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Episode 25: The CEO Shift

entrepreneur innovation mindset network marketing Feb 17, 2020


Hey bosses, coming up is episode number 25. I want you to consider that you didn’t just join this little thing, meaning stop hiding behind the curtain and stop having this conversation with, Oh, if you really understood, it’s not like that, there are people that really make money. That does not sound like you have stepped into your power. So today, if you’re going to make the CEO shift, remember we’re talking about the CEO, shift in innovation versus duplication. And I believe that a team needs tools and techniques and strategies to duplicate, but I’m going to encourage you to have one innovative piece of your business, and we’ll talk about that. But number one, the very first thing that you need to do is step into why you are going to say, I am proud and excited to show you my courageous journey, because the network marketing model is the way that I will.



No Boss Talk
The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
Beth’s Instagram
Beth’s Website
The Profit HER Way Course
Episode 14: Rank Maker with Ray Higdon



• Number one is standing on your own two feet and standing up and believing in what you are doing and how we can become confident and that’s going to help you to recruit more people. (02:08)
• The universe was telling me like you have so many people to help and this is going to be the way, this is the business model that will be the way, because I’m very creative. But that creativity sometimes gets me not crossing the red line. (05:31)
• And I don’t even want to call it a pitch because people can feel a pitch from a million miles away. But when someone talks to me, I am so, so, so sure that I need to share this message, that I need to help. (08:15)
• You’ve got to do the work and then you’ve got to keep doing the work of, why you’re grateful, why this is working, why you’re doing this. To be in it for the long term by the little things, the details. (11:48)
• You want to be connected with the people that have the same vision that you have. (16:55)



February 17, 2020




Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves, and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Hey bosses, welcome back to episode number 25, this is Beth. If we haven’t met yet, thank you for just pressing play, putting me in your earbuds. My friend Jessica calls them Q-tips. She’s like, my kid has Q-tips in his ears, and I literally thought he had Q-tips hanging out of his ears, but she was talking about him wearing his EarPods, what the heck? My kids are probably like mom, get with it. So anyway, you have chosen to listen to this podcast today for a reason and there are so many ways that we find them. I have had divine intervention of what I call the podcast scroll that literally shifted my entire way of showing up in my business because of one podcast. So, I do not take that lightly and I want to thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being with me today.

So, I’m going to do a little introduction because I have so many new listeners. I just want to thank you for the downloads, for the reviews, for the people that are out there wearing their boss hats, for all of the campers over in Camp Elevate because this is really truly become a movement of supporting our sisterhood, of standing up and saying that it is okay to choose to build a business that feels aligned, that feels authentic, that doesn’t require hustle and grind and it’s okay to make more money doing it this way. And so today I want to talk with you about becoming the CEO and innovation versus duplication. Two really big words. I feel like those need to be vocabulary words. Did your kids ever do Wordly Wise? I remember Wordly Wise just to be like, why are everything like that? I can understand anything in a context.

And that’s probably why I tell so many stories. So like reading, you know, reading, learning with content clues. Well we’re teaching reading for you teachers out there. So, I always like to give an example when I’m sharing with you a new idea or something that’s not really a new idea that’s just resurfaced. So today the big thing I’m going to teach you, or share with you and encourage you to lean into, is actually two things. Number one is standing on your own two feet and standing up and believing in what you are doing and how we can become confident and that’s going to help you to recruit more people. And I don’t even like the word recruit. You’re looking for people as the CEO that are going to share with you the same vision and are going to be a part of something that you’re creating.

So, I want to encourage you today, and I use the word recruit because honestly, it’s a marketing word. So, I have a challenge that’s coming up. It’s going to be a free challenge. I think we are opening that up the second week of March and we’ll make sure that you get on a list for that. It’s going to be five days, and it’s about recruiting. It’s about how to get more people to say yes to what it is you have to offer. And I have some very unique ways that I do this, but I kept saying, I don’t want to use the word recruit in the copy, but that’s what we look for, right? So, recruit, I want you to think about this. I guess it’s okay, but it’s what we use in the industry. But I want you to think about this and this is the shift.

This is your CEO shift. I want you to consider that you didn’t just join this little thing, meaning stop hiding behind the curtain and stop having this conversation with, Oh, if you really understood, it’s not like that. There are people that really make money that does not sound like you have stepped into your power. So today if you’re going to make the CEO shift, remember we’re talking about CEO shift in innovation versus duplication, and I believe that a team needs tools and techniques and strategies to duplicate, but I’m going to encourage you to have one innovative piece of your business and we’ll talk about that. But number one, the very first thing that you need to do is step into why you are going to say, I am proud and excited to show you my courageous journey because the network marketing model is the way that I will.

So, I want you to think today, and your homework is this, and if you send them to me over in a DM on Instagram, send them to me on Facebook messenger. Mandy has an email that we use now that’s a support email, but I want to know what makes you unique, the five things. Because as you’re having a conversation and as you are, do you ever like find yourself holding back? Like I should really be having a conversation with her, with this person. She’s my exact energy. She’s the exact person that I want to build something with, and I feel an energy. I feel this nudge that this conversation needs to happen. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever thought that? And then you’re like, Oh, what do I say? And then you fumble all over your words and you sound like the crazy lady in the cereal aisle.

That’s trying to get you to like sell her thing, and it’s really not pyramid and it’s really this. It’s because you haven’t leaned into your truth. So, what I’m going to encourage you to do is to take some time and take out your business journal, take out your journal, look at why is this the best model for you? Is it the innovative website that you didn’t have to build? I mean, I’m stumbling right now because I don’t want to give you my five, because I don’t want those to be your five. So, your assignment this week is to journal like why this business, why this company, why this product, why this model? Go back and listen to my podcast with Ray Higdon. I’ll put it in the show notes, and he talks about why the network marketing model is the best model. And for me stepping into that, I don’t know what happened in 2014 that that day I really think it was divine intervention.

The universe was telling me like you have so many people to help and this is going to be the way, this is the business model that will be the way, because I’m very creative. But that creativity sometimes gets me not crossing the red line. And we’ll talk about crossing the red line, it means finishing what I start, staying the course, and I have stayed the course. And the reason why is because I have a simple business model that is accessible to the everyday person. That right away you can begin setting up shop, make some money, and build a community around a value, an emission. And also, then teach sales tools that are easy for people to follow and easy for people to stay consistent and have the foundation in place. So, I want you to come up with, and the big reason is because you may be fumbling on those words, you may not know why you’re here.

You may not know, what is the value of your company? What makes you innovative and different? And it’s not a sales pitch, it’s what it is to you. So, if I said, I’m going to bring you on this podcast, Kathy, and I’m going to ask you when I say to somebody, why did you choose those shoes? Why do you love to run in those shoes if you’re a runner, why do you like Brooks versus Adidas or Nike? Oh, well it has this feature and this feature, and it supports this. I had plantar fasciitis, so I needed this instep. You can talk about why or maybe you just love the bright colored pink or maybe your foot is wide, so we know why we choose certain things. Why did you choose this? Why did you choose the school that your kids attend? Why did you choose your house?

What were those features in it? What was important to you when you were choosing your apartment, your house, where you live, your car? We know all of those things, but what was important to you when you chose your spouse? When you chose your partner? What was the value that you wanted in that person? Do you know those things? Because that is when you start to really, really lean into this power of your communication, of your marketing message and your visibility, which is going to be step two of this podcast. So, I want you to take some time and start with something that you know, start with your spouse. Start with maybe the house that you chose, why did you choose a vacation and start to pay attention and notice those things in your decision making. And then you can be a little bit more discriminatory on how you make a decision.

And so, you’re not just saying yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s a side note. But why did you choose the network marketing model, specifically your business? And keep it brief and simple and know it and say it in the car and pretend like you’re being interviewed by Oprah. Pretend like you’re on this podcast. And I say to you, Mandy, why did you choose that? Like what made you make that decision and then practice it and start with the five bullet points. And I don’t even want to call it a pitch because people can feel a pitch from a million miles away. But when someone talks to me, I am so, so, so sure that I need to share this message that I need to help. That woman that was looking for her voice, that was feeling lost, that was feeling stressed out, what was keeping her up at night.

And so, I don’t just be like, Oh, my gosh, this is so amazing. It’s awesome. We have all these things. Yeah, this person did this and this person did this and Oh my gosh, and she lost 32 pounds and blah, blah blah. I want you to know and I want you to be clear, so I want you to journal it and I can’t give you those answers because only you can do it yourself. We’re going to do some work on that over in Camp Elevate. If you’re not in the group,, it’s free. We have so many, so many amazing, amazing thousands of women in there, and some really awesome men, who are showing up for each other. And I do a lot of training in there. So, we’re going to talk about that. I want you to journal that and I want you to really lean into it.

And as you lean into this, with all of your choices, with all of your decisions, if you look at what is the quality in my spouse that I love so much, and sometimes those good qualities that you chose become the annoying qualities, and like, so one of the things I love about Don is, I love that he takes care of all the little details and he pays attention to those things. He doesn’t let things slip through the cracks. And when I wasn’t in gratitude and when I wasn’t focused on all of the things, in the rich life that we got to lead together, that started to annoy me. Oh my gosh, here he goes again. Did you remember your driver’s license? Did you remember your passport? Did you remember this? And I started to become annoyed by those little things when that was truly the big quality that I wanted and prayed for and thought about and journaled about.

In the perfect partner for my life. So, I want you to do that for your business. Is this making sense to you guys? So, when you become clear on that, the next piece I’m going to talk to you about in the CEO framework, step into your power. So, before we go to the next point, I literally want you to visualize that you’re in a room and it’s dark and you’re looking for the light and everything’s kind of out of place. There are books and there are things on the floor and shoes that need to be put away. And how does that feel? It feels confusing, right? It feels like I can’t get started until I clean this up. And then I want you to step into this room. I want you to step through the door and I want you to visualize how it feels to be in this clean and open space.

However, that looks for you. For me, it’s stepping into this room that has like a rich, a rich rug that is deep jewel-toned. It has a meditation corner; it has a clean desk that has like some very beautiful pens and books. And it’s just inviting. I’ve got my microphone there and I walk into that space. That’s what I’ve done with my office, is walked into a space and created a space where I could create. So, I want you to think about that in your business. Does your business feel like that cluttery office where you don’t know what to do next? When you get clear on what you do and why you’re doing it and how you’re going to share with those five bullet points and you journal about it and you really, really lean into it. You guys, you have to do the work.

I can’t tell you the five. You’ve got to do the work and then you’ve got to keep doing the work of why you’re grateful, why this is working, why you’re doing this, to be in it for the long term by the little things, the details. Remember when I talked about Don, why those little things are not going to create disruption in what your daily plan is. So, I want to encourage you and invite you today to walk in, stand up, take a step from hiding behind the curtain in your cluttered room. Really not knowing why you made this choice because you’re listening to this podcast because you want to make a shift. You can use this strategy any single time that you need to make a shift. It’s going into being clear on what are those amazing, awesome things that had me make this choice and step into it and step into it with clarity so that when you have that conversation when you’re at the running store buying those running shoes and you just have this intuition and I like to open my mouth and connect with is human and instead of going out and buying a $27 script that’s going to allow you to connect and have conversations and recruit and grow your team like crazy.

We’ve all done it, that you literally, we’ll have the words the connection because you are so clear on it. So clear. I want you to think about this. I want you to think about the last perfect vacation that you took, and if you had one, and if you haven’t, put that on your vision board, and how the sheets felt and what was the service like and what, what did the sand feel like and if, if that woman at the running store when you’re buying your running shoes set asked you about going to maybe your places, Punta Cana, and you start to explain it, you have all these ways. She’s like, oh, I’m totally in. Do you have that for your business? Do you have those words? Do you have that? It’s because you need to step away from the clutter, clear it out with your journaling, with getting clear on your messaging and don’t think, I want Beth to give me her five because my five are totally different and the way that you can do this is to do some journaling prompts.

You go back to where you were and where you want to be going or what you wanted less of in your life and what you wanted more of. Whenever I’m looking at, am I going to go in the right direction? I’ll say, what do I want to do less of? What do I want to do more of and does that fit my more of what looks like love? What brings me joy and how will I feel? And this is another one that I learned this from my coach, Susan Hyatt, when she talks about not shaming, and this is about food, but how will this feel in an hour? And so, like even when I don’t have that conversation, how would that feel in an hour? So, I need to do it now, but I want you to get very, very clear. So, I promised you step two would be how to take this message and then use this in your CEO framework of how you build out your business plan of being innovative with your marketing and your visibility.

And that sometimes is social media. Sometimes it might be meeting with a group of almost empty nest moms at a high school. But the next podcast we are going to be talking about how we take this work that you’re doing. And then we put that into showing up consistently for marketing and visibility and for people to hear your message and find you, which is a huge, huge piece, but I am going to save that. I’m going to actually record that next episode right now while it’s on my mind, and you’ll have that episode next Monday. So, this week your homework is, this is I want you to think about and journal and really lean into, are you hiding behind a curtain? Are you kind of like in the shadows, not really talking about what you do, or are you truly stepping into your power, stepping into finding your voice, and committing to that?

Are you visualizing? Are you journaling and do you know those five things? Three things, five things, right? Then if I were to say to you, Mandy, what is it? You would be able to say boom, boom, boom, and boom and practice a little bit like why did you choose that shaker cup? And I do this with my brain all the time. Why did you choose that shaker cup? Why do you like that white tee shirt? Why did you choose your spouse? Why do you choose those sheets for your bed? You can always come up with those five things and when you find yourself getting caught up in the drama and somebody else’s swirling tornado of emotions or boundary issues to start to really lean into, does this feel like love? Does this bring me joy? How will this feel in an hour? And when you know, like I know what my five, I know for my business why I chose my business.

I know why I chose to work with women in a mastermind, but I also know what are my five agreements with myself and that they have to fall into place in all of, and we’ll talk about all those things on the podcast, but today its business. It is. Why did you choose the network marketing model? Your specific business or if you’re a realtor, why did you choose to work with Keller Williams? Why did you choose to do this? Why is it the best choice? Because what you’re doing is not going out and recruiting and finding just anybody that says yes and puts up their hand. You want to be connected with the people that have the same vision that you have, and you cannot attract. You cannot have that conversation unless you are very, very clear. So, when I get messages from you and thank you, thank you for sending me those messages that say, I think you were in my head.

I think that today you read my mind on this podcast and I think, okay because I churn all about it. I journal about what I went through, I journal about what are the things that when people say to me, I’m struggling here, how can I work through this? I want you to be so clear on why you made that choice. Step into the CEO role. Imagine that you are in, you are you guys, you didn’t just join a company and you’re like, Hey, I’m Joe Schmo and I’m the such and such oil person. You are Joe Schmoe, who is the CEO of this business that is using the network marketing model to help men and women build their business. You are excited because the product that you are like, think about the product that you get to put into people’s hands will give you these results. Do you have clarity?

And that is my question. Go on out there and get your clarity. Pull out that journal. It will come to you. And if you’re stuck, go for a run. Put on some Beyoncé, go at your most creative time when you are feeling clear, and do this work and I promise you that you will get such clarity on your message, such clarity on your mission. Then when you are trying on those running shoes and you feel this like I am going to have this conversation and you have the conversation and you ask a few questions and she says, well why did you choose, you know, why did you choose what you’re doing? You can literally say with passion, with clarity that the energy and the vibration is there. And she may or may not say, Oh Hey yeah, like let me take a look. But you know that you have done your work and then you make a connection on social media.

Because she might not say yes right away. You stay connected, you stay in the same space because at some point she may say, gosh, I remember hearing Beth to say that while she was trying on the running shoes, she had such vision like she’s so excited about this and I’m really tired of this nine to five or I really need to get some therapy for my son’s speech and maybe that’s something that I’ll take a look at. But you showed up and you had a passion and you have vision and you have clarity. So, let’s go out and do that today because there is someone waiting for your message. There is somebody that is just sitting there thinking, I can’t pay my bills, or I feel disconnected. I feel alone. I didn’t know what I needed on that day in 2014 August 6th, I didn’t know that I desperately needed to, to have a shift go from selfish to serving.

I didn’t know what I could contribute financially to our family to change the entire legacy. I didn’t know, but it was the authenticity and the excitement around Blair’s message that allowed me to enter into this space. And then I became clear on another mission, which was to help serve all of you who are looking to build a business and have that financial freedom and have that clarity around who you truly want to be and show up to be in this world. So, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being with me today. As always, I am so grateful for our time together and if you want to connect more, shoot me a message about your five things. Come on over to the Camp Elevate Group, and next week we will go into, once you have this message, how you show up with it to start having people really, really curious about what it is that you do and how you can really make an impact by getting this out into the world.

See y’all next week.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me today on ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So, leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I will enter you to win the ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag. So, make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.


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