Episode 23: The Ultimate Customer Experience (How THIS Can Build Your Empire)
Knowing what your customer’s pain and frustration is, and then also getting to know your customer is key. I always set my newest people who are ordering to see first on social media, because I want to have that personal connection on Facebook or an Instagram And I literally have it in my focus blocks so that I am going and visiting their social media. You know, I’m commenting, I’m asking questions because I want them to have a great experience with me, and I also want to know them at a different level than you just ordered by product.
Now imagine if my new car guy would, I know he follows me on Instagram, what if he had reached out and said, wow, that is so cool that your son does this, or congratulations on that speaking engagement. I would have a personal relationship, and granted he probably sold 50 cars, but that would go a long way because we just got a second vehicle and we went right back to David Dell. I don’t know if that was my husband’s first choice, but because we knew that he would make this experience so much better and easier.
• No Boss Talk
• The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
• Beth’s Instagram
• Beth’s Website
• The Profit HER Way Course
• Today’s Link
• Top Summit
• We are going to be working on creating a challenge around your products so that it doesn’t feel like you’re just spam Ola, Pamela in your inbox that is coming up in the next few weeks. (04:09)
• So knowing what your customer’s pain and frustration is, and then also getting to know your customer a bit. First of all, I set my customer, my newest people who are ordering to see first on social media because I want to have that personal connection on Facebook or on Instagram. And I literally have it in my focus blocks that I am going and visiting their social media. (10:38)
• On the very next day I’m going to send a personal video that says what’s in the box. And I literally have a video that I’ve made that shows somebody opening their box with their product. (13:10)
• I want her experience to be like mine was when I bought my Cadillac. Knowing that I’ve got someone on my side, someone that’s always looking out for me, someone that’s reaching out to me at least once a month about my experience with my vehicle. (15:16)
• I want you to make sure that you stay in communication and that your client or customer has the exact way that they know how to pause, how to delete or how to change their order because nothing is more annoying and nothing gets a customer running for the Hills. (16:51)
February 03, 2020
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves, and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Welcome back bosses, this is episode number 23 and today I am going to talk to you about something that might seem a little bit boring but so important as you build your business. So, before we get started, I want to share with you this week’s review. The reviews allow me to just like look at it and say, Oh, my gosh, you hear me! And I always send out a free boss hat to anyone that has their review read on the podcast. So, if your name is weenie 369 and you left the exceptional review, please go on over to Instagram DM or Facebook messenger and let me know that this is you. So, weenie369 says, “Thank you for this podcast going into a new year and decade. For the last few years I’ve been listening to so many voices that the overwhelm and insanity has kept me stuck in a big mud hole and not moving forward.
I’d be honored, excited to be a part of Profit HER Way going into 2020 and looking forward to aligning my personal and professional life to a new level. Thanks again Beth”. So if you are like what the heck is Profit HER Way with that review, that is my signature masterclass that literally takes you from beginning to end on building your business, getting rid of the overwhelm and getting clear and having clarity and having your own authentic business plan that allows you to show up as you when big, make more money and have time for your family. If you want to take a look at that program, go to bethholdengraves.com/profit or just send me a DM and say, hey I want the details, because we are going to be opening a new section of that in February. So, get on the list.
Let’s get this episode started and talk about today’s topic, which is how to use the nurture sequence for your customers to stay happy, to stay referring to you and perhaps even think about, what is this business all about? All right, so here is the missing piece. We spent so much time on how we’re marketing on social media, building challenges that bring people in and then having that conversation about, Hey, is this product for you? So, I’m going to give you an example because this is not my area. So, I’m going to use essential oils. So perhaps you’ve built out a challenge too. Get eyes on your product and you invite many of your friends and their friends into a challenge about using essential oils. How to get rid of the toxins in your household with this challenge. See, I love to get eyes on what we do with visibility.
That’s a whole other podcast we’re going to have next week. But in this challenge, perhaps you give five ways to clean it up and you’re using the different essential oils to help with how you’re going to clean it up in the bathroom. Maybe how you’re going to clean it up in the kitchen, how you’re going to get rid of those toxins. And at the end of the challenge, you’ve got a bunch of people that are saying, yes, I want information. I want to clean up my house. You’ve given me all of that information and the evidence and the testimonials that makes me want to put up my hand and say yes. Now if you’re thinking I want to know more about that challenge, don’t worry. We are going to be working on creating a challenge around your products so that it doesn’t feel like you’re just Spamola Pamela in your inbox. That is coming up in the next few weeks.
In fact, keep your eyes on Camp Elevate the Facebook group, because we’re going to be doing a lot of that in there. In the show notes. You can see how to get in. So my brain always says, how did we creatively become more visible so that that audience, that exact person that is looking for our solution puts up their hand and you don’t feel like you’re doing a mindless, endless Facebook scroll with people. You know, like that essential oil challenge is not going to make sense for my husband because he doesn’t care. He doesn’t even know about the toxins in the house and he’s so far off he would need to, you know, learn how to be better on the tennis court with the use of X, Y, and Z. He might pay attention. I’m not sure. You know, men are always evolving, we hope. Right?
All right. So, what happens after you have that conversation? Meaning you’ve created this challenge, you’ve created this idea that we can clean up your homes with these essential oils and I’m in your challenge and I’m like, okay, I am no longer going to use that comet in my shower of gross. I wouldn’t do that. Haven’t done that for years. I’m no longer going to use that comet; my shower and I want to order your things. So, this is where I find when I do audits and I look for what my friend Stacey calls the hidden profits. She’s a new friend from Susan’s mastermind and she uses that term in her coaching program. So, I borrowed that from Stacy and when I look at what people are doing in their network marketing business and I’m looking at where are you losing money and where are you not seeing growth?
When I ask, once you have a customer placed an order, tell me what happens next and friends, I want you to think about this. I want you to be really honest because when I was growing quickly, I was really, and I still am growing quickly. I say it like I’m not doing it now, but when I had the first starts to my business when a lot of people were wanting to know, what are you doing? What are you doing? Because I was still in my very warm market and I was sharing some very powerful stories. So when people started to put up their hand, put up their hand, put up their hand, I was thinking, okay, you’ve ordered next, next, next, next, and I would do some follow up, but I didn’t have a system in place that really, really allowed me to give that customer the perfect experience.
Meaning they are just like raving to me about their friends. They are excited about their product arriving. They cannot wait to share their testimonial and they are ready to learn more about what’s next in their customer experience. I had two experiences with purchasing a car in this really, really made it this stick out to me. I have earned a car in our car bonus program since 2014 and the very first person that helped me to get the car that fit the category that our company uses. His name is David Dill, and David made that experience exceptional. He went above and beyond. He showed up at my house with the paperwork. He followed up. He, I always checked in with me each and every week in the beginning and gave me new techniques and tips and said, I saw this article, and have you looked at this feature in your Cadillac?
Then when it was time for service, he helped me with that and that experience, he made it easy. He allowed me to see the new options and features of the new automobiles coming up, and I always have gone back to David. Well, this time around I decided I wanted a different model. I’ve driven the same car for a long time, and I went to a new dealership. I’m not even going to say the name of the dealership, and I had an awful experience because first of all, I needed to know, tell me exactly what’s going to happen. I always want to know what’s next. And I ended up sitting there for three and a half hours and there was always something, Oh, and this is the price that, by the way, by the way, by the way. So, I felt really, let’s be honest, you told me that it was going to be this and now you’re adding this and adding this and adding this.
And I felt, I just did not even feel they were hearing me, and I went ahead and leased the car. I never heard from my salesperson again. Never have not heard from him to this day, he’s a young guy. I really purchased the car because I knew because I wanted it. And I honestly didn’t have the guts to walk away when the experience was not going as I had planned. And that’s me just, that’s me being a people pleaser and I’m a recovering people pleaser. So, I’m going to send him some feedback today because, you know, I feel like I’m the probably the age of his mom and I feel that this is going to really shift for him because there was no customer experience and I’m going to send that to him today. I actually have his phone number; I’m going to text him and just ask him if he’s open for some feedback on my sales experience with him.
So, the difference between David and my young car person and that entire dealership was okay, my experience. So as you think about your customers, I’m going to walk you through what my customer experiences and I want you to think, how are you making sure that you’re keeping track of where your customers are, their story, why they ordered your product. So I have a, I use a notebook, I use a three ring binder, and anytime I’m having a conversation with someone, and I know some people will use Asana and Trello, they’ll use their phones and I find that I do keep track of my follow-up on Asana, but it needs to be right in front of me. And I have a three-ring binder and I just have all the names of people. So, I’m going to use an example and I’m going to use my friend Tiffany. And Tiffany, I knew wanted to have a customer experience because, and she told me what her pain and frustration was.
What was she was she was trying to solve? It’s a nutritional supplement. And I kept track of that. So, knowing what your customer’s pain and frustration is and then also getting to know your customer a bit. I always set, so first of all, I set my customer, my newest people who are ordering to see first on social media because I want to have that personal connection on Facebook or on Instagram. And I literally have it in my focus blocks that I am going and visiting their social media. I become, you know, I’m commenting, I’m asking questions because I want them to have a great experience with me and I also want to like to know them at a different level. Then you just ordered by product. Now imagine if my, my new car guy, what if you know, he follows me on Instagram? What if he had reached out and said, wow, that is so cool that your son does this.
Or congratulations on that speaking engagement. I would have a personal relationship and granted he probably sold 50 cars, but that would go a long way because we just got a second vehicle and we went right back to David Dell. Not even really, I mean I don’t know if that was my husband’s first choice, but because we knew that he would make this experience so much better and easier. So, let’s talk about that customer experience from beginning to end. So, the day that I have a customer that orders, I work through 14 straight days of interaction and I literally use a sticky note to do this. I have my whiteboard and I have my calendar, so I just had a customer order, her name was Caroline. So, day one that Caroline orders, I have a conversation like what has you curious, what are your goals with your health and wellness and let’s talk about what you need to have in your order.
Now the next day while she’s waiting for her order, I am going to touch base with her again and I am going to send her one of my favorite videos that we have that what makes our product different. And so, she’s continuing to get information because a lot of times with buyer’s remorse or like, Ooh, I’m not sure should I have done it. And I think that the success of a product, yes your product can have all these benefits but somebody has to make a decision that they are ready to go, that they are going to love the experience and love what is happening with their order. So then the next day, so I send that video, I ask a few questions and it’s on my calendar like reach out to Caroline, she just placed your order on day three I’m going to track her order and I’m also going to send her like a quick thing that she can check out that’s over in our customer group so that she again is being educated and I am going to let her know like here’s when you can expect your order.
I’m going to be staying with you. So, when you open your box, you know exactly what’s inside and then and the next day, cause it’s usually like three to four days before the order is placed. On the very next day I’m going to send a personal video that says what’s in the box. And I literally have a video that I’ve made that shows somebody opening their box with their product. Now, most people order the same three products with us, but I might make a really great short video that is like, Hey Caroline, okay, these are the products that you ordered and when your backs arrives, this is what’s going to happen and here’s what’s next. So, I’m going to send her the what’s in the box video. I’m going to get her engaging in the customer group and then when I know that her product is going to arrive on her doorstep, I don’t care if you have 50 orders, a hundred orders or two orders, you know a hundred might be overwhelming and then you could get some help with this.
But I always want to have a personal connection. I know this is a texting world, but if she’s open, I want to say Carolina, are you available for 10 minutes so that we can walk through getting started with your product tomorrow? Because I want Caroline to get started as soon as her product arrives on her doorstep. So, I’m working through those first days as her product is on the way. I’ve already put a thank you note in the mail with a small little plus line gift the day that she orders. And that’s pretty normal. I would think most people put a thank you card in the mail to their customers. If you don’t, you need to do that monthly for every single customer. Okay. And I also want you to think about what are the ways that you’re communicating with that friend, that new client, that new customer right after that order is placed?
Or are you getting the order placed and just kind of throwing them into a random customer group and thinking they’ll find the information. I want you to journal about what is your goal, what is the experience that you want your client, your customer to walk away? Will you go above and beyond? So, I also go beyond by sending then information about what Caroline’s health and wellness goals. For health and wellness goals are too, get more lean. I am going to find articles and resources and I have even created some of my own with recipes that might be interesting to her and I just am having a conversation because I want her experience to be like mine was when I bought my Cadillac. Knowing that I’ve got someone on my side, someone that’s always looking out for me, someone that’s reaching out to me at least once a month about my experience with my vehicle.
So, the other piece of customer and client relationship is you’re through that. Those first few days they’ve started on their experience, you’re checking in, you’re checking in, you’re checking in without being annoying and, and I always say like, I want to support you the best way that I can, but I certainly don’t want to annoy you and be in your inbox all the time. So, I want to say I will, you know, I periodically will check in with some updates on information. I’ll ask you for feedback and then when it’s time for that person to reorder, I am going to make sure that before that reorder date, no matter what that it is on my calendar, we have auto ship that goes fifth, 15th and 25th. And you guys, people feel icky about auto ship. That is one of the biggest icky pieces of the network marketing industry is, Oh, I have to be on that auto ship.
And, one of the big pieces of choosing my company was choosing a company that allowed you to delete or pause the auto ship at any time and you didn’t have to stay on the product. You could do it one time, delete or pause. That was huge for me because I don’t ever like to be tricked. So I want you to make sure that you stay in communication and that your client or customer has the exact way that they know how to pause, how to delete or how to change their order because nothing is more annoying and nothing gets a customer running for the hills. Then if product ships that they’re not ready for, that they don’t expect and suddenly that bill comes through, it is your responsibility as the CEO of your business, not your companies to reach out. I have this with Kipp, she always reaches out, she’s with Rodan and Fields and she always reaches out and says, okay, your lash boost, your order is coming up.
Do you need to adjust? Do you need this, this time? It never fails that I hear from Kipp and she lets me know like what is coming up with my order and all of those things. So, I want to encourage you today to think about in journal about what you want your personal customer experience to look like. That you are the CEO of your business. That you are the one that gets to decide from the time that that person raises their hand until the time that that product arrives in the entire experience with you. It’s up to you. Will you be a Neiman Marcus, or will you be Amazon, where like many times you wouldn’t even hear from that vendor because ordering on Amazon, sometimes you do. But I want you to think about how does that look? What do you want that experience to feel like?
Do you want to be the best resource that that customer has and do you want that person when they think, wow, Oh my gosh, I love working with Beth, she’s fun, she’s engaged with my, she knows what’s going on with my family. She remembers my birthday and that experience is so great that I want to refer all of my friends. And I also think about this, when you, when your best resource, your best people that are looking to build a business with you are the ones that are having the best experience with your products. And so, if I were to say, you know what Caroline, I know that you have a passion for health and wellness, or you have a passion for your story with this product. The conversation is natural, but if you’ve not shown up and you’ve not provided an excellent client experience and you’ve kind of just said, Oh they ordered, I don’t want to check in with them.
I don’t want to lose my volume. And they get an order they don’t want. They don’t know how to use the product. They haven’t had an exceptional experience with you. How will that look when you, I want to have sustainable long-term income from reorders. When you’re asking for referrals and you as a businessperson, I want you to have pride in your personal client experience. So with this, I have got a free offer for you today that is going to give you some ways that you can let your customers know what you are doing by using some social media strategies. So if you want to have people showing up in your inbox saying, what is it that you do so you can begin your customer experience, I’ve created this little guide for you that will walk you right through it. So, head on over to bethholdengraves,com/10 and pick that up today.
So, friends, thank you so much for being with me. As always, send me a screenshot. Let me know that you hear me. Let me know your questions and head on over to Camp Elevate where we do some very specific, get into the trenches, work on things like creating the perfect customer experience. I will be at Top Summit when you are listening to this if it is live, so go on over to catch the live [email protected] so many awesome speakers. I am on stage on Monday and I can’t wait to meet so many of you live at this event. You have a great week and let me know what you took away from creating your customer experience, and remember you are the CEO you get to build your business your way and leave those that you touch in the social media world in real life, feeling just a little bit better than when they first met you.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today on ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So, leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I will enter you to win the ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag. So, make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.