at the top honey. So tell us about the event. I know you were there last year. I didn’t get to go to Mackinac Island last year, but I was watching the online streaming, having so FOMO, I’ll never miss another top summit.
I’ll tell you right now, top seven, it was…oh look, I’ve been to a lot of events, it was very different in the dynamic of you were right there in front of everybody. The speakers were mingling with guests and people in the audience. I mean, not lost speaking outside of speaking, you were in the same hotel, so you were basically hanging out with these amazing top earners, trainers, leaders, and teachers in around network marketing. But not only network marketing, traditional business as well. It was an awe-inspiring. I was so motivated that I started doing it…because I didn’t speak at the Top Summit, not yet. Hopefully soon. It’s on my vision board too. But, I will be there and I will help anybody. If you buy your ticket today, I will help anybody that comes up to me, and me and Beth will have kind of like…
Let’s have our own training. Yeah, we’ll have a little mastermind for you. And if you go to the Top Summit website, which is https://thetopsummit.com, you’ll see all the speakers. We’ve interviewed many, we’ve interviewed Ray Higdon, Rob Sperry, we have Frazier Bricks coming. Danelle Delgado. Who else is on that list? Like Cherry Tree, Courtney Epps for finance, Kimberly Olson. I mean we have so many and what someone said to me, it was Sarah Cole who had come to the first one, and she actually had just started with a new company when she came. Yeah, and left Top Summit and her business just exploded, and she said there was just something about the intimacy, like having Frazier walk up to you, having conversations, being able to ask these questions, and then the connections. Some of my very best friends are with other companies, that I’ve met at masterminds or sidelines, and we just talk about things like this.
Like I was able to save you, Haas. We stopped doing some in-person events. Tell me what’s happening. Tell me how they’re working. Tell me what you did to get them going. Again, those are the conversations that if you’re going to build this like a real business, not just a hobby that you need to have, and you need to be open and there and invest in going. I was a teacher, I had to go to years and years of school, years and years of ongoing development, staff development, and we just come into network marketing and we’re like, Hey, let’s do it. Let’s just do it. That doesn’t work.
No, it doesn’t work and I’ll tell you right now, it’s an investment in yourself. You’re learning amazing qualities, amazing techniques, things to save from some of the top earners and leaders in the industry, and trainers. My wife and I, we invest a lot of money and time in growing ourselves in self-development. I think it’s one of the most important things. If you do want to become an amazingly successful network marketer, one of the first things you need to do is invest in and the events like the Top Summit are really going to be events that are going to help you become the best and really get to the top. I mean, Top Summit’s motto is ‘I’ll see you at the top’, and I promise you if you invest in yourself, purchase tickets to this and now mind you, I have no affiliation with the Top Summit.
I just absolutely love events like it, and it’s the next big event that’s coming up. I highly, highly recommend it. My wife and I will be there for sure. I know you’ll be there. I’m super excited to see you in person. It’s been way too long. But these are so critical and so important in investing in yourself. And if you take anything away from this podcast, other than you know, some of the tips that I offered or talked about from my experiences, I really recommend you take time to self develop and go to events like the Top Summit in Naples, Florida. Plus, look, I’m from Michigan. I woke up and it was nine degrees today.
So I’m in Florida right now, complaining that it was like 75 and raining outside of my window today. So yes, we went from how to make a list. We went from going out and building in person and that transitioned us. Obviously I’m excited about Top Summit because I’m there, I’m speaking, and then I knew Haas was there and then suddenly it hit me. Hey, I want to get you guys there so that you can have conversations with them. Multiple six-figure earner, top leaders like Haas who we’ll take the time to sit with you and say, okay, I’m building online, but I want to bring that local community in as well. What are your suggestions? And even the genuine conversations that you have with people. That’s the key. So I’m so excited Santa that you joined us today and I like cracked up when he showed up in full Santa’s suit with like the North pole and the backgrounds. If you’re listening and you can’t see this, you can go over, it’ll be on YouTube, it’ll be on social media.
You took some pictures, right?
I have pictures. I just put you up in the Instagram stories. Yeah, I’ve got it all.
This is what makes this fun. Guys. You can do this from home wearing whatever you want. You know, today I chose a Santa suit because I wanted to play along and really make this fun for you guys. I appreciate you for having me. I appreciate all you listeners, guys, thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this podcast. I hope I have helped and added value. I am a servant soul. So if I do see you at the Top Summit, which I’m looking forward to, please don’t hesitate to come up and just give me a hug and tell me you heard the podcast and you know Beth.
Are you thinking, I want to maybe give a sneak peek? I heard a rumor there might be a podcast for you in 2020.
Yes, my face turned extremely red right now, as red as my suit. My beautiful, amazing wife and I are in the midst of doing some recordings. We’re going to launch our podcast in 2020. We’re super excited about it. We just want to add some value. Talk about being a theme. Parents talk about being network marketers, talk about life in general and we hope you subscribe. I will give you a title, a name and I’ll get with Beth on this and we’ll do it. I’ll hopefully be able to have her on one of our podcasts next year.
Yeah, and I love your platform of showing how parents are raising a family in the network marketing world. I can’t wait for that content. And also I like even the tip you gave today about listening in the car too, to Tony Robbins. My poor kid has heard, Think and Grow Rich so many times. But that’s what you’re going to get from the podcast, is how to parent, how to live the network marketing lifestyle, live the life of freedom with two awesome parents, Sydney and Haas. And so we’re going to look forward to that podcast. We’re going to wrap this up because I promised 30 minutes for all of you, Hass, thank you so much, and I’ll see you at the top summit.
Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Thank you guys for listening. Yes, and I will see you at the top. I appreciate you.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today and ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes. Every single week I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag, so make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.