Episode 18: The PERFECT Plan (This might surprise you!)
Dec 30, 2019What’s The Episode About…
Hey friends and happy new year! If you are a regular listener, thank you. You are listening to this on Monday, when we drop it at 6:00 AM. This is going to be an exceptional podcast for you because I’m going to clear the clutter of manifesting, goal setting, passion planners, love attraction, manifesting journals, whatever kind of system, goal setting, how we do it, how we shouldn’t do it, that is cluttering your brain. You’re going to clear it up today and give you a specific plan to move your business and your life goals forward. So, let’s get started.
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
- No Boss Talk
- The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
- Beth’s Instagram
- Beth’s Website
- The Profit HER Way Course
Keynotes discussed:
- We spend so much time with the number one, the number one block that happens is we have a failure to launch or start. (04:39)
- What are the things that need to happen for you to live an aligned life with joy, purpose, and freedom? (08:06)
- Seeing all of the good things, not being annoyed with the bad things and using breathwork and all of those pieces. (12:39)
- There are so many different ways to do it, but don’t get caught up in finding the perfect way to manifest in the perfect way to ask the universe and the perfect way to do the morning routine. (14:44)
- But what I want you to know about all of that is after the visualization and after knowing the destination and after deciding how I was going to get there and how you’re going to get there takes imperfect action. (19:42)
When Did It Air…
December 30, 2019
Episode Transcript…
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Hey friend and happy New Year! If you are regular listeners, thank you, because you’re listening to this on Monday when we drop it at 6:00 AM, and if it’s March, April, June, July, this is still going to be an exceptional podcast for you because I’m going to clear the clutter of manifesting goal setting, passion planners, love attraction, manifesting journals, whatever kind of system, goal setting, how we do it, how we shouldn’t do it. That is cluttering your brain. You’re going to clear it up today and give you a specific plan to move your business and your life goals forward. So let’s get started. Before we do that, I’m going to read to you one of my favorite reviews that came in from DJ-Blaine and she said, I knew of you but not a whole lot. When I saw your name on Rob Sperry’s podcast and was like, I have to check this out. That led me here and I have listened to all of the episodes.
I am blown away and truly inspired. So much of the content has spoken to me and lit or re-lit the fire in my heart. I know I want more out of life and I have been feeling a little lost lately. Your podcast came at the right time. Thank you for sharing your heart and journey. So DJ Blaine, thank you so much and I know exactly how you feel because I have been here and I hope you’re with us over in Camp Elevate and please let me know who you are in real life so that we can connect over on Facebook messenger or in the Instagram DMS. And I so appreciate the downloads, the reviews, the shares. This podcast was on my bucket list for 2019 and I have to tell you that it took almost six months for me to finally launch. And I was just chatting with my friend Kristina before recording and she’s getting ready to launch her podcast.
And she said, I just keep talking into the microphone and it doesn’t sound like me. And so I want to tell you all in 2020 just be you boo, on social media, in your business. How you plan, how you set your goals, how you want to show up, be you okay. And I sign my emails Be You Bravely, because I think so much of the time we are so worried about what other people will think about us, how it’s supposed to look, how we’re supposed to post. Are we supposed to take that picture of our toes and say, working from my home office, how do you want to show up? How do you want to share your business? And that’s what this podcast is about today. So let’s get started. As we leave behind 2019 it’s everywhere. Every podcast, the posts, the planners that are coming into your Facebook ads and your Instagram ad feeds, how to set goals, how to not set goals, how to manifest.
There is so much information that sometimes I think we just stop and it’s the same way with building your business. Everybody’s saying, okay, say your company, don’t say your company, have a group, don’t have a group. Send this message. Don’t send the message. Be in high vibration. Don’t send messages on days you’re in a low vibrational state. If it’s not with a three-way messenger chat or a three-way call, it’s wrong. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Have you ever felt like all of these things, imagine the conversation bubble over your head. Have you ever felt like there was so much noise? You don’t even know what to do? So 2019 this is what I’m asking you and I’m going to do it as well to leave behind, leave behind the noise and the chaos, the comparison. I wonder if I should journal this. What should I say?
What should I do? And just be you. What feels good for you? Okay, so let’s talk about that. We spend so much time with the number one, the number one block that happens is we have a failure to launch or start. So as we look at setting goals, for example, in 2019 we’re saying journal about what happened, journal about what, well, journal about what didn’t go well. Make a list of the things that made you so proud and make a list of the things that you want to not repeat. Okay? So you might be in Facebook groups like mine, you might be in 17 different groups. And I notice I’ll see people that are commenting all over the place. They’re doing a challenge in one group, a challenge in the next group. And I used to be that person. I used to think I’ve got to hold on to all of the information I’ve got to be doing what Ray Higdon says, what Rob Sperry says, what Tanya Eliza says, and Oh, over here we have another influencer and they’re all so good, right?
Everybody has. There are podcasts that I just, every time I listen and I’m like an oversharer, ask the women in my group, I’m like, Hey, now we’re listening to this podcast and check this out. That’s great to be excited, but as you move forward in 2020 I want to ask you to decide what works for you and give yourself at least a quarter to stick with it. Find one mentor, find one podcast. Sure listen, I listen to all different varieties of podcasts. But if you’re really, really into learning Instagram strategy and stories and then you jump over and you’re like, okay, now I’m going to learn to use Facebook groups to grow my business, and tomorrow I’m going to do this. Ask add tag message thing and then you’re jumping back over to Instagram. But you’re not following up with anything, then you’re probably not seeing the growth.
And I relate this to every single time, like this is totally me and if you can relate, I’ll see a friend, you guys, let’s talk health for a second. We know what it takes to get fit and to be healthy and I always have on my affirmations, I’m a size six, healthy, lean athlete. Okay, I know what it takes to be a size six, healthy lean athlete. I absolutely positively know, but it never, never, never fails that. I see a friend who’s having great weight loss success and she’s looking super lean and I’ll be like, what are you doing? Who’s your trainer? What program? Send it my way. Send it my way, send it my way. Guess what? That’s what happens in business. You know what to do and the same thing with the forever search. You guys right in front of me, I have seven calendars because I’m obsessed with planners. My law of attraction is one of them.
My business coach, Susan Hyatt has an incredible planner this year. That’s the one I’m sticking with because when I have a coach I’m going to use what she says to use. I’m going to when I decide, all right, this is the person that I’m working with this year. So that’s what I’m going to do, is to follow through and that’s such great advice. So she was a planner. I mean, we could do it on a piece of notebook paper, right? Choose a way that you’re going to put the rocks into your planner. That’s first and foremost. What are the rocks? What are the things that need to happen for you to live an aligned life with joy, purpose, and freedom? So make sure you know your rocks. It doesn’t matter what planner you use, it doesn’t matter if you’re specific on your manifesting. I’m sorry. All the people out there that will say, I need this and more.
You are your first rock, so take care of that rock. All right. Now, what has to happen for your business? There are so many different mentors and ideas, but every single thing, most of you listening, our network marketers, so I started to talk about the destination and I got a little squirrelly, so we’ve got to know where we’re going. All right? With all of these things, let’s plan quarterly goals. I like to do things in 90-day spurts because we can get carried away and we can also get carried away with a zillion things that we’re going to take care of. It’s like trying to clean up clutter first we start in the pantry and then all of a sudden we’ve got things left out in the garage. And this is, this is me, I’m very visual, very intuitive. I’m not very list driven, so I’m going to work on that this year.
But let’s talk about the destination for each of these places. So we’ve got the calendar, we know our rocks, and now I’m going to ask you to choose three different goals. One goal in each area. Now you may have a different way to do this, but humor me on this one. What would be one health and wellness goal? One goal for your wellbeing, and write that down. Where do you want to be? What’s possible for you in the next 90 days? And then I want you to below it, say what are three actions that I can agree to take at least five days a week that will get me to that one goal. Now, same thing for business. So you may say, I want to make a multiple six-figure income in 2020 and that’s awesome, but let’s break that down. And if you’re a network marketer and you’re thinking, what will that take, what are the pieces of your business that have to be there for you to make that income for you to hit that rank for you to have?
I have a lot of coaches that, listen, that’s a lot easier because if you have a program that’s a six-month program that costs $2,500 you know how many people need to be enrolled in your program. Maybe you run some Facebook ads, it gets a little bit more complicated because you’ve got more expenses. But really take some time to say, if this is my goal, what are the things that I think, and if you need to ask somebody that’s more experienced than you be the squeaky wheel, ask, like what does it take to get to this level? What does it take? So that business goal, and then I want you to have your personal goal. So that would be, I have three different clients right now that have said to me, without me even saying personal, that one of their big areas of focus in working with me and my Profit Her Way program is to have a better, closer, more connected relationship with their husband.
All right, so that was a huge goal for me in 2019 and I had three action steps that I took a day for that to happen. And many of you have heard about, the dog walks like the dog walks phone free twice a day, 60 minutes you guys. It was miraculous. It was like we are dating again. Also visualizing. So bringing in my woo side, visualizing, and having gratitude around that human being. Okay> And seeing all of the good things, not being annoyed with the bad things and using breathwork and all of those pieces. We talk about a lot of that in the podcast, so whether you’re in a passion planner or the law of attraction, or I’m looking at my newest journal, which is called, what is this thing called? Let me see the name of it. It was super expensive. It’s got power sheets.
I don’t even know what it’s called. It was. It’s got some great goal setting sheets, but there are so many things on Pinterest about setting goals that you can just go and grab for free. But here’s the deal. You’ve got to know the destination and then you’ve got to know the steps that you’re willing to take to get there or the steps that you are committing to take and don’t let yourself down. That’s the piece, is we say I’m going to lose 35 pounds in 2020, and I’m going to help my family to financial freedom. So break it down. What do we need to do in those first 90 days? What can we wake up to do and what will it take in our routines and rituals to get to that place? So that is the answer. That’s the answer to all of your goal setting issue is many of you will do visualization exercises and I highly recommend good visualization of once you know those goals, breathing in, breathing out, seeing it, see where you are at the end of those 90 days.
See how it feels. What will it sound like? Like when you’re having, when you’re on that stage getting that rank award or what will it feel like when you open up your commission report and there is an amount of money that is, that is just what you’ve manifested and what you visualized happening. When you ask for these things, you can always ask for and more or and beyond. There’s all different ways. I mean many of you study Gabby Bernstein, many of you study lots of different people that are in that. There’s that awesome podcast, the Manifestation Bade, so there’s so many different ways to do it, but don’t get caught up in finding the perfect way to manifest in the perfect way to ask the universe, and the perfect way to do the morning routine. Let’s break it down and then we’re going to cut this off is you deserve everything that you desire in 2020. Say that I deserve and I am open and I am creating everything I desire in 2020. I truly believe that the subconscious and conscious mind, if you continue to say there’s too much information, I’m too overwhelmed.
This doesn’t work. All of those pieces are what you’ve got to be sure that you’re speaking in a positive vibe. I’m on the way, I’m ready to create. I’m ready to hit that destination. If you say things like, I don’t know what I want, I don’t know what to do. It’s clouding. Those blocks are clouding your clarity, so believe that it’s possible. That’s the first thing is no matter what calendar you use, no matter what goal you set, do you believe that it’s possible? If I didn’t believe that being a size six lean athlete for my health and my wellness, and honestly because I’m vain and I wanna look good and I feel better and I’m more confident. If I didn’t believe it was possible, then I would sabotage those results. So believe that it’s possible. The other block that people become people, clients, friends, me, one of the reasons why I didn’t launch a coaching program until 2019. And let me tell you how excited I am for Profit Her Way, and how excited I am for our real-life camp event that’s going to come up.
So stay tuned, we’ll get you on that list. But it’s because I was overwhelmed with what it would take. And the other thing is what will people think? So getting in the way of the perfect goal setting plan of the perfect desire of the perfect, you know, we talk about yes, visualize, yes, I want you to know your end game. And yes, I want you to have your affirmations written. And we’ve talked about morning routines and we’ve talked about all of these things, the goals, the three steps that it takes. Having accountability, not getting distracted with all of the 17, 18 19,000 different ways to do it. But if you believe that it’s not possible, that is a huge block. Do you believe it’s possible? The other thing that gets in my way, it gets in everybody’s way. It was one of the big reasons why I didn’t launch that coaching program because it was a little bit out of the ordinary to have a coaching program along with leading a large team and keeping it totally separate from one from the other by coaching program is completely on the outside of my network marketing business.
And also, you know, it’s a big responsibility to have people want to be mentored and actually pay money to do that. And I am one of the biggest advocates I have spent, at least since I started my business in this, this number might shock you. I’ve spent over a hundred thousand dollars in my own personal development and coaching and I’m not advocating you can’t do it without, it was just, I love to learn. I love to be mentored. I love accountability. So there are many people that do it without, but that is a big piece of who I am is always growing and learning. So are you worried about what people will think about what you desire? Do you believe it’s possible and you have to work on that belief over and over and over again? The other thing is, are you overwhelmed with what it will take?
And a big block that I find is your brain wants to focus because we’re still like prehistoric, and I’m not a brain research guru, but I’ve done enough personal development and reading to know that our brain is conditioned. Think about what’s going to go wrong. Is the Lion going to sneak up and eat me? Are we going to run out of food? We no longer have those issues. So we have to recondition our brain to get clear on what is going to go right and be a little more clear on not, I want to have unlimited money, but what does that mean? What does rich sound like to you? Does that mean freedom? Does it mean I’m having options for your family? Does it mean unlimited travel and getting clear on those options? So what we want to be looking at as we go into 2020 are those three goals, the three action steps and how we’re using our brain conditioning to make sure that we visualize it, that we work on the affirmations and that we put the big rocks on our calendar and that we do…drum roll please, The action that it takes.
So I am a true believer in manifestation. I have manifested a lot of things. I manifested the man that I’m married to. I manifested the marriage that I have, the house that I live in, the business that I have, and even the coach that I’m working with and the program that I’m building. But what I want you to know about all of that is after the visualization and after knowing the destination and after deciding how I was going to get there and how you’re going to get there takes imperfect action. We might not always do it perfectly, but being an action, getting out of overwhelm. I have people that are still shopping for their calendar. They’re still asking which one should I use? So stop the scroll and get into action and put that rock on your calendar when you know what your personal goals are, your health goals, your relationship goals, your business goals, when you know what those are, how will you get there?
And I’m going to give you a little bonus to the end of this episode because I wanted to be, make sure I’m right at 25 minutes. So I had a question today that came into my inbox from one of my good friends. His name is Jason Stewart and he’s always, always learning. He’s always absorbing, he’s always asking questions and he said to me, if you could tell me one thing that you, you would have done differently on your way to the top rank of the company on your way to becoming an industry millionaire, what would that be? And I thought, okay, I’m going to pause for a minute. And then he also asks, what’s your daily method of operation? And many of you over in Camp Elevate know that I just gave everybody a free daily intentional planning sheet. So I’m going to give that a little plug right now.
And then I’m gonna go into what I would have done differently and it has all to do with what we’re talking about on this episode. So the daily intentional plan is basically my daily plan for how high I have grown my entire business. So I have a download for you and it’s free. It’s at Bethholdinggraves.com/plan and you’re going to get this, you’re, you’d be like, wait, I don’t know how to fill this out because it doesn’t give you instructions. I’m going to work on a blog post that has the instructions on it, but I have a video where I actually, it’s a Zoom and we did a campfire over in Camp Elevate. So if you want to know what my actual daily intentional plan, it’s a calendar sheet that you actually put it next to your hour by hour. You can grab that and then get over in the Camp Elevate Group, let me know, like send me a DM that says, Hey, tag me in the training.
I’m going to put this training all together so you can actually get it. But for now, trust me. You want to know what that daily intentional plan is because I see you guys, I just keep it so simple and I’m going to tell you right now that on that we talk about the rocks. We talk about the five four, three, two one that I have used to build my business. We talked about that on the episode with Rob Sperry and that will be your books, your happy new year gift and I’m going to be doing another training on the daily intentional plan in camp elevate and it is all free and you guys summer camp for women. We are having so much fun. The sisterhood in that group is insane. I have had last week if you go over to the Camp Elevate Instagram page you can see that we highlight a camper every weekend.
They talk about camp and it’s a dream of mine. You guys, I have waited to go back to summer camp because that has been my favorite place on earth. Shout out to Black River Farm and Ranch and all my BR girlfriends. If you had a summer camp, I want to hear about it. And then Instagram and I dreamed of a summer camp for business. And for the answer to the question that Jason had, what would you have done differently? I worked really, really, really, really hard and I worked in a focused way when I knew what my goal was and I knew what I wanted to create and I was very specific about it. But I would have been a whole lot better about the self-care, health, personal goal, portion. And so what I would have done is to have put into my calendar those hours that were unplugged with my son, with my daughter at the gym, and taking better care of the glass balls.
And if you haven’t heard the glass ball episode, that’s one of my very first ones. And I think that’s what I would have done differently. I mean, I, when he said that, and then he also asked me what I would have continued to do. And staying in motion is always so important. So when I talked about choosing one mentor, choose one way, one of the things that happened along the way, I got off track by thinking I needed to do something exceptional. Like Oh Hey if I build this, so I’ll give you an example. I felt like guilty as charged to thinking that there was a way to build it without the five four, three, two one personal connection, personal conversations and personally helping people to hit their goals when they get rolling. And one of the biggest pieces that I can brag about is the community and the culture.
We have it over in Camp Elevate and we also have it with my personal network marketing team, and it’s because I’m super hands-on. And I kept thinking, because I would remember this episode is about finding the planner, finding the system that works. I’d be like where I’d see all this like be automated, never talked to your family and friends get 78,000 leads with one opt-in. So I thought oh maybe I should learn some systems to help some people on my team. And that would be cool to wake up in the morning with an inbox full of people. And really what happens is I became distracted by thinking that there was another way instead of just getting better at what was already working. And so what was already working was providing value on social media, having a ton of connection, creating community and engagement inside of challenge groups around our product or around the business model and just shutting my mouth and listening to people and asking questions and then asking.
And that five, four, three, two, one, you know, five conversations that see if someone’s open but not just like, Hey girl type of messages. Really, really connecting in a way that sees if this is a good fit for them. So five and then four, follow up, staying with your customers, staying with the people that are interested, following up, providing value, providing more information. Three social media posts a day. Three things in my stories that are constantly engaging, interacting, engaging and interacting with other people, pulling people toward me because the right people will come your way if the pole is there. Remember Digital Persuasion with Erin King? She does incredible tradings on this, on Instagram. And I would encourage you to follow her and get her book Digital Persuasion. It’s great for marketing. And then add two to the list today. Remember that is the two and consistently making two new connections a day of social media in real life.
Getting two people added. Because our job, if we’re in sales, if we’re networking, is to add people into our circle, invite them in. So I’m like this podcast level, this podcast is invited people into my life, into my training, which is growing Camp Elevate, right? And then some people are like, Hey, I really want to take it to the next level and work with a private coach, or I need a supportive sisterhood or I just need somebody to listen to. That’s a little kooky, that’s willing. I think some of my charm is that I’m kind of willing to say what other people aren’t willing to say. I don’t know. It’s kind of always been my charm. So get rid of the overwhelm in 2020 and there’s so much good stuff. There are so many good mentors. There’s so many good guides, but instead of being in 27 different groups doing 27 different things, following 27 different people, choose one voice to listen to.
I’d be honored if you decided, Hey, I’m going to get over to Camp Elevate, but there are so many different ways to build your business but be focused on the activity and the actions on the mindset, on what I call like the brain discipline to get away from. I’m so overwhelmed, I’ve run out of people to talk to. Nobody wants what I have. I don’t think anybody hits the top rank of that company anymore. If I only had the upline support, you guys cut it out. It is available to you in 2020 you get to make the decision. You get to put the rocks on your calendar. The important things you get to decide how you are going to show up. How are you going to show up for yourself? Nobody is standing there. And I always say this like when we talk about the health and wellness goals, nobody is standing there like spoon-feeding me chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
That’s my choice. Nobody is standing there giving you overwhelm or not doing your business. That’s your choice. It is available to you, it is available for you to have a business that’s calm, that’s cool, that’s flowing, have that declaration and we’re going to be working this week and if it’s not January, we’re always working on writing declarations for our business and for our life. And I want you to think about what do you declare to be possible in 2020 and that’s the one thing that I’ll ask of you and I’ll share a couple of declarations here. I was actually listening to another podcast and I always like to give credit where credit is due. And this one was from project me with Tiffany and she was talking about declarations and one of the declarations that she stated and she talks about, go over and listen to the podcast, it’s awesome.
And she talks about having cards using a color that feels powerful to you. And this is the, I know I just said don’t follow a million people, but I wanted to share the declarations and I feel so strongly about not, you know, making something that’s somebody else’s my own. And so I did want to shout her out and what she said was, decide what you declare instead of a resolution. So we’re going to end 2019 with just, first of all, I’ll share the declarations as I close this out, but I want to say how incredibly grateful and honored and blessed I feel that you are listening, whether you’re at the gym, whether you’re in your car, whether you’re just out walking the dogs, you have made a choice out of thousands and thousands of podcasts and thought leaders and guides and people that just decide to start a podcast.
You’ve made a choice to listen and to be a part of this community with all of us. And I feel like, honestly, I’m all teary. Those of you that know me know I cry at the drop of a hat and I hope to know you personally. That is my goal in 2020 is I am a person hugger and I just visualize sitting around a campfire with you, having my friend Leslie and Diane, they don’t even know it yet, but I’m manifesting them. Singing some Dixie chicks, maybe some John Denver, and for us to do this work together because I want nothing more than for all of you listening to have what you desire to have what you deserve. As we all just expand our big accounts, expand our joy, and expand our impact. So my wish for you is everything you desire in 2020 and I promise you this, I will bring to you my best and I will get you the best of everyone.
So these are some of the declarations I want to close out that, over with Project Me with Tiffany that she shared. That’s a great podcast and I’m going to do this tonight. I’m going to write down my declarations and she said, “I declare that everything I deeply desire and to serve is going to come to me with ease, joy, and clarity”. Another one that she shared was “I declare that all of the amazing abundance and goodness of the world will shower upon me every day in 2020.” So make your declaration, make it yours. I’m working on mine. They get pretty with the power color, a color that just makes you feel that your vibration, that your energy is high. I want you to know that everything you desire is yours, and then share a picture of that with the overs at camp. Share it in the DMS, and as always, thank you so much for being with me today.
I cannot wait for 2020 because we have so many incredible and awesome things that we are going to accomplish together. Here’s just a quick reminder before you head on your way. The Profit HER Way mastermind enrollment is open! I want to make sure you get on that list so you do not miss the bonuses that are coming to those that have signed up for the first-week launch. So head on over to BethHoldenGraves.com/Profit and get yourself scheduled for a call with me. But make sure you reach out to me in the DMS and let me know that you’re interested and you want more information, so that we make sure that you are in and ready to go because working together with a coach, with accountability, with an actual system and method for building Profit HER Way is going to help you accelerate and go even faster in 2020.
Thanks so much for hanging with me today on the podcast and remember, you can create what you crave. If you’re looking for a supportive sisterhood, I would love to see you over in our free Facebook group. As most of you know, I love camp. It’s part of, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ because when we’re building this thing, we’re doing this thing. We need a supportive sisterhood and I also crave more fun and more connection. Join us at Camp Elevate over in the Facebook world, and we will see you around our campfire and help you to create what you crave.