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Episode 5: The Millionaire Maker: Danelle Delgado Interview

entrepreneur gratitude mindset network marketing Oct 10, 2019

What’s The Episode About…

In today’s episode, I’m talking to Danelle Delgado, one of my biggest inspirations and author of the book, I Choose Joy, Danelle is going to teach us how to build a super-powerful routine that will help you commit to goals and transform your life into something that’s really worth admiring. 

In this episode, we are talking about the real work behind achieving those goals, about the importance of gratitude, learning and sacrifice. This is going to be one amazing experience where you will learn how to get yourself in motion and start making an impact on others.

Tune in and take the opportunity to learn all these amazing lessons by one of the top business mentors ever. 

Key points discussed

  • Danelle’s thorough talent scouting and the reason why she chose Beth  (03:26)
  • From the worst human in sales ever to life-changing author (10:00)
  • The gratitude, growth goals routine and how to start working on it (15:32)
  • The importance of being aligned with your goals, finding your true north (22:51)
  • Take the gratitude, growth and goals challenge today (27:48)
  • Simplify your process, how to narrow down your goals? (30:51)


Learn More About The Content Discussed…

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When Did It Air…

October 10, 2019


Episode Transcript…

Beth Holden Graves

So I am so excited about this episode because the reason for this podcast was the inspiration of my mentor, Denelle Delgado. Welcome. I am not even going to give you an intro because we’re going to talk about it as we go. I don’t like podcasts where they are like and blah blah, blah like reading and the biography, but you are known as the millionaire mentor and so, hi.


Danelle Delgado

Hi Beth. I love being here with you today. You are crushing it and watching you develop this and build a place for people to learn the details that most don’t talk about. So I’m fired up to be here. This is awesome.


Beth Holden Graves 

Yes, because when I met with you, so you guys, it’s really cool. You just never know. Whatever it is, the universe, God, whatever, the forces. I was sitting in a huge, huge stadium at the 10 times bolder and it was really hustling, grind. It was a lot of testosterone and I was like, I’m kind of in an M the flow Bohemian woman and all of a sudden it’s like everything stood still and Denelle comes out on stage. I didn’t know who she was and I was like, I’ve got to know this woman. What, how long did you speak? Like talk about how you ended up. Okay, well let’s go back. If somebody said, Denelle, what do you do? What would you tell them?


Danelle Delgado

Yes, I help entrepreneurs get paid. Most viewers are wantrepreneurs and they work really hard to build something on the side and they hustle and they hustle and they failed to make money. So a lot quit. I take talent, I’m a talent scout and I helped them build a business in a way that they can get paid.


Beth Holden Graves 

So I didn’t know that, but I had a feeling that I needed to know in my life. And you guys, this is a kind of a crazy thing. You guys know my origin story that I lead a big network marketing team, but I just get, I kept getting this nudge like okay, I’ve got more than I need to be doing. And I had hired a lot of coaches and paid a lot of money and got like, I was a wantrepreneur, but I still had my big network marketing piece, so I’d always fall back. So I send you a Facebook message. I don’t know what I, what did I even say? I wish I could scroll back.


Danelle Delgado

We should scroll back. I don’t even know. But I happen to, I got a lot of messages that day. I’ll tell you more than I responded to so many more. But for some reason I had my phone in my hand and me, there was nobody around and I happened to pick it up and right, you’re right back.


Beth Holden Graves 

Yeah. And I was like, why do you, cause it said the millionaire mentor, the maker, the, and you had to S you just talked about doing what you’re passionate about and making things happen and growth and gratitude goals. We’ll talk about that. So we get on the phone, and I’m going to tell you guys this, because so many people are buying $2 courses and $97 things and, and it’s, and pray, like you said, wantrepreneur. I think I’ll build this course. I think I’ll do this. I think I’ll launch this group and it’s like $97 times 10 you guys is only $970 and I was thanking me, I sent it to now I don’t know what it is that I want to be doing but I know I’ve got a lot of ideas and we get on the phone and like in 12 minutes. I committed and I’m just going to say it because I think people need to know the investment.


Beth Holden Graves 

I committed to a $15,000 two day intensive with a woman that I didn’t even check a referral. I didn’t even know if she was real. Like she could’ve been like, seriously I dream of Jeannie that popped out of a lush. She kind of is. I dream of Jamie and my husband was like, okay look, I can tell you believe that you need to do this. And so I think this is cool. I was going to ask you all these questions about, cause you’ve created all these millionaires, you’ve got this, you lead these high-level masterminds, you teach people how to sell. But a lot of people I think are curious about how people go about that intensive. You only choose a few.


Danelle Delgado

Yes. Well here’s the thing is, you know when I say talent scout it’s on purpose. I can put people through a series of questions or tests and know if they are the people I should be working with. So everybody has a level, right? If they haven’t invested at all and they don’t know how I train, then it’s probably not going to be a great arrangement. I want them to test, take something a little smaller with me. Let’s say a core something and see if they put it to action. Because if they’re willing to act on what I teach, they’ll get results and then we can go to the next level. Right? But then there’s those people who invest, who are willing to work, who, who have one a little bit already, who are really looking for someone who will walk by their side, show them the footprint, help them build a business that makes sense, a natural progression rather than doing what everybody else is doing.


Danelle Delgado

Right. For me, it’s about building independent businesses that are all designed around someone’s foundation, who they are, what they stand for, what they love to do, what makes their heartbeat, how they can help the most people the fastest. Right? It’s not about creating anything that you could monetize. You could monetize anything, right? But it’s about building something that aligns with someone’s intellectual property, their passion for life, what they can actually help people deliver on because that’s how you make the art of the sale, right? Someone can sell something there a hundred percent behind. They cannot sell something that they question and so for me, it’s just about having conversations with people in a couple of minutes. I can tell who they are, what they stand for and if there’s someone who is ready for an intensive with me or if they’re ready for a course, right. If they’re ready for a warmup and you got on the phone and I was like, man, she’s, she’s ready to dive in.


Danelle Delgado

She’s ready to build another Milton, you know, multimillion-dollar funnel and, and that’s someone who’s hungry, who’s willing to put in the work and it just takes someone to adjust to bounce ideas off of who’s done it before that was willing to walk through them. Most coaches, most mentors, there’s a lot of them out there who want to share what they know and say, go get it for me, I want to share what I know based around what you want to create and help you see it through to the finish line where it changes your family, it changes your life, it changes how you structure everything in the future. Like how exciting is it to like not to see the prize. I will never understand that. So I’d rather work with a few people, help them create massive results, like change, help them give back to this world than just say, Hey, I made a difference by inspiring millions of people. I don’t want to inspire them. I want to help them be significant.


Beth Holden Graves 

That’s fine. Yeah. And so I picked up at the airport as we bet. And I kept saying, do I need to prepare anything? What do I need to do? Do I need to? And she’s like, no, just, and your first assignment for me was gratitude. Every single morning writing, whatever. And I was like, Oh my gosh. Like is she one of those cookie people that’s just going to tell me if I write it down, it’ll happen while I learned quickly, yes, we write it down, but there is massive action that needs to happen. It’s not just like let’s manifest it into the universe. Although once the gratitude started, I showed up in such a, eh, my head was clear of like, are we ready to pick her up at the airport? And we had down to the keys. And I just, I think that it’s such a shame that so many women out there are afraid to take that leap. Not saying that they need to do what I did, but to invest time and faith and money and, and we just sat and we had, we laughed. Oh my gosh, we laughed. We laughed so hard that we are getting people pounding on, we’re pounding on the wall next to us.


Danelle Delgado

It’s got about that. Well, here’s the thing. I think what people don’t realize is they feel like they’re investing in someone else to learn. Right? But they’re investing in me or they’re investing in someone else. They’re not. They’re really putting their money where their mouth is and saying, I’m worth it. I am ready to be worth my investment, taken away from my family in order to give back. Right? There’s a, there’s a sense of responsibility that happens when you say, I’m going to bet on me and it’s so big that I have to be my word and stand up under it. Right? Cause I think so many entrepreneurs just dabble, right? So they’ll start to invest a little bit and then their family’s like, it’s not working. It’s not working. And I was like, well, they didn’t really go all in. They gave a little, they got a little right. And I’ll say, listen, yes, you start with giving a little and you show up. Right? But most people, until they find someone who believes in them more than they believe in themselves, who’s willing to do the hard work with them, you know, they have to be surrounded with an environment that’s coaching them to win, right? Not an environment that’s coaching them to dabble. The stars never aligned for those who dabble ever.


Beth Holden Graves 

Right? So what was your first big investment? So a little history is now, why don’t you share the cliff notes of the story and you guys, you can watch the video. If you go over, we’re going to put in the show notes how you can find it. Now, if you go over to our Facebook page and Danelle Delgado, there’s a video that that is so powerful. But your story about, I mean, you just wake up one day and be like, I’m just gonna like coach and mentor and help people make an impact. Make money. Like there was a start to this cause you, this is what I loved is so many people hang their shingle and say, I’m a coach. And you went out and did it and one multiple time before you said, okay, now people are going to pay me lots of money to be in my space.


Danelle Delgado

Yeah. I just couldn’t coach something that I hadn’t performed personally. Right. So they’re like, Oh, you’re great at speaking. You’re so great at sales. And I was like, ah, I was the worst in the world. I mean, my entire life turned around when I had to earn right. I got divorced. Three tiny kids have to do it. I was the worst human in sales ever. My entire, like my mentors, told me to quit because I was so bad. And so I became a student. I studied, I read every book I called every friend I knew in sales, in every industry, auto industry, financial services, uh, network marketing. I called everyone. I sat in on meetings. I listened on three-way phone calls. I studied, I practiced, I wrote out scripts for myself. Like I worked so hard and I spent 30 days implementing that and I sold zero things.


Danelle Delgado

Zero, like hundreds and hundreds of people. I was bawling. It was December. I couldn’t do Christmas stuff for my kids. Like it was pretty rough if right. That’s when it turned around for me. That’s what I said. It’s enough. There’s no reason I can’t do that exit. So I took all that training and started implementing. I started working right 30 more days where most people would have quit right where they went all in, completely worst. Mom in the world can’t provide for Christmas for their kids, speaking of, they don’t remember that, thank goodness. But I do write, it was like the biggest loss of my life. Um, took all that into complete implementation. The next month I made a whole heck of a lot of money, I think $13,000. Another 20 in bonuses, right in the next 30 days where most people would quit that whole book, right? Three feet from gold.


Danelle Delgado

Okay. I turned it into that. Then I became like a sales assassin, right? It started building sales teams and I did as much as I could for five years and I was top ranks, got cancer and realize, Hey, my life was not meant to be about sales. It’s supposed to be about impact. I’m supposed to show people how to earn their way out, how to build the life where they can be a mom, they can be an entrepreneur that yes, they can do all those things. So I started a training company, the training turned to online sales, turn to an elite retreat where I took people out of their environment so I would like to help them really think clearly. All these things, you know, exploded into one practice that led to a book. And if you hear nothing else on those podcasts, other than these three habits, that can change every single pattern in your brain and your life. Listen here, right? Like so I put a book together called the, I choose joy. That’s how I overcame cancer is how I overcame divorce. It’s how I made it. When the tough got going and it was these three principles that are really actually quite scientific that help you build a foundation to which all money, all success, all joy, and happiness can be founded upon. And I don’t believe you can really have it and significance if you don’t have these three. And I might add a fourth if I do another edition of the book.


Beth Holden Graves 

Oh my God. Now I’m going to be like, I’m going to make sure I’m telling you, you’ve got to tell us the fourth. Okay, so gratitude, growth, goals, but the way, and I have my computer actually on top of my, I choose joy journal cause it’s like the perfect height and it’s always on my desk is my, even my family knows if I Slack on my morning, um, I sit outside with my dog and I do my gratitude, my growth, my goals. But the goal-setting that you taught me when we were together, I was always, I had goals all over the place but I never focused, but I was focusing on 72,000 things. I was going to learn Instagram. I was going to do this, I was going to do to get this team, I was gonna recruit this person. I was going to lose 22 pounds and start this business that was going to, I didn’t even know what I was going to do.


Beth Holden Graves 

And we dialed it in. We stopped all the clutter and chaos and dialed it in. So if someone is looking at where, if they’re listening to this life, we’re in the last 90 days. And so we do goals by 90-day runs. So not only did I do, you guys but did also I do the three days, then I was able to go to Greece and work through things more. And I’m telling you guys it is work, but you don’t. It doesn’t have to be in your office alone. Like you have to push and work and challenge yourself because nobody’s doing it for you. And my favorite Danelle de Delgado quote is, who loses if you don’t win? And I start my day every day, it’s at the top. I write it at the top of the gratitude journal. So can you walk people through gratitude, growth, and goals, and if they had one goal, how do they not scroll


Danelle Delgado

and listen to a podcast and take some notes and then do nothing? Right? Right. Which is what most people do, right? Don’t get the most, don’t get the most money. The thing is, spray and pray. Love it. Love it. Well, this is how you do it. It’s the science that worked for me. I was overwhelmed with life, with a lack of health, with three tiny children. I had twins and one other one. I still have them. They’re just older, but I was just overwhelmed. Right? How do you do all that on your own and go from being a teacher and having to become an entrepreneur? And I didn’t even know what to do with money. I didn’t know how to work credit cards. I didn’t do anything. Right? So overwhelmed. It was a parent. These three steps are what I did. First thing. Okay. You will never receive more if you’re not grateful for what you have.


Danelle Delgado

Um, you can watch a million different Ted talks about how gratitude is the science of achievement. Okay. And if you really want more, you have to be grateful for what you have. It changes how your brain thinks. That opens you up to odd opportunities. So 10 things you’re grateful for every single day. That’s how you should start and end. In my opinion, every single day I was able to speak life into I’m grateful for cancer. It allows me to impact 85% of the world and show them they can overcome it. I’m grateful for the divorce. It taught me how to be a whole human being so I could be more for my children. I’m grateful for what I learned through that process. So when you turn life and its challenges into gratitude, imagine what opportunities come your way. The doors open up. Okay, so 10 things are great for every single day.


Danelle Delgado

The next thing is growth. I believe that every human should spend 30 minutes to one hour every single day in the personal development industry study. Attach it to a habit you’re already doing. You brush your teeth, you use the restroom, you take a shower, great. Turn it on audible. Watch Ted talks, YouTube university and train 30 minutes, one hour a day. Most people operate based on what people have said about them, about opinions people have about how they were raised. Uh, it’s so many people underachieve or underestimate themselves in their lives because they have other people’s stories running through their heads. For me, I filled it with thinking, grow rich, relentless. The 10 X rule, the success principles and all these things started to become my train of thought. So when you can train your brain how to think differently, you can actually achieve differently.


Danelle Delgado

So that last step is goals. And in order to take one goal to fruition, I have a three by five series that I won’t go all through here, but the first step is to set the goal. It has to be attached to a metric of monetary equivalent, a number, an actual, something you can achieve and evaluate. Otherwise, it’s not really a goal. It’s like hope. And that’s like doing drugs. I call it hopium. Okay, I don’t live on hopium. It will kill you. So an actual goal with a number. So I want to make this much this month or over the next 90 days or I want to recruit this many people or I want to lose this much weight, right? So you can actually reverse engineer a plan. So you’ve got that. You’ve got what you need to put a date on it. I suggest you can move mountains in 90 days or less than he’ll do a lot more in 90 days than you will in a year ago.


Danelle Delgado

So that a target 90 days out, write down the date right down why you’re going to achieve it. The why has to be bigger than my family needs extra income while your family needed extra income before you wrote down the goal. So that’s obvious we all have to achieve for our families. I want you to think beyond that, right? You, you need you to think about the people who will lose if you don’t show them what you’ve got. Those people who, your kids, your family, what are they going to not learn because they’re watching you be lazy and not achieve a goal, right? They’re going to pick that up. You know, I want you to write down why what charity is you going to give to or who needs your 10% or your health by the time you’re done. Right. I achieve so much more by having goals to help charities and those kinds of things.


Danelle Delgado

That’s what’s moved me into having friends like Richard Branson and some of the biggest people in the world because I ached to give back. Right? Even when it was difficult, I want to give back. So, so you’ve got to have that why as something way beyond yourself. Okay. Way beyond the normal needs of why that makes you cry. That’s a little fluffy. Okay. I want you to dig deep, right? Like what are you going to do because you achieve and who’s it going to be accountable? I actually call the charities I’m going to give to each year and I tell them how much they will have by December and then I have to go do it. Right? So I challenge myself every year. Sometimes I stress myself out, but that was big. Hey that the next part is the who. Who is it going to take to help you hit that goal?


Danelle Delgado

I want you to write down every single person who’s it going to take your family to be on board? A tech person, a salesperson, a, I don’t know what it’s going to take to help you hit that goal. It might be, I got a call, 200 people, in order to get 11 new business partners, right? Whatever it is. Every single person that could possibly take, write it down. Maybe I need someone to clean my house while I do this. Maybe you have to do it all. Don’t complain. Just do it. All right? Just write down who’s it gonna take. It’s gonna take you. It’s gonna take you your best self. Okay? The next category is, is the rough way. This is what sets people apart from hitting the goal and not, it’s the sacrifice category. Now there are two parts to it. The first part is what are you willing to sacrifice and give up in order to achieve it?


Danelle Delgado

You have to create more time. You have to give something up. I’ve given up TV for 10 years now. I don’t think everybody has to give up on TV. I’m just telling you I did because it’s what made me lazy, super lazy. I sat on the couch. I loved Grey’s anatomy. I loved the office. That’s just what I did. Right? So I had to get rid of it. I even got rid of my couch so I wouldn’t sit on it. Every time I wanted to sit out on my, I made phone calls, so it’s just what I did. What are you willing to sacrifice to go get it 90 days from now? If you think about it if you could have something new and 90 days, what would you give up to go get it? You only have to go without it for 90 days. You can go without anything for 90 days and the other part of that sacrifice is a real clear focus.


Danelle Delgado

Most people say they ached for balance. I tell them to ache for priorities, right? What will you not sacrifice in order to achieve it? I am not a fan of, right? Like I’m like, no, my children are first. I will be at their soccer games. I will be at their practice. I will drive them to school, I will help them with their homework and I will also be a badass in business. You know like what is it that, where do you draw the line of what you will not sacrifice? Okay, now I give up a lot too. We decided as a family, but I give up and what I want, but that’s an important category to write out and be extremely clear and then the last one is the reward and the result. What are you going to do when you achieve it? What’s it going to look like?


Danelle Delgado

What will you do for your family, for you? Will it be a vacation? Will it be money and savings? Will it be a night out to dinner? Right? Will it be you give this to charity? What is that result, that reward those going to be so fulfilling you will never again not achievable and that pattern, I’ve got a little more in-depth one that we do when I really train it? I have a three bike process to help you achieve. That said goal to make it really, really specific, but just breaking it down. If you did gratitude every single day, you grow every single day, your mind is filled with what needs to happen and then you decide to attack those goals very clearly for 90 days and you fill it in your calendar. If you want to do that, how many do you have to do every single day and you do nothing but follow that plan. There’s no goal that’s unachievable. That’s how I help people build million-dollar businesses faster than most. Make it super simple, super simple and super sacrificed and super clear.


Beth Holden Graves 

Well, and going back to, it’s easy to push for those goals when you’re in alignment with what it is you’re building.


Danelle Delgado



Beth Holden Graves 

because if I was outselling cars, I don’t have a passion for cars. I don’t know. I think about Carson. If I had to make a million-dollar selling car, I, I would call you and say, okay, Glenn Lundy, who’s the best person to teach me how to sell cars? But I’d most likely never make $1 million selling cars. Cause I don’t really like them. But when you really go to your true North and what and, and you kept asking me questions when we were together about to tell me about the times in your life. Tell me about the times in your business when you’re the most lit up, when you’re the most excited and I do that true North exercise a lot that you taught me that every time I’m ready to make a decision I know exactly what my emotion feels like when I’m out of alignment, when it doesn’t feel right.


Beth Holden Graves 

When I wake up in the morning and me eh, it feels icky and I know how I feel when I’m so happy and excited and grateful. Like I had that, we had a small camp this week with women and I’m sitting there and that was our thing. Like we’re having camps and we’re going to, you can get on the waiting list for our, we, Denelle and I are still deciding the date, be at our inaugural camp, elevate the real one where we’re like, we’re going to kayak. We are going to be like, I did make sure that they had actual beds. So because something I love, I get so fired up when women come together and we have fun. And what I realized with these women, and this is what Denelle got me to see, as they don’t have the support. They don’t have the courage and no one has fun anymore and we’re going to create it.


Beth Holden Graves 

But we’re also going to talk about how to find what it is that gets you up in the morning that wants you to get up. I get up at four in the morning many times because I can’t wait to get started on what the day will look like and what I’m creating and the content for this podcast because this is where I shine. And we talked about my content and I was like, Oh, I love to talk and I love people to listen to me. And you’re like, great, let’s do a podcast. And so it’s so fun when you lean into it. So I guess, what is your message for someone today that’s listening to this and well, first of all, they can find you for free on Friday nights. It’s Friday night live. You can get the best training. Go to Denelle Delgado. It’s 9:00 PM Eastern standard time.


Beth Holden Graves 

Most nights, right? Most Friday nights and PM Eastern time and 10:00 PM on Friday I’ll be yes. And you guys you can, there’s, so one of the other things was when you are starting to do your studying, when you’re in your growth, don’t listen to 4,000 voices. Find one person and study that person. Right? So plug into Friday night. Like if you’re feeling like something’s not right, start the gratitude, growth in goals. Start Friday nightlife. Start to really journal about when do you feel the most lit up? When do you feel like this is my passion, this is what I’m doing. And if you’re selling a product that you love, who have you helped the most with that product for? Like we do a health supplement and one of my favorite stories is my friend Karen, who literally was, had so much discomfort and she stopped dreaming and she just started a goat yoga prep like center.


Beth Holden Graves 

I mean like think about it and she’s always sending me pictures of goats and it’s, it wasn’t about making $1 million, it was about leading into what she wanted to do and having the health to do it. And I was like, okay, I wake up every day and I think about Corrine or waking up every day and thinking about Stephanie who came to the event last weekend, I was like, Oh my gosh, I so needed this. I just am sitting at home in my office alone and I don’t have the connection. So there are so many pieces of this that you can take away, but I want you to now to give everybody one challenge today. I know what it’s going to be. I think, well for me,


Danelle Delgado

you can’t start anywhere without gratitude, growth, and goals. You cannot, there’s, you’ll build something else and it’ll be not set on a great foundation. And your foundation is everything, right? It’s what got me through everything. So I would tell you to commit yourself to gratitude, growth, and goals for 90 days. 90 days. You can do it and I choose joy. It’s on Amazon or just do it on a piece of paper, right? It doesn’t matter to me where you do it. But that would be that challenge. And I would also like to do it for 90 days. Pick one goal, map it out and see what you are made of for 90 days. Right? That’s the truth of it. And I will tell you what I’ve learned more than anything else on this journey is that your commitment to today is your commitment to forever, right?


Danelle Delgado

What you do today is what we’ll pay you. What truly their credit or debit your bank account 90 days from now, right? You are. You don’t do everything you know you need to do. It’s going to debit your, your account, you do everything that you’ve got. It’s going to credit your bank account 90 days from that day. And I just believe that this pattern of gratitude, growth and goals is what keeps me focused on the right work. It helps me avoid stupid challenges, thoughts, conversation, the actions that don’t, um, pour into me or others. There’s just no time for anything other than living your potential, building what you are capable of. Because once you do that, you see the difference. It makes other and you won’t ever take that responsibility lightly. Again.


Beth Holden Graves 

I love it. And yet you guys, I, as I said, there have been mornings and evenings that I’ve been lazy and what happens when I don’t, and Denelle is almost psychic. Like I’ll get a message from her, Hey, what’s going on? I’m like, Oh crap, she knows I haven’t been doing it. And that’s a good mentor when they can read your mind from 2000 miles away. And so when you really commit, that means you’re committing every single morning to get up. Like sometimes I think I got into the dishwasher, I did stop it. Just commit and make that goal something. If you are making $5 a week right now, you’re not going to make that goal. I’m going to make 10,000 a week and break it down to, okay, if I have a say a business in, let’s go back to the cars and I haven’t sold a car in 30 days, but I, I need to increase my income by selling cars.


Beth Holden Graves 

So how many conversations do you have to have a day and connections? Cause remember Go-Giver sell more. How many people do you need to serve? How many people do you connect with and how many cars a week? So there’s such a science behind it. But when things happen in my life, it’s because, and I do it morning and evening. I go to bed with my gratitude, not with my phone. I wake up no phone before I do the gratitude, growth and goals. I sit in silence, I make myself my, I am not a great meditator, but I am becoming a great meditator. 10 minutes is all it takes and everybody around me knows when I’m cheating and not doing my gratitude. And I am stubborn. So when, and you know what? When we commit things just pop into your email box. Opportunities present themselves, the right people cross your path. People will say, how did you find that person? How did you get that opportunity? It’s like, Oh, it’s not luck, right? It’s that commitment.


Danelle Delgado

Yup. I’ll tell you, people get confused. They overthink, right? They overthink, they overthink, they overanalyze, they try and do all the stuff I go. It’s as simple as what’s the next right step? What is the next big win that will shift your thinking and your actions? You only have to win once and your brain resets to expecting a win the next time. 90 days can shift everything in a new direction. A year of 90 days will change everything. It’s 100% how it is so, so I would challenge you, what’s your next right step? Gratitude, growth and goals every single day for the next 90 days and let’s go get that next big wind to help you reset all the others.


Beth Holden Graves 

I love it. Okay. We are out of time, you guys, and I know that we’re, if we get a ton of five-star reviews and feedback and you go over to Denelle’s page and you say, I heard you on the podcast, she’ll come back. Like we can do this like a little bit of checking in and go a little bit deeper in the training each time. And as we get closer to our event where you could come and do and really dive into this and get what most people have to fly to Greece and really, really, really invest and into the one on one you can come and learn all about this. So what we want to put below, how you get on the waiting list for that. Also, I’ll link the gratitude, growth and goals did. Now love to see you in Instagram stories. Screenshot this, tag us both. And even better when you get your book, you’ll show up in her stories. If you take a picture of yourself with your gratitude growth with you, I Choose Joy journal. So there are so many ways to connect with us because we love the DMS over on Instagram, right? Like that’s how I found you. Like, take a risk. You guys make a connection.


Danelle Delgado

That’s right. That’s right. It’s all about action, right? You got one step. Do it. Prove it and get the results.


Beth Holden Graves

I love it. All right, you guys, thanks so much for being with us today and I will see you on the next episode.


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