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Episode 37: The Sticky Note Sales Solution

focus framework m.a.p membership sticky note challenge May 11, 2020


Welcome back to episode number 37. This might be one of my favorite episodes, because I get to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart; it is my 100 Sticky Note Challenge, and how I used the sticky notes on a wall to help me to reach a huge goal in record time. So, stay with me I will explain it all.

This is also part of the millionaire action plan that we talked about last week with packing your suitcase.



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•   We’ve got daily action that we want to track the things that we do daily, that we know “build a business, and then we also have a focus of the bigger piece which is, where are we going weekly. (1:34)

•   No one is telling you how you have to build a business, but the basics of building your network marketing business are always the same, always the same. (2:51)

•   It allows you to actually see exactly where all of the pieces are to your business at a glance, so that you can work your business block effectively. And also, I believe that energy and affirmations around visualizing, seeing, walking to the space, and just taking action. (5:20)

•   I’m going to help you. I have something really exciting to announce to help you with your sticky notes, and I want you to think about that, It’s not just a cold reach out, I’m throwing sticky notes on the wall. (8:04)

•   You might say, “Well how do you do it with thousands of people really?” Let’s talk, do you really have more than, if you do 10 a day? Most people reach out to three to five in a day, good quality conversations. You can move it to your Google sheet, but this is showing me my active people in my funnel. (18:38)



May 11, 2020



Welcome back to episode number 37. This might be one of my favorite episodes, because I get to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart, it is my 100 sticky note challenge, and how I used the sticky notes on a wall to help me to reach a huge goal in record time.

So, stay with me and I’ll explain it all. And, it is part of the millionaire action plan that we talked about last week with packing your suitcase.

So here we go, first of all, welcome back and I want to share with you a review that was left by the lofty goal achiever; “the metaphor of having the right things in your suitcase and the thoughts you have of your destination resonate with me and help me to change my mindset from overwhelmed to positivity. Thank you, Beth”, and lofty goal achiever with the 5-star review, thank you so much, and send me a message so I can get you a boss hat in the mail. And with that review, I want to talk about today’s episode. If we haven’t touched the world together yet, meaning we haven’t ever been in a group together or you haven’t heard me speak about sticky note challenge. It’s an old YouTube. I’ve got to redo that video. It’s before Facebook Live. Before we really knew how to do it with lights, and I was asked to share about how I put 100 sticky notes on a wall and how that helped me to reach the top rank of the company with no experience. I didn’t realize at the time that I was basically creating my funnel, my sales funnel for network marketing. So, stay with me on this. There’s a lot of you out there that track. So we’ve got daily action that we want to track, the things that we do daily, that we know “build a business, and then we also have a focus of the bigger piece which is, where are we going weekly, like what are we inviting to?

So, we’ve got two things: we’ve got, how we’re reaching out. I’m following up and going to explain this so stay with me. And then we’ve got a weekly flow that we look at and say, Okay, so this week I’m focusing on, I want to focus on sharing the business side of things. And so, on Thursday, I’ve got a Facebook live event and I’m going to be inviting to that all week. So, we look at our week as a whole. Meaning for me, it feels much more aligned and authentic in my business if I’m not just sending a… “Hey girl, can you watch this video message?

That just doesn’t always work for me, many times they might say, Hey, I just saw something in your stories. What’s this all about? And then I use a tool. So first of all, in the suitcase, we have the tools and we will all have a variety of different tools depending on our company depending on what aligns with us are strengths. Some people, they love building in real life, that is their strength, that is their go-to they’ve made millions of dollars doing it, many love to do it online.

So, no one is telling you how you have to build a business, but the basics of building your network marketing business are always the same, always the same.

Is it simple is, in a way that, you can teach it to someone else to do what you do? And is it something that you can sustain and over again? Because if I built a fancy opt-in where I was running Facebook ads and people were opting in for some fancy thing, and then for the follow-up from there is, Hey, I’d love for you to hop in this webinar. That’s a cool marketing technique but it’s not something that I could have done in the beginning. It’s not “duplicate-able. I can’t teach it to my neighbor. And so, I am all about simplicity in the business.

I love the marketing, I squirrel away on it, I think of all different kinds of ways that I can connect with people that are a good fit for my business, or for my coaching. But I want to talk about simplicity, and I want to take you back to the beginning when I did not have experience when I didn’t have all of these crazy squirrel ideas that run through my head, before Facebook groups were a thing to connect and nurture way back. And I think this will help you to really define what are the key things in your business. And now I use this actual technique to be able to see what I call ‘profit leaks’. where something is going wrong in someone’s network marketing business.

If a team member or someone that I coach comes to me and they say, “I don’t know, I have all these customers loving our products, but I just don’t have anybody that’s doing the business.

I can take a look at they’re sticky note board, at their flow, at their, what we call the funnel, and I can see where the clog is by where the sticky notes fall. So, follow me on this.

A lot of people, and I, even stepped away from Sticky Notes. Because of it. I started using Trello, I started using Asana. There are all kinds of fancy ways to track leads and keep track. But what happens, and this goes back to me teaching Math long, long ago, to elementary school kids. When you’re concrete, and what I realized is the sticky note board, although it’s not mobile, you can make it mobile, it allows you to actually see exactly where all of the pieces are to your business at a glance, so that you can work your business block effectively. And also, I believe that energy and affirmations around visualizing, seeing, walking into the space and just taking action.

Alright, so let me explain how my sticky board looked and how it looks now. And it’s very similar to the beginning. And I began again, with my 100 sticky note challenge, and literally had six new customers order in the first seven days that I did this. Because I had been too fancy with… I’m still about connecting with great content, connecting with your avatar, hanging out in groups and leaving the trail of breadcrumbs, right? I talk about that all the time, that people will start to see what you do in your stories, and then they’ll say, what is it, what is it all about?

But many times, and I get to watch a lot of different people grow their business.

There’s so much focus on the attraction piece, there’s so much focus on putting out the post that is supposed to attract endless leads, because that’s what we’re told, and many of us have even bought something, that’s a course. And I teach how to use content, to attract your avatar, your perfect customer or business partner to you.

But one of the things that happens is we get caught up in this world of not actually knowing where we are with our leads, with our future business partners or customers and we also get caught up in a scrolling, and being all over Facebook, acting like crazy to connect new friends. Hey, how is it going? Reaching out? Maybe they say yes. Would you forget that you even added them to a customer group? Or you even gave them an info video? And so, you move on, and it’s somebody’s birthday, and the next thing you know, you’ve added someone to a group, you’ve invited them to something you haven’t followed up to see if they’ve watched… So, we’re constantly going over to more, a new add to my list. Where are they coming from? When really some of you are most qualified and anxious people to get started, you have already had a conversation with, and maybe you put about a Trello board, you are exceptional with follow-up with a Google Sheet. But what I have found over and over and over again, over and over and over again, is this is, first of all, make a decision, just say I am going to rock sticky notes for 60 to 90 days. And I’m going to help you the sticky notes, I’m going to help you. I have something really exciting to announce to help you with your sticky notes, and I want you to think about that. It’s not just a cold reach out, I’m throwing sticky notes on the wall. I’m willing to explain that to you.

So, let me tell you how it works.

You put 100 sticky notes on a wall and that is your lead list. What is a lead list? The most important part of your business? Everything is around your list who is on your list, and do they need what you have are they open to looking at the business? And are you going to take the step to have a conversation to see not wait until they respond to one of your stories, not wait until you post something on social media that gets them asking you? Finally, you are going to make a decision with me today, that if your business is going to go to the next steps, you’re going to have a conversation, and not a, hey girl spammy conversation, an authentic conversation.

I want to bring you back to the conversation that Blair had with me, who as many of you heard that episode, if she would have waited, waited for me to comment on one of her Facebook posts, or hang out in her stories or see that she invited me to a Facebook group. I would have never even seen it.

I wasn’t on social media very much, I wasn’t a person who was looking at those types of posts. I was in a place of not being abundant, but a message, a reach out, if I had been one of her sticky notes, which I was one of her top sticky notes to call that day.

I said Yes. And I think 46 million, or some crazy amount of volume, has come in from me saying, yes. The amount of sales over the years that I’ve been in network marketing. So I want you to wrap your head around this with me right now, and you can choose to say this isn’t for me, I completely 100% believe that I’m going to post and attract the right people and build my business to a million dollars.

A lot of people are out there saying it. And this is going to be an unpopular podcast, because I’m telling you the truth, and I’m telling you like it is. And I have interviewed and talked with hundreds of people that have made multiple six figures, seven figure earners in the industry, about how they were introduced to their business opportunity or to their product. And was it because they asked from being on a Facebook post, did they see a story?

Yes, there’s a lot of ways that we pull people to us, and I teach that, and we’re commenting and asking questions, and we’re pulling people to us.

All of those things go to build the connection on the lead list, but at the end of the day, there needs to be a number of conversations that you’re willing to have, so we might have a way that, on Instagram, I am commenting and I’ve asked a question and we’re chatting back and forth. And then she sees my stories. This happens all the time and says, “Oh my gosh, what do you do?” That happens. But if I waited for every single time that happened and didn’t ask the question like, “Hey would you take a look?

It doesn’t have to be one of those copy and paste, hey girl, like give me a thumbs up when you watch the video. But I’m going to encourage you to understand that they’re 99% of the people that are making real money, like changing money. We’ll tell you that, yes, they have to do some reach outs, that are from people on their list asking for referrals. Hey, I want to have a conversation with you about what I’m doing, and I’ll give you an example of this.

My friend is a new realtor. I don’t really see your social media for some reason. She’s not showing up, and she sent me a message and said, “Hey I wanted to let you know that I have now opened my real estate office and I specialize in this and I would love to help you in any way shape or form if you are looking at moving. And do you have referrals. So, did that feel weird or icky? No, I would have never been attracted, pulled in, and it was so much faster. 

She was short and brief, and she asked, and guess what? She got the listing. We were getting ready to sell a pretty big piece of property that we’ve been living in for 15 years. And I was like, Wow, tell me more about how your marketing farms in the area. And tell me about your sales and let’s have a conversation. Had I waited for social media to attract me and magically manifest me. It wouldn’t have happened. But I’ll tell you this, you still know that I’m around energy abundance and manifesting and all of that jazz. So, she had the energy, and she said I had the names of people that I knew I wanted to list their properties, and you were one of them. 

So, Yes, energy, and abundance and manifestation come into play all with, you know that. But I am going to tell you that there has to be a way that you build a funnel so you can see where people are at all times in your business, or at the end of the funnel. You’ll see that I talk about where people fall in terms of getting started with their business.

So I’m going to just do this quickly because I am going to really, really get into this, I will be doing a live training on my business page, and if you don’t follow my business pages BethHoldenGraves on Facebook. I’ll be doing a live training this week, and when I post the podcast on my business page, and on my social media, I’ll tell you when that live training is if you want to see it. It will also go over to YouTube.

So, I put 10 sticky notes on the wall and every person has a name. So of course, you need 100 people that are your connections, that are the people that are on your list that you want to have a conversation with about your product, about your business, about your service.

I don’t have a 100, I challenge you to say you do. Because there are 100 people that are qualified that need what you have, the belief in the problems that you solve with your product, or your business energy behind it, and leading into who are the people that I absolutely know. I want to have a conversation with, you’ve got the names, write them on the sticky notes.

I also continue to add, so if I’m connecting and make a new friend in one of my groups, let’s say, I’m over in an Air Fryer group for Healthy Living, and I am back and forth about zucchini with my new friend Sarah, and then Sarah shoots me a friend request and I notice that she is saying something about losing some hours at work and having stress around that, that she’s obviously someone that I want to have a conversation with, but what if she doesn’t actually see my posts, or see my stories? So, I’m going to add Sarah to my sticky board, she’s a new contact. I might put her at the top.

So, it doesn’t mean that you have to have 10 sticky notes. I put 10 X 10, 10 rows of 10. it doesn’t mean that… Oh, because this one is first, I must reach out to this person today.

It’s just, those are my leads and I look at those and I need to move them through what I call my funnel.

So, when you first reach out and you literally take the sticky board and move it to a column, when you first reach out… What is that first touch, what is that first piece of information that you share?

Yeah, for me it is giving them VIP access to a website, it is putting them inside of a customer group or they can see what’s happening, whether it’s product or whether it’s business.

So, I’m going to reach out, have the conversation and say, “Hey Sarah, I love connecting with you, I want to just cut to the chase, be short and brief here, see if you’re interested. This is what I do, I’m partnered with the health and wellness company, this blah blah blah.

You have the conversation I’m going to have lots of scripts for you by the way. Wait ’til you hear where you’re going to find the scripts. I’m going to have all of these tools. I’m so freaking excited about the tools that I’m going to have for you June 1st, it’s all being built.

So, we have the conversation. She says, Yes, I would love to take a look.

So, she moves to the first column. Now, when you’re a conversation with someone, it doesn’t mean okay they stay in a column for a day, it just means she is taking a look and I’m going to use my intuition, my sales skills to move her through to stay with her while she’s looking at it, maybe we’ll even hop on a Zoom sending her over to the group, tagging her in some things. But using my intuition to say she’s interested, and we might even finish that conversation all the way to the business partner side on the first day. So, the first column is, however you give them their first few, I’ve already had a conversation and I look, she’s at the top, she’s looking at the video, she’s in the group.

That’s my first column. The second column is going to be what I would call nurture follow-up, and that means I’m looking at Sarah’s sticky note. Okay, I’ll take a look around the group when I go to do my work the next day during my business block. I am looking at that sticky note it’s right in front of me, I’m not pulling up a Trello board, I’m not pulling up a Google sheet, I’m not getting a reminder for Asana. I’m seeing Sarah, that yesterday, she said yes to me and she’s in that column, and immediately I know I want to make a connection, so before my follow-up I’m going over to our social media, I’m commenting, I’m seeing what’s up, and then I go back to Messenger and talk like a real person.

Hey, oh my gosh, I noticed that you did Cody’s ride today.

I did the 20-minute low impact. Maybe she’s a Peloton person too. Always keeping it personal because that’s what we’re all about. And then saying, “what did you think? Let’s stuck out to you the most, when you saw the video in the group or whatever? I tag her in, so I see her in the follow-up.

When you see what is happening right in front of you, it reminds you, looking at that board to get busy. It’s not going through and saying, “Oh this is my follow-up time so I’m going to open my Trello board, I’m going to, I do keep people in Trello, but I want to just say that when I’m building the best I see it in front of me. It’s physical, it is absolutely physical, and you might say, “Well how do you do it with thousands of people really? Let’s talk, do you really have more than if you do 10 a day? Most people reach out to three to five, the day good quality conversations. You can move it to your Google sheet, but this is showing me my active my active people in my funnel.

So I’m going to give you my columns and we’re going to talk more about how it moves through, and I know that a lot of you are thinking… Wow, I loved how that conversation went for follow-up again, I’m building it, you guys, I’m building it for you, so I can teach you these things, because follow-up can be weird. Hey, what do you think? Or it can be a personal connecting authentic, and it helps them to see this is a person that I want to work with. This is a real human being.

So 10, a 10×10 sticky notes, these are the names, these are my connections, these are the people and I’m constantly evolving it from who I’m meeting, what I’m seeing on social media, but it’s reminding me I am going to reach out and have conversations. I also might add to that column. The people that are responding to my story is responding to my post. It’s always evolving, but I’m always looking at where my leads, what are my reach outs, where my conversations and I get going.

So, the first column is always what I share first, it’s the first exposure.

Whatever that looks like for you. Is it a group is it a video, is it a free account, whatever that is, the second is nurture a follow-up reconnecting follow-up, share another tool, this is why you need to know your tools. Do you have a webinar, you share? Do you have a watch party? Do you have a group?

And then I love three-way chats, I love validation. Hey, my friend Blair, she knows more about that than me, that’s really her area.

If it’s a customer wants to know about gut health. Let me grab her and she can answer those questions for you. So, then my next box would be… and sometimes they don’t go call them by column, sometimes they jump from nurture right, to business partners.

The next one would be ordering customer.

And so, she’s like, “Okay I love what I’m seeing, but I really want to have… I really want to see what’s happening with the product. So, she orders as a customer.

Maybe if you have a sampling system. She may then say, “Well I’m going to take you up on that sample”. What I’m saying is, you can see where you are by your leads. And the leads are where most people, and I did it as well, dropped the ball. We’re just kind of reaching out, we don’t really remember, we’re trying. And I am actively thinking and seeing just like that child learning mathematics and moving those cubes. I’m actually thinking and seeing where are we moving through this process? Does that make sense? Alright, so I got pictures up. I am going to have my whole business page, next week is going to be about this, about how we do this day-by-day. I’m going to give you a quick video, and I’m going to move you through this sticky note challenge. So, ordering customer, guess where people drop the ball in the ordering customer? Not nurturing while the product is on the way. So, I can see that during my business block.

Okay, I have three customers that just ordered, I need to check in with them, I need to let them know about their shipping, I need to continue to get them excited about the product on the way.

So, where many people will say, “Okay she ordered. They forget about that person. Then what happens next that person gets their box? Nobody’s following up, they’re like… That was really fun. I don’t know what to do with this product. They do it wrong. They believe you were just in it for this sale and it’s over.

So, think about it when I see that Sarah is in the customer section, I am still in contact. The reason why I can have more success with fewer in number, is because I nurture the hell out of every single person that comes into my funnel.

Some aren’t interested, that’s fine. I let them go. I don’t want to deal with people that are abrasive.

I will follow up, because sometimes people are abrasive because they’re in a bad time in their life, but I bless and release.

So, Sarah is now super excited to get our product and a big piece. If you are a product business, let’s say you do essential oils is getting to know why… Sarah ordered your product.

So, you’re working with her, you’re saying to her? Okay, I know that you want to have… You wanted to have a healthy way to disinfect the hockey equipment. Here’s a recipe. Oh my gosh, let me tag you in this.

You’re already getting that person involved in your community, so think about what you just saw with Sarah, you saw her go from my lead list, you saw reach out connection, connection, connections See how authentic it is to customer. And I’m already connecting and pulling her into groups and pulling her towards seeing how much fun it is to work with me, and the kind of intention that I will give to her.

So, Sarah gets her product. Then the next space that I have is the time that my product shipments run for me. It’s 5, 15th and 25th. I always want to be exceptional; I always want to help with, we have a customer referral program, most people do. So then I’m able to see her on the 15th and 25th during my business block when I go to what I call, just my office activities. I have back office activities, I will check in with my customers, make sure everything is going well, but if I don’t see my customers, and I don’t pull it out of the file, and it’s hiding some place that might not happen. Okay, then there’s also, there’s many times, a lot of people stuck in the nurture follow-up, and I just circle back through, and if I’m not going to keep 500 there, but I’m going to know that I’m going to follow up eight to 12 times, put a little check mark on my sticky note, give them reminders.

So then, will I have a column that says earning product for free upgraded to promoter, so I can see when they’ve upgraded to promoter. And then my next column is, all of the people in levels one through four, that are in their quick start bonus. Most companies have it, so I can literally look at my board and say need to check in with these customers need to follow up here. Oh, this person’s looking at a video. These people learn from their iPod. So, I’m not rifling through Messenger. And then I also, I have a section where I put affirmations around the new business partners and how successful, and I visualize, I have the energy around when I’m going to reach out. I literally look at that sticky note board and I say, “Okay God, universe, whoever it is who needs me today? And I also do that after a connection time on social media, so I can look at their name, see what’s going on, check out their stories. And so, it doesn’t feel like I’m just randomly reaching out, if that makes sense.

So, we’re working through that funnel, so we’re looking at the connection. Okay, who is it that we’re talking with today? Who needs to follow up? Where is everybody falling on this board? And I want to reiterate that when we actually visually see it when we have the energy around it. I put on bone, I’m like, “okay we’re working sticky notes today, we’re working this business we’re in creative mode, where in the flow of our business, we’re seeing it, and is many times people will say. Okay, I’ve got it now. I can literally move people through with an E on a task manager or using a different tool, but I am going to tell you that the most successful times I have in my business, and I have thousands and talons of promoters my team I’ve sponsored hundreds and hundreds of people is when I am in for my sales flow for and that is when I’m getting ready to get somebody to take a look at the business or ask them or invite them that is the flow that I use moving them through that funnel. And it’s a one the combination of daily action saying, “Okay I’m doing five today, I’m reaching out to five, I’m going to follow up with these four. I am going to do three different connections on social media but is it your content time? This is your reach out, follow up, take a look at the people that are in their bonus period scheduling some time with them to go back to say, Okay, if you do launch events or if they need to be on three-way chats, if that’s your leadership time.

So, it might not be during that 54321 or you reach out when you’re moving the sticky notes. But what this allowed me to do when I was in the biggest build the biggest build it took me six months to the touring of the company, and then I also did it again when I was pushing for another bonus, a re-rank bonus and it just literally was a big project that was a mission, it was the mission to move those sticky notes and then to love the sticky notes where they worked to love those customers and nurture those customers.

Now, I still keep my 5th, 15th and 25th customers all in front of me, at all times. And you might say, “Okay I constraints, I don’t have a wall.

Every single person has a wall in their house…I love using a white board, you can take notes, get one from Home Depot, however that looks. Find a corner, find a closet, your business deserves the space to build it. There is space in every 10-10, so even if you have to put up a fan and hit the garage, you will find a space for your business. And we talked about decluttering, make it a wall, put in a plant, have formations around it, when you build your board make it beautiful to look at. We don’t spend too much time making it like a craft show, but I wanted mine to at the top, I take action with faith and clarity. I am earning million by this point having, I love stars, I ordered some deals, get the sticky notes and start, start taking the actions so don’t wait until it’s beautiful, make it something that visually is appealing and also make it something that has affirmations around it. And if you have kids, how awesome for them to see how you’re working on a goal, how you’re showing them that this is the process that you are asking them. Hey, you know what, who do you know? Do you have the needs X, Y and Z? My son, when he was younger, he knew that this was a… That our product is one that helps with patients, it helps Mom’s not snip and snap at their kids and he would say, “Oh you know what, let’s add so-and-so’s mom you should probably have a conversation with her.

And it just becomes an exciting time to build your business when you start to see it and you look… And then what I can do is, if I see a ton of people that are sitting in that first section of just like, Hey, yeah, take a look and they get into the customer group and they’re not doing anything, or they’re not, I’m not nurturing them through fast enough, and they’re stuck, and I’m doing all the follow-ups. and the connecting that I have to say, well, maybe I don’t have qualified prospects on my list, maybe I need to take a look at how I’m bringing in new people, maybe I need to go out. One of the ways that I build is always to think about, how can I connect in places where I’ll find like my… Do people, maybe I need to look at if I have people that become a business partner, but they’re not moving over to the bonus column.

Obviously, my onboarding needs to take a needs to shift and if my sticky note, board is getting dusty, and I’m in total management more mode, and I don’t have anybody new in the sampling or the customer or the first part, it means that I have gone into management mode with my team and I’m not building in how I know bringing in new people to have new eyes.

And so, it allows you to say, “Okay so if I’m stuck in this place is that my mindset is it my tool?

So maybe if… And I did this with a coaching client last week during our mastermind. She was getting stuck and I said, yes, I’ll take a look at what you’re doing. But nobody was watching her 10-minute video.

So, we worked on saying, “Well maybe it’s the video that they’re getting stuck.

And so we did some market research right there in our group, and we talked about and said, Okay, so if somebody sent you that 10-minute video, and we all said, we think your products are great, we don’t want to watch 10 minute video, so how can we shift that conversation, and guess what? Her rank advanced twice because she shifted. she noticed in her column of… They said yes, they weren’t moving through that challenge.

So that is the visual of the sticky note, it as you do it, has you be an action, it has you see the results that has you looking for, and acting as a CEO. It’s not just like, “Oh I can’t figure out how to use tech. So, I’m going to use sticky notes. It is literally a visual representation of how your business looks, and then how you can assess, how you can say; are my tools working? Okay, maybe I should do some more three-way chats, maybe I should switch up my social media to attract more leads. It helps you to be the CEO of your business. So, I’m going to encourage you to join me.

We’re actually, we’ll do this over in camp, elevate and on the business page over the next seven days, we’re just going to start talking about how to set this up, how it works, so that everybody can get even more training on this.

So that is the end of the sticky note episode, but I know it’s something that we will revisit.

And I want to thank you for being with us today, and I have a really, really, really exciting announcement, so stay with me. I do not press stop, stay with me. I am so excited about this. So, one of the huge things that has happened for me during the stay-at-home parenting time has been that I finally was able to really figure out where I want to be spending my time in terms of helping people to build their business. And you know that I have a high-level mastermind, and that happens twice a year and it’s a pretty exclusive group and it is a big investment.

So, I kept getting the signs when God give you signs, and when you’re like everyone’s like, this is… You’re so good at helping me to know what to do daily helping me to know, Okay, here’s my affirmation. Here are some words to use. Here’s how I’ll set up my week here’s how I will set up my day systems. Like the sticky note method. And teaching. The teaching, all of the different pieces, all of the different suitcases that we need to get to the destination, it’s your millionaire action plan.

So, I wanted to put together a way that I could do this and help many people and still do what I love, which is community building and connecting… And having a chance to do some laser coaching sessions each month bringing in, bringing in some of the people that I know that are really, really good at teaching some of these systems and tools, but having a daily action plan, a millionaire action plan. a map daily.

So. we are launching and get this, you get to come in as a founding member, get locked in at next to nothing, and actually help to build this out.

We’re building most of it, most of it is already ready to go, but we have so many bonuses meaning there’s a sticky note download. There is a specific training that is just this what I just talked about, there’s specific trainings on the focused framework their scripts, there’s way to post on social media. But every day in the map membership, it’s a membership group every single day, there is going to be a prompt that comes up, or with your mindset with words to use ideas for follow-up ideas for posts and accountability.

How’s that sound like? I am so excited. It’s called the Map Membership.

f you want to be one of our founders, and our founders, the VIP circle, will be locked in at $27 a month for the rest of your life, because it is going to go way up. It’s, just get on the list, get on the list and say I’m in and when we are ready for the first commitment, which is going to be this really cool 30-day plan that you’re going to get for free. I’m not going to tell you what the plan is yet because it is super amazing, and worth way more than $27 for your first month. I want you to get on the list because I am going to limit it to the first 150 at that price.

So,, get on the list and there’s going to be some exclusions that you’ll need to check because I always say this, that I stay compliant with my personal network marketing companies policies and procedures, I cannot sell to people that are with my company. So, if you fall into that category, you are not qualified, but if you don’t, you can go to and get on the VIP list.

We were going to have grand openings, bonuses founder circle. It’s going to be incredible.

I like freaking out and so excited. So,, get on in there and I can’t wait. Even the first person from this podcast is getting a special gift.

It’s like my own party, it’s my party, I can cry if I want to, I should never sing again.

That’s it for today. I love you all, and as you can tell, I’m like freaking out excited about what we have coming and as always, the podcast will be with you every single week and I am going to be interviewing millionaires coming up on what is their daily action plan, and again, you briefly move your sticky notes, set it up. You have the ability to do it ever you dream of with your business.


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