Episode 8: What's A Nice Girl Like You Doing In Network Marketing?
Oct 24, 2019What’s The Episode About…
In this episode, we’ll be discussing the very first principles of “building your business your way” and the many different techniques we can use to make it grow without sacrificing all the other areas in our lives. We’ll be also talking about residual income and how to make it part of our vision so we won’t have to invest all of our time and energy in selling one thing over and over.
One of the most important things to consider while building our businesses is to create something, a product or service, so significantly good that it’ll keep us in the game, making a reasonable amount of money for as long as we want to.
Tune in and find all the tools we need to make our mindsets flow with our action plans.
Keynotes discussed:
- Nice girls can be in Network Marketing too (01:21)
- The basics of residual income: how can you diversify your incomes? (04:19)
- Building your business your way and the automation of services (05:17)
- The principle of duplication in growing businesses (07:19)
- Show people how can they build their business the right way (10:38)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
When Did It Air…
October 24, 2019
Episode Transcript…
You can build your network marketing business your way, and also build another business and have it as an affiliate, if they have products that you love. But if you are negative toward your friends, “Oh, she’s doing one of those things”. Perhaps you’ve had a bad experience with someone, and I always like to give that person grace, that sending you that icky message that you’re like, “Oh, please stop”. Just say this. “Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of you. It must have taken a lot of courage to send me a message today. How are you?”
Welcome to ‘You’re Not The Boss Of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started. Hey boss, welcome back.
You are listening to, ‘You’re Not The Boss Of Me’ and I’m Beth Graves. I’m so excited today to talk about one of my favourite topics, residual income and building a business your way. So stay tuned to the end of this episode because I am going to share with you a new program that’s launching that is going to blow your mind and knock your socks off. And I want to get you on the list. So first of all, let’s talk about building a business your way. And as we know, ‘you’re not the boss of me’, it all fits in, right? So I’m often asked the question, what’s a nice girl like you doing in network marketing? Okay, so back in 2014 when I was looking to start making some money, and not just like, Hey, I want to get some Botox, I want some money, I wanted to make a real income.
I was looking at wanting to come out, not just into the shallow end, but dive right in. I didn’t quite have that belief when I launched in network marketing, but quickly I had it and here’s where I was and here are some facts about what’s happening in today’s economy. We know brick and mortar businesses are closing down. We see what’s happening with the internet, the interwebs, right? It is loud and clear how many of you would say, I’ll just Amazon prime that. So I started to think to myself, first of all, I don’t want to trade time for money. I want to leverage my time and leverage the efforts of other people. And that’s okay because it’s done in a way that is totally cool, and it’s totally ethical, and it’s you helping other people to build a business along with you, which is what we all want.
Who wants to do anything alone? Right? So with network marketing, you’re not building your own website, you’re not manufacturing your own product, you’re not putting a giant investment in and taking a big risk. As many entrepreneurs do. When I was started to build out camp elevate, and the events, and some of the coaching programs, I had to put some major Cash in to build websites, build programs. I also invested in coaches to help me to learn how to take my coaching to the next level. And also I hired a money coach so I could understand investments. With network marketing, you come in, if you’re with the right people, and you get someone that is mentoring you and guiding you and helping you, giving you the training that you need. And most companies build out training websites for their distributors and for their promoters. So that was a huge thing for me, I was lonely.
I was looking for a community of other badass women that were going to cheer for me, who doesn’t want to be cheered across the finish line, right? The other piece was, I was so curious about being the boss of me and not having someone tell me when I was coming to work, when I would leave work. And also there is so much risk and having somebody hold onto the idea of if they don’t want you around anymore or if something happens to that business, your income goes away. And in network marketing, you get to have your own business, a CEO within a business. All right, so let’s talk about the diversification of income. I have so many men and women that they still love what they do. I have lawyers and doctors, physicians, assistants, nurses, people that own giant businesses that said this is another stream of income.
How cool is it to build another stream of residual income? And what is residual? It happens over and over again. So with a consumable product that people love, they’re going to keep ordering it. So over and over again you start to see orders. So if you sell something that’s one-time usage, you’ve got to sell it over and over again. If you think about insurance, a renewable insurance policy, that’s residual income. Of course, you service it, you help you. The best customer service by far is the person that keeps bringing in that residual income. But that was a huge thing for me as well. Another piece, I love this quote, “I would rather make 1% on the efforts of a hundred people than 100% of my own“. I didn’t take notes of who said it. I know it’s someone famous. So please send me over at Instagram…
Tell me who said that quote so I can credit this brilliant person. So we’ve got this woman, that was me. Maybe it’s you. You’re like, I want to build a business. I don’t want to have a glass ceiling. I don’t want to go to work when someone tells me to go to work, and I want to have huge potential. I want to do it with a supportive sisterhood and I want to get into the online space. I want to build it my way. Right? So that is one of the biggest things that we’ll learn. There are so many different facts about network marketing and why it’s such a great business model. But one thing I want to talk to you about right now is, do you know how many bots are taking over human jobs? Meaning we don’t even talk to somebody when we want, unless you’re with a bank that actually answers the phone soon.
We’ll have lawyers that are automated. You can go online now for web MD and get your questions answered. Now we do still need surgeons and we still need some amazing and awesome men and women out there in the workforce. But slowly we are getting taken over by the bots. Right? And I loved the idea of having my own thing, my own gig that was in a box. Basically, here’s your website. It’s free. You don’t have to invest loads of money. Of course, I wanted to get some product, share it with my friends, be on it, but it was such an easy start and such an easy launch. So, it was a no brainer. And then this is the piece that I think you are all going to love is you get to choose how your business is built. So a lot of people, when they first come in, we talk a lot about duplication, teach people to do the same thing over and over again.
And I think duplication is using smart tools, but building a business your way, building it the way I built it, I was able to do this in a very, very good flow after I dropped the glass balls, if you remember that episode, getting myself out of the weeds, crafting my mission, my vision, and helping women to not only sell some product, but to rise into their power, to find their voice, to find their calling, to learn how to invest money, and map it out. To make it so if it doesn’t feel right for you on Facebook, no problem, we’ll look for another way to build it. So one thing that I say to people that are saying, well, my upline told me I had to do this. I had to do it this way. I have someone that is a very high-level medical professional that loves our business.
She loves the residual income. She loves the product. She is not going to splash it on Facebook, the way maybe a young mom is to share with her mama friends that she’s feeling great. It didn’t feel right for her. Also the hustle and grind, doing it every night. Go for the no spamming everybody. That is not the way that you have to build the business. This can be built as an affiliate. I have a friend who loves six or seven products and so she has a lot of people with eyes on her, a podcast host and she has a big Instagram following and she shares products and makes a commission and looks at it as an affiliate because she’s not necessarily building a team, but she does have reorders of some of her favorite products. So there’s all different ways to do this business. And for me, it was such a great step into the entrepreneurial journey.
Network marketing is like the first step in the door where you get to get into this big pond and you start to see how people make money online. And once you build and once you grow, it’s not like you have to do it over and over and over again. Now I am the first one to tell you if you want to build and continue to make significant income, it really has to be something that you stay in the game. And if you’re passionate about it, you will stay in the game. But it doesn’t mean that you have to drop everything, that this is your life. That you no longer play tennis with your friends, that you’re no longer Sarah Smith, but you’re the name of that company. This is a product that you share. So, very similar to if you are a pharmaceutical rep, you build that business.
Now, they have some different standards and have to go to doctor’s offices and have to do a lot of different things. But, I’m saying is, you don’t say to your friend who’s a pharma rep at a cocktail party, they don’t like just talk about the heart device that they’re selling there. You’re a normal human being people. You are a part of a company. You are part of that brand because if you’re really doing the right thing, you love what you do and you know you can help people with it. And that’s what I want to share with you today is you can build your network marketing business your way. You can also build another business and have it as an affiliate if there’s products that you love, but if you are negative towards your friends, “Oh, she’s doing one of those things”. Perhaps you’ve had a bad experience with someone, and I always like to give that person grace, that sending you that icky message that you’re like, “Oh, please stop”, and just say this.
Say, “Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of you. It must’ve taken a lot of courage to send me a message today. How are you?” Because why are we shutting someone that’s out there putting their best foot forward? If you have a friend like that, send them over to this podcast or some great resources because we can show people how to do it the right way, that’s not icky and doesn’t feel icky and really helps and serves people. So I’m really excited to just have shared that with you today and to say it’s not just a business for the homemaker that doesn’t have anything else she’s qualified to do. You are going to see some of the most qualified professionals coming to this business model and we already, as I said, I have people on my team that have PhDs, MDs because they felt the power of what it means to share something and build an online business and many people don’t have time or the desire, perhaps not the resources to build out their own manufacturer, their product, ship it, deal with all the legal issues, deal with compensating a team.
Think about it, what an easy, easy decision that was for me. And then as my dreams grew and I started to really lean into the idea that there were other women I could help as well. I put a ton of systems in place. My nest is almost empty. So time opened up and I started to be able to help other women that weren’t with my company, with their plan, with how to reignite, how to clear the weeds, how to map their mission, chart their course and build a seven-figure business. So I hope this was helpful for you today. Even if you are looking for a way to explain what network marketing is. There’s a great book. It’s called flip flops CEO. Janine Finney wrote that. She’s a dear friend of mine actually. I’m going to get her on the podcast. How’s that sound? I’m going to actually send her an email today and we’ll get her on the podcast as soon as possible.
But, that book really, if you have someone that’s not understanding network marketing, I would send them the flip flop CEO. So here is, what I want to share with you right now is I’m super excited because November 11th and if you’re listening to the replay of this, you can head on over to my website because we’re always running this in eight weeks sessions. And so you can get on the waiting list. But November 11th I am going to be launching, elevate, build and profit your way. It’s an eight-week course. I’m live with you once a week and we’re going to clear your weeds. We are going to map your mission, get your course and build your business and profit. Okay? Profit your way. Meaning what does your business look like for you? And we’re going to do all kinds of really cool things for your mindset and also for your action plan.
And so that you’re not feeling overwhelmed, but you’re feeling like I’ve got this and you’re feeling super powerful about the message that you’re sharing with the world. How’s that sound? So if that is interesting to you, head on over to my website it will be right there. You will see it. Get on the list cause we’re keeping it small and I can’t wait to see you. Oh my gosh. And there’s going to be a bonus for people that get on the list early. I’m not going to tell you what it is, but it’s really cool. So get on that list today. My friends, thanks so much for joining me today. I hope this cleared up some of the misconceptions or maybe helps you to just say, “Hey, I get it, I get it.” To build the business your way, whether you’re a solopreneur or entrepreneur or a network marketer, this is your life.
This is your chance to experience love and passion and fun. So get out of the hustle and grind. You deserve better and you can still make tons of money while riding on a unicorn in your pool and reading a steamy novel. If you have the correct plan in place. Ad you’ve got the structure in your day and you’ve got, sometimes I think it just takes a little bit of tweaking to say this is what feels right for me. And you are never going to realize, once you get your voice out there and start building your business, the impact that you will have along the way. So I’m excited. Thanks again for being with me today and I will catch you on the next episode.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today in ‘You’re Not The Boss Of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes. Every single week I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the ‘You’re not the boss of me’ swag. So make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.