Episode 32: Sarah Cole- Stories of Success
Welcome back to episode number 32 of You’re Not the Boss of Me. I’m back and today I’m really, really excited to share with you one of the most brilliant women that I know and can call a friend, her name is Sarah Cole and she is a six-figure earner, busy mom and nurse anesthetist.
Hardships in her life lead her down a path to “pivot” and find even more fulfillment in and out of the operating room. Right now, Sarah is working on the front line as a CRNA, and she took time away from her family and from her job at the hospital to chat with us about why the network marketing model, what has helped her to have success, and bringing light to these secrets of success. Bringing wisdom and light to those that are thinking of building online with which business model. And today Sarah shares some great insight, and I can’t wait for you to hear her story.
• The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
• So one of the pieces that you’re passionate about, is providing value, providing a heart-centered look and you’ve taken the kind of spam advertising pitching off of the plate and you’ve brought in a way that when I watch your social media, when I see the way that you launch new people into your team when you’re sharing that with me, what was the shift that you made that got you away? (07:56)
• And having that peace of mind as a back up plan, and socially I show up every day, consistently, you have to… And really, I don’t overthink it. (12:40)
• So if somebody today is thinking, “Okay I wanna write this book”, what would be some questions you would have for them? You’ve dialed in who you are, who’s coming to your page, what would be some questions you would have them write down or a strategy to say, “Okay I wanna do what Sarah did with my social media, with my recruiting”. Give me some ways that you would train them. (18:21)
• I love that. And you always talk about scarcity versus abundant mindset, and that is so huge. And one of the things about consistency and having that abundant mindset, is when someone shows up only every once in a while. (21:57)
• Here’s what I’m doing and here’s why, and this is how our family wins, this is how the women that I help win, and this is what the world needs for me to show up. (27:29)
April 06, 2020
Welcome to You’re Not the Boss of Me. If you are determined to break the glass ceiling and build it your way, this show is for you.
I’m your host, Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots, and create what you create.
Are you ready? Let’s get started. Welcome back to episode number 32 of You’re Not the Boss of Me. I’m really, really excited to share with you one of the most brilliant women that I know and can call a friend, her name is Sarah Cole and Sara right now is working on the front line as a CRNA. And she took time away from her family and from her job at the hospital to chat with us about why the network marketing model has helped her to have success and bringing light these secrets of success bringing wisdom and light to those that are thinking of building online, and which business model. And today Sarah shares some great insight and I can’t wait for you to hear her story.
So first of all, I want to just say that I hope you’re doing well, I’m hoping that you are finding the resources, finding the energy, taking care of yourself as this is such a crazy and uncertain time and I want to tell you that whatever you are putting forth the effort in your business, whatever that feels like it should be, that’s okay.
There’s a lot of people all over social media, that are saying You better show up, show up, show up, and I am all about ease and flow and seasons of your business and I want you to take care of yourself, I want you to take care of your family, I want you to know that whatever you are doing is enough and I want to also offer you some support in how the business feels and works right now. So over in Camp Elevate, which is my free group full of incredible entrepreneurs, I’m going to be doing a five-day focused framework and this is a challenge, it’s free, it’s a challenge. It’s a master class, where I am going to be teaching my actual framework for how I build my day, how I put in focus blocks, how I create content that converts brings new people into your business, how you literally walk people through a focus flow from beginning to end of taking a look at your business opportunity or at your products, whether you’re an online coach, or you have an Etsy store or a network marketing business, this works for any business that we actually share a product or service with what we do.
And so, I’m going to do this over in Camp Elevate starting on April 20th.
It’s a course that I normally teach and people give me money for but I’m doing it for free, because I really want to share how to build your business right now and what I do in short 15-minute blocks and giving you the complete roadmap of what your five-day flow will look like and how you can still have time to take care of your family have time for your yoga. I’m doing Peloton Yoga right now, and still make leaps and bounds forward with your business, your visibility in your marketing.
So, join me over in Camp Elevate. Come on over now because we’re doing a ton of pre-game sessions before the challenge starts on April 20th. Go on over to theCampElevateGroup.com, there’s also a link in the comments. We will be sharing more through our email about how you can grab the workbook, and really, really, really excited for this master class, for this challenge because it’s something that I’ve literally been using myself for the last six years as I’ve built my network marketing business, and my coaching business, and I’ve also helped hundreds of women to really focus on the revenue-producing activities. But this also goes to another level of why just strategy isn’t working for you. And so, we bring in the energy side of it, along with the focus blocks for building the business. It’s just truly something that I know will shift your entire focus energy and success around your business. So, come on over to the Camp Elevate group.
I’m really excited right now to introduce you to Sarah. So here we go.
So, hello everyone, I’m so excited! Hi Sarah… Okay, so I wanted to bring to you. I’ve been doing a lot of strategy like last week, we had talk about your strategy for Facebook lives, but we haven’t really brought in someone who is building this business doing it in a way that’s heart-centered, not spanning all over social media. And, why network marketing, why now? Because you all are having these conversations with people just like Sarah. So, Sarah Cole is one of the top recruiters in her organization, she also is a nurse and I want her to explain how she found this industry. Because I’m taking you through a process here.
There are so many Sarah’s in your world that you haven’t had a conversation with about your business or that you’re not even doing the marketing that would allow her to have a glimpse of it. So, we’re going to have Sarah, be the person that needs to hear from you, but have her walk you through it.
So, give a little bit of your background. You are someone that is highly trained, has lots of degrees has a big career and suddenly you end up a network marketing. Walk us through that.
Sure, yeah and I think you’re so right too, because I’m somebody who I spent a lot of years in school, and also I’m somebody who I don’t identify as a sales person is you make this assumption that you wouldn’t be good at it. I love medicine, I love helping people do anesthesia. I’m very science oriented and I found myself in a spot, long story short, where it was a necessity, for me to figure out an extra stream of income. It was the last straw. So many people in the medical field, we spend many years in school, and we are in six-figure multiple six-figure debts. A lot of people do.
And we are also people who are well prepared, we like to be on top of things. We like to back up plans. And I was feeling frustrated, thinking Okay, I graduate from school, I’m making that dream income. I thought I always wanted yet. I was in all this debt and we were on our own fertility journey as well, we wanted to start our family. I thought I was following the rules, checking all the boxes and went to grad school and I got married, but my husband and we wanted to start a family, you know, and I was frustrated because I couldn’t get ahead on our finances. I was spending basically a mortgage payment in student loans. Well, my husband went to grad school as well, and I finally figured out I’m like, Okay. I knew actually some colleagues that were in network marketing, and they were covering their mortgages with it and I was like, “Oh wow. Okay, so you can actually build this on the side in your own off time hours. It’s a great tax deduction. And with social media now, and everything, they’re really starting to elevate the industry, where I had a stigma associated with it for so long, but I was like, “You know what, I need to figure this out. I am sick of feeling trapped by my income and I really want to take control of my future. So, I think I found the right people who knew how to offer me a solution as opposed to just selling stuff because it was really never about selling stuff for me, and that’s kind of how I found it.
So one of the pieces that you’re passionate about, is providing value, providing a heart-centered look and you’ve taken the kind of spam advertising pitching off of the plate and you’ve brought in a way that when I watch your social media, when I see the way that you launch new people into your team when you’re sharing that with me, what was the shift that you made that got you away? You said that you started with thinking that you had to post about the opportunity, how to do a lot of the things and it didn’t feel right.
How did you shift? And for someone right now that feels like they’re kind of throwing spaghetti at the wall attempting a lot of different things.
What would you suggest for people that are building online and want to do it authentically?
I love that question. I had a huge shift about a year ago, and I was praying about it. I started to really search outside of the current company that I was with, I loved the current, the company I started with a network marketing, and I was an absolute stepping stone for me to get where I wanted to go, and I made a great income with them, but I also was really searching, because I think when you are purely just motivated by money, you’re not going to get anywhere with this. And I went to Rise Business and listened to Tom Bilyeu and I loved what he had to say, is that, if money is your only motivation that’s not enough to you going, you need to add value need to find a bigger purpose. And that is what really spoke to me, and I really found myself searching social media, and really digging deep and figuring out, Okay, how do I really want to build this moving forward? And I really had what lights me up, is helping other busy moms in the medical field, it’s about our balance, especially right now with everything going on this pandemic. And that is what lights me up, when solution to people and I just wanted to find how to do that. So, my recommendation, people is really look outside or coming look at different trainers out there look at people to follow podcast, like that to see that, that is really open my eyes to other ways to build it. That’s more heart-centered value-driven service-driven, and I think what’s really cool is I ended up finding people who were to… We offer a service to people for free. It’s so much more than the exchange of product as well. We have amazing online communities that build people up, that people love to be part of, and especially now with social distancing. People are driving what they want that connection humans love human connection.
So, it’s that and then it’s also all the services that we are provided in education, so that’s really what our team is known for, and the exchange of products are truly a tool and some products that you have to absolutely love and know that they work and everything, but that is what I would really recommend to people, that’s kind of how I fell into it. So start to build community within your teams, having a passion about what problems you get to solve for people being clear and what that is so when you walk through what you’re doing on social media to share with the world what does your day look like on social media?
So, I don’t over think it. I think that’s where a lot of people get stuck in anything, that they do. And it’s tough to… because when you’re in the medical group, when I went to nursing school, grad school, you study, take exams, you prepare, you practice, you practice, you practice and then you actually lay your hands on a patient right with this, you have to just start and fail forward. And I tend to overthink a lot of things I still do, but when I really start my day, I have a central goal in my mind, always and that is to just share my heart share who I really am. The person you see on social media is how I am in real life, I’m not out there to impress anybody, I’m not out there to get Instagram famous, I could care less, but I do want to offer people and show them like, “Hey I found a real solution for my family. I paid off my grad school loans in record time. It helped us with our fertility treatments. And now more than ever, I’m without work, as elective cases can’t go on. That’s a huge source of revenue for hospitals and surgery centers. And a lot of people are out of work.
And having that peace of mind as a back-to-that plan and in socially I show up every day, consistently, you have to… And really, I don’t overthink it because a lot of people assume I know especially in the medical field, you look at somebody who’s maybe building a sensor network marketing business or any business, nowadays, you have to show up and social media for any business out there whether you are a surgeon opening a surgery center, they have their an insurer file. I know anesthesia groups. Anything is to just not over anything that I share little snippets of my life and if it occurs to me to be like, Oh, this is cute. I’m sure another mom could relate to me or whatever.
I share a little snippet of that, and I’m always sure but I’m also always adding value too because I’m very clear on who my target audiences and who it is that I want to serve. And oftentimes the people you want to serve, or somebody that you could relate to somebody just who’s just like you and I really do envision who it is, I want to work with and that’s what’s been an amazing thing is people contact me. Just kind of out of nowhere, sometimes who weren’t even on my radar, but something I’ve shared as resonated with them. They reached out, because they feel inspired. People are looking for inspiration and a way to live their fullest life, so I always keep that in my… When you are letting people know what you do, many times it shows up in your stories in the form of storytelling can you talk a bit about how instead of saying, join my team, make blah de blah dollars today, you’re letting people know that you’re having success that you have this option, and you’re sprinkling it in. So, share how you’re using the art of storytelling, to get people to actually say Sarah, what do you do?
Yeah, of course.
I think one of the great things is I found a product and a team I really align with a company that I really align with, so it makes a very natural for me to be like… This is absolutely amazing and really what I share is that everything’s online right now. It has to be everyone’s working from home, especially now, but even before that, having some sort of stream of income that you can build from home online, is smart, something that you are in control of, where there isn’t a boss in control of your future.
So that is what I share with people. The option of building a cloud base of business that won’t be affected by an epidemic, and the fact this is we’re having one of our best months and we’ve ever had offering that as a solution. Because many of them don’t realize when you grow up. And I know I did this nursing being a nurse in asides wasn’t on my radar even in high school, I didn’t know the job existed, but as I went to nursing school, I had the opportunity work in an operating room, I was blown away by the nurse institute that I was like, “I had no idea they could work independently.
I didn’t know it took this amount of school, and you worked in the ICU person and so specialized and I was absolutely blown away by it. But you don’t know about these kind of opportunities like that unless you get yourself in there and start doing the work, and do the stepping stones, so sometimes even starting a network marketing business gets you in the door to really see what you could do and what you could really accomplish. I never thought in a million years that I would be on a podcast for example, I’m doing this. Now, you know what I’m saying? So, you don’t know unless you put yourself out there and try and it’s the same for me doing Anesthesia . A lot of people I talk to, they like to… I do know that kind of job existed if I had… No, I would have gone to school for… That’s a great job and I think network marketing is very, it’s the state and I think that’s why we have so many nurses is so many nurse practitioners a couple doctors on our team that really see that.
I love that because a couple of strategies that I’ve watched your social media is you’re consistently using technology to automate things, for example, using one stream life, you go into your group so that you can watch somebody drop a video in sight of a launch event. And you had said to me in the beginning because I asked you, I said, “Isn’t it different with the interaction and your point to me because I was an empty nest mom, and all these moms have kids to put to bed at night, they work full-time. So, we want to have some automation, so using technology to automate how people get started.
Also, I noticed that you’re consistently interviewing people that share the same story as you or would relate to what that target audience is for you so when I look at who has come into your team, they’re very similar to you, they are working in the medical field, they’re stressed out from student loans. And I think that if you look at it like reading a book, your social media strategy, your recruiting strategy is reading a book. If you look at Sarah’s book, she’s real about the infertility journey, I she talks about the expense of that, she shares that emotion she shares why she needed a product that she represents. But also, the consistency of… I can go to your page, learn something, I can learn about the network marketing industry I can learn about gut health. And then the next part is, it’s like having a trailer for a really good movie when you go up into your stories still consistency.
Yeah, sharing the mom life, sharing the life that you have in the ER, but also then talking about your business. And so, I think too many people over think that. So, if somebody today is thinking, “Okay I want to write this book, what would be some questions you would have them? You’ve dialed in who you are, who’s coming to your pay, what would be some questions you would have them write down or a strategy to say, “Okay I want to do what Sarah did, with my social media with my recruiting. Give me some ways that you would train them.
I would say keep it absolutely simple, don’t overthink it in any way and don’t go into analysis paralysis mode with it and really just start. And I think a lot of it is a personal development. People assume that all my life’s not interesting, no one wants to see my stories, and all these self-limiting thoughts that simply put, is BS to me and just… You really don’t know just not pre-judging what the people are going to think, number one, because there is going to be a lot of you start showing up consistently show your heart and really ask yourself, Okay, like who I am, what is it, what is your message for, people like my personal message is you have options, there’s lots of options out there, you the only person that’s keeping you stuck is yourself, nothing else, that’s why you are where you are. And also, I love little snippet. Whatever your career is, even if you’re a stay at home mom and you have some sort of skill or something that even a… If you’re good at baking whatever that is, people are interested in that stuff. People do want to connect with you.
Here’s an extreme example. But look at that Dr Pimple Popper.
Oh Yeah. And so awesome times it’s the simplest, most silly things you would think that people love it and people connect with that, and really just have very low expectations in the beginning for yourself. Not just seem like… Oh, no one liked my post, or no one’s watching my stories! In the beginning. They must not like I might as well just quit keep showing up.
It takes them, everyone started somewhere, and anyone can learn how to do social media. You become like the people you surround yourself with.
And I have found, surrounding myself with really positive of lifting successful, but just that are just good human beings look for that. And if something rubs you the wrong way, learn how to set those boundaries.
You know, if you were sitting at a table with some people talking about other people get up and leave, that’s able metaphorically and for real I think that’s a really important thing and you will be amazed that those little shifts in your life, when you become more intentional when you are on social media and you add value more than you consume it, especially, I’m very quick to unfollow things that don’t add value to my life and don’t lift me up. You will transform when it’s taking people on that journey with you now, so that they hopefully find their own journey.
Even people that have joined my team, there’s one or two of them, a couple off the top of my head. They initially joined our team. They absolutely love it. Now it’s really more just a discount on products sport that they love, but they found other avenues. One of them is starting to write for a magazine. She’s always wanted to be a writer, I’m like, “that’s amazing that she was able to find that just being a part of our community, I love that and you always talk about scarcity versus abundant mindset, and that is so huge and one of the things about consistency and having that abundant mindset, is when someone shows up every once in a while, and there’s a special or you can’t really follow it’s a book. Let’s talk about it like a book. When I’m reading Sarah’s book, I know what to expect, I know I’m going to feel uplifted, I know I’m going to see some great little snippets of her little boy. I’m going to see a little bit of the… ER which I’m obsessed with, and then I look at someone that might be complaining that my numbers aren’t where they are or I don’t know why people just don’t answer my messages and I look in the book, it just doesn’t make any sense like, “One day, you’re posting this and you don’t show up. And I don’t see them showing up in their team, like showing up for their team-trainings and suddenly they’re just vomiting a special… So, you’ve got to be that person that it’s almost like when I think about raising kids that you’re there to pick them up, on time, they expect that you look at a baby. What time you put them in the crib, what time do you get up in the morning? And it feels disruptive if things aren’t going as planned, so you… And as someone that owns a business has to turn on the lights every day. But value, value, value, so that when you haven’t asked, they’re like, “Oh you’ve given so much value, so that right now when you said to people, Listen if you’re stressed out, I want to invite you to here, you did this last week. I would love to invite you to come and see a private training with our president of the company. And so, people were putting up their hand for that as opposed to the people that haven’t been showing up, and then posting random things. Maybe they’re selling three different things and then they’re like, “Oh you should come and take a look at this. They’re like confused.
So, I, I think that that is so key. A simplicity consistency of your message, consistency of service building community on your teams getting rid of… I’m summing up all your great things, getting rid of the toxic energy the scare in an abundance and allowing people with that mission. No, your mission, you didn’t hear Sarah say my mission was to make a six-figure income so I could go to Utah or go skiing, even though that’s an awesome thing, her mission is to help women see that they have options for how to provide an extra income for their families, how to have more time with their kids how to feel empowered, how to be a part of a community.
So that’s like all gold that you’ve shared.
If you have someone, I know that someone’s listening, and I want you to end with one thing. So, this is hard for me because I never land the plane as Fallon said last week, so I’m going to make us land this plane. If there’s one thing that you could say for your business every single day, you cannot go without you, do this every day, no matter what, whether it’s a mindset thing or something on social media. If somebody said I want to do one thing, that Sarah does every day, because I want to have her success, what would that be?
Well, that’s a good question… And I surprise people with my questions. I like it, I like it. And I think the reality is to… We all have our ups and downs, during the day. Do I always feel like being super hard for working my business, of course, not, but that’s how you have the successes you do things when you don’t always feel like it. But I think the one thing I always have to do that really gets me in that mindset is definitely the mindset part of it, where I love to journal in the morning and I write down, I remind myself why I’m doing what is my true centered purpose for why I’m building this business which like I said, it really has nothing to do with money, it has everything to do with how I can help other people, and I remind myself because then all of my actions throughout the day, the way I respond to people what I put out the energy I’m huge on energy that you put out. People can feel that through their computer screens and their phones. Yeah, I know I’m being consistent with who I am, and I love what you see analogy too, just about raising kids, and showing up and building that trust with people too. I think it needs to be so much more than you just making money with this. It needs to be you truly want to make an impact with people in a positive way, and that’s what’s going to keep you going to have success in something like this. It’s not easy and I have no interest in doing something that advertises easy. Now, what’s great is what makes it hard, it makes it great but it’s not even so much hard, but because I enjoy it so much, but it’s a challenge, it’s rewarding, I love that. So, I’m going to give an assignment with that as we wrap it up is, if you’ve been listening to me for more than 10 seconds, you know that. I believe in the power of the journal, and I believe in returning to who loses, if you don’t win, if you don’t show up, so, wins when you win. And so, really push into the idea of what happens if you don’t show up for your business, you get the opportunity. If we’re going to go in the book to write this chapter, and if you are in a negative space if you don’t have belief, if you are constantly have self-doubt that even questions.
Oh my gosh, so I put this in my stories, so my gosh. Oh, and you have all this craziness that abundance doesn’t come your way.
So, when you return to… Here’s what I’m doing and here’s why and this is how our family wins this is how the women that I help win and this is what the world needs is me to show up. Then you start having a completely different energy around it.
So, Sarah, one last thing, what are you reading right now?
I am actually reading Rachel Hollis, Stop Apologizing, and I’m re-reading it, because I got it a year ago. But I feel like that is definitely what fuels me though, too. I’m a big Audible, I like to listen, so I listen to her book first and then I was actually able to get a signed copy from her last summer, so I’m reading my signed copy version now. I love it, I love it. Well, thank you so much for being on… And I know that what people had said to me was, they said We love all the strategy we love all these trainers and coaches coming on but we want to hear from women in the field, moms that are working busy, hard demanding jobs and are still showing up to do this. So, thank you for being that person and if you guys want to take a look at Sarah and how she builds in her stories, where can they find you on Instagram?
So, I am a very creative name. It’s not at all just my name, it’s Sar Eliz Cole.
Okay, so SarElizCole, and tag us, both of us in your stories this week, that you love this podcast and we will see you next week on You’re Not the Boss of Me.
Well, that’s it for another week of You’re Not the Boss of Me. My thanks for being with us today, and as always, screenshot on Instagram, give us a shout-out, I’ll shout you out right back friend.
And also, Sarah did an incredible training over in Camp Elevate.
She talked about how she uses stories in her recruiting method. And this works for all sale’s online, coaches, etc…network marketers. So, if you want to see that training again come on over to Camp Elevate and don’t forget that we have the five-day focus framework that is headed your way, as well. So, see you over in camp, and next week I can’t wait for you to see what I have in store for you, be well and be you bravely.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today and You’re Not the Boss of Me. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal and I have a favor to ask of you and that is leaving me a five-star review over an iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more to get more people to interview, that are doing the thing breaking the glass ceiling, creating what they crave and helping you with your game plans. Please leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the… You’re Not the Boss of Me Swag, So, make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today, and we’ll chat with you next week.