Episode 15: The Shiny Object Syndrome
Dec 09, 2019What’s The Episode About…
Hey, Hey, Hey, and welcome back to, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. We are just around the corner with this episode from Christmas, from the holiday season… the hustle and bustle of December, and also the massive amounts of marketing that shows the brand-new weight loss program, the mastermind, the newest and greatest marketing techniques. So, today I’m going to share with you some of my takeaways, and some of the best advice that I’ve received from people that have made over $1 million in their online or network marketing business. We will delve into the shiny object syndrome, and the persistence of sticking with something just long enough to have success.
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
- No Boss Talk
- The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
- Beth’s Instagram
- Beth’s Website
- The Profit HER Way Course
Keynotes discussed:
- I’m going to share with you, so a lot of ways that it’s influenced my business. Just thinking something’s not working, jumping from thing to thing, when actually right before us is our success. (03:02)
- Let’s not beat ourselves up for what didn’t happen in 2019,and let’s look with gratitude and with love with what did happen in 2019. (06:48)
- He said to me once, and this really hit me, it’s never enough, and that my friends is one of the most painful memories that I have. (14:21)
- How do you keep that in your life and then decide if that’s important to you? (19:11)
- You are going to grow a five year plan. You are ultimately responsible for that success. (27:18)
When Did It Air…
December 09, 2019
Episode Transcript…
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Hey, Hey, Hey and welcome back to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. You guys. We are just around the corner with this episode from Christmas, from the holiday season, the hustle and bustle of December, and also from the massive amounts of marketing that show you about the brand new weight loss program, the mastermind, the newest and greatest marketing techniques. So today I’m going to share with you, before we get to the end of this episode, some of my takeaways and some of the best advice that I’ve received from people that have made over $1 million in their online or network marketing business, about the shiny object syndrome, the persistence and sticking with something just long enough to have success. I know that you may have fallen prey, like many of you, I still go to the grocery store. I love grocery shopping. It’s something that I love. I love to go in the produce section.
I’m not a great cook, many of you know that, and I love to go to the grocery store. So one of the pieces, when I look at my schedule and before the end of the year, we’re going to be talking, make sure you tune in next week because this is our focus about your 24 hour plan. About your 12 month plan, choosing words and themes and all of those good things for how you can have a focus and an emphasis for the coming year in 2020, how we reflect on 2019. We’re going to be doing a lot of that on the podcast over the next few weeks, but also over in camp elevate. So before we kick off the podcast today, if I haven’t met you yet, my name is Beth Graves. I had this idea while standing at the gym, what if I started having this podcast because I love having conversations with women?
I love it. The interaction that comes from these conversations I’ve met over the last, I think we launched this podcast, I’m going to say six weeks ago. And I can’t even tell you how grateful I am for you, our loyal listeners, for the shares. Because of your share, I’ve had women reach out to me and just tell me about a shift, a shift that they’ve had in their life. And so I’m going to have a little share contest with you all today if you’re listening, and I would love for you to share this with someone that’s on your mind, who comes to mind that you know who really wants to have success in their business, is tired of juggling, of having the sacrifice of, of not being totally present in their marriage with their children or they’re missing out on the girls’ night because they think they’ve got to hustle and grind, or they’re just feeling an unsupportive circle. And let them know, I thought of you today and I want to send this your way. I want to share with you a review, because one of the things that, and this is where this podcast is going today, we’re going to talk about the shiny object syndrome and picking up the women’s world magazine at the counter, and how that influences your business.
And I’m going to share with you a lot of ways that it’s influenced my business. Just thinking something’s not working, jumping from thing to thing, when actually right before us is our success. And you have it right now, right before you, even if 2019 didn’t have the numbers that you thought you would see in your business, or maybe it did, you have with you at this minute the answer to how things are going to shift for you in 2020. And sometimes it’s just leaning into yourself, trusting yourself, putting on your blinders. But there are a couple of things that I’m going to point out that I hope can help you today. So a big, big piece of staying on the train for whatever you’re doing, okay? We know and we hear it all the time. You’re only as great as those five people that you surround yourself with.
So in today’s episode, I want you to think about an area of your life in 2019 that may have not gone to what you expected. Was it? I’m going to be in the best shape of my life. Was it? I’m going to hit blah bidy, blah bidy rank, and make multiple six figures. Was it? I’m finally going to launch that coaching business, or maybe grow a Facebook community, or maybe you had thought I’m going to go out and provide service or tithe more, or maybe it was growing your marriage. As you reflect on 2019 I encourage you to not beat yourself up. I do this a lot in the fitness category, in my health category. To say, Oh gosh, look, it’s so and so, look what she did in 2019. Well, honestly, I’m going to look at 2019 for my health and say I’m in the best health of my life.
Well, maybe not the best health of my life. I don’t know. I can’t compare. I don’t have the metrics, but I’m going to say, what have I done for my health and I’m going to list those things. Had the mammogram, I’ve gone to my wellness visits, I’ve cut out for the most part, refined sugar. For the most part, I’ve cut out diet soda. I stayed with my nutritional supplement routine every single day and have a healthy gut. So instead as you look at 2019, and we’re going to talk about shiny object syndrome and how we get off track, and we’re going to do more of this next episode. And we’re also doing a ton of this over at Camp Elevate, which is our free Facebook community, of taking a look at your business, what you’re doing for pleasure, for the things that just give you joy, what you’re doing with your family and each member of your family, the relationships, what we’re doing for our health, and what we’re doing for our spiritual and for like our, our brain and our spiritual, our how we raise our vibration and how we take care of that?
Just like we do our physical health. So when you look at those areas in 2019 instead of being like, Oh my gosh, I suck, totally suck. My business sucks. I didn’t do anything right. It gave up. I can’t even watch these people that are having success. No, no, no, not allowed. You are not allowed to beat yourself up. You need to say, how does love look? So let’s just cut out all the crap of the goals that we didn’t meet, because I do it to myself too. And just ask yourself this question. How does love look in this situation? You my friend, are listening to this podcast today, that means that you are engaged in making yourself better. That you thought, I’m gonna listen to this chick and I’m gonna see if today I can walk away with some ideas. So let’s make a pact with ourselves.
Let’s not beat ourselves up for what didn’t happen in 2019, and let’s look with gratitude and with love with what did happen in 2019. Because we don’t know if we hadn’t done maybe the three or four things, what could have happened, which may have be an outcome that was much less desired than the outcome that you have. So I want to share with you something, one of the biggest pieces of life, right, of success. Making sure that you are not engaging, that you’re making a pact with yourself. So we know people give up too early. People don’t do the 1%. We know those things. And we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about how we quit before we’re ready to have success. Because when we just process that, when we just think about it in a little bit different way, with a little bit different angle, you’re going to start to notice, okay, this fits me.
So I want you to really today, think about who’s in your circle. We hear it all the time. If you surround yourself with people that have a high vibration, that have high energy, I have friends that have higher vibration and are totally freaking amazing humans, but every time I’m with them I feel like I totally suck. So here’s an example of something I used to do. You guys think about this, about times of your life. I have times of my life when I was fit enough to put on a bikini and walk across down the beach, and really have low percentage of body fat look great. I did the work okay? It did the work, this was years ago and I still didn’t have the ability to love myself enough because I wasn’t working on the other parts, which were the visualization, the self love, the breathing exercises, the ways that we stop negative self talk.
Can you guys relate to this? So one of the things that I would do, this is a little tiny thing, is I have a friend, and many of you may know her. If you’re listening, and her name is Heather. I was a young mom and I met Heather and I would go to Heather’s house and Heather always, it always smelled beautiful. She’s got this beautiful ability to put a stack of books on a shelf and make it just look like, I don’t know, that Martha Stewart had been to her house yesterday. If you want to follow her on Instagram, it’s @HW Interiors. When Heather was looking at shifting, when their life was shifting, and her husband was in a career transition from polo, she decided to take what she loved and turn it into a career. And I’m going to share about that.
But the point of this part of the story is, whenever I was around Heather, I felt, and still do, I feel empowered. I feel a walk away. She’s engaged, she looks at you. She’s never uses negative words. She’s not that bitching person that’s like, did you see this? Did you see that? She just always has kind and nice and good things to say. And she always is. She’s just has this beautiful spiritual foundation. And I always used to laugh and say I’m going to, I have to become friends with her, because I got to find something that’s wrong. And I found that Heather, no matter what her circumstance, she never was out of gratitude for it. So when Heather was, when they were having a career transition in their family, as many of us have done, getting the tuition for school paid for, it was really, really important because one of the cool things about where our kids went to school was, if you have a parent that drives the bus, it was half tuition. And she said to me, I was just starting in Network Marketing and she didn’t understand the vision that I had, and knowing what I could do with it because you know, she had watched me start a million businesses that basically were like two time wonders, right?
Because I quit too early. I didn’t invest in the circle of people that would give me success. I didn’t stay the plan. I didn’t do the daily work and I didn’t have the mindset to keep myself in check when I started to have doubts, but this time was different. She didn’t know that. She was just like, Hey, you know what? Grab a bus position. Well, I run over gas tanks pulling campers, so there’s like no way I could drive a bus. And most people that went from a pretty cushy life and then driving the bus for their kids would turn that into a like, Oh my gosh, can you believe I have to take my CDL? Can you believe I have to drive this bus? Can you believe this? Oh my gosh, this totally sucks. Nope, not Heather. She even drove the bus with grace, and with optimism.
She puts some essential oils on the seats on the cold Florida mornings. There might be a little blanket. She made her bus the best freaking bus in the world because every child that got on that bus, she said to me this, she said, I have the opportunity in 15 minutes, 20 minutes in 30 minutes to be that voice that helps them to go out and do great things. And how cool it that I have the opportunity to have half tuition. She’s now a very, very successful interior designer. Her book is sold out. It is hard to even get a consult with her. And she had started that business back when she was doing the bus, but that was what she needed to do to get off the ground. She even does Network Marketing as a small piece of residual income each month, because she loves the product and she loves saying this.
Not everybody who has an interior design vision wants to start that big business. But I can suggest this product, I can suggest the business to people and support them in their entrepreneurial journey. So my point with Heather is this, I used to go to Heather’s house and I would be like, Oh my gosh, it’s amazing. She of course has this beautiful ability, beautiful ability to make the surrounding, and she also has like no clutter. She loves clean. And then I would walk back in my house, this is back when the kids were little and I would be a total witch. I would walk in and the laundry room, it would be a mess. There would be, we lived on a farm like you know, some dust on the floor. Not like we didn’t have a, you know, a farm house. When I say there’s dirt on the floor from the farm, we’d walk in and out. And I would walk in and I would be critical because, we were spending money on horses and going to horse shows, and living in an RV in the summers, and like really a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful life that we had grown around.
Something that we loved, and I was living out of gratitude at the time. I’ve had this conversation with my husband where I have apologized because I was so into that moment of, I’d walk in and let the little things get under my skin, like the laundry on the floor. Shifting that in 2020, and shifting that, what shifted in my life was not comparing to Heather’s house, it was perfect, but taking notes and saying, how do I want my environment to be? How can I make small changes? So this happens. But walking in and saying, Oh my gosh, isn’t it incredibly amazing that my husband threw in a load of laundry, just because he didn’t do it the way I wanted him to do it, that the clean laundry was on the floor? Or isn’t this an incredible and beautiful existence that I have on this farm?
And he said to me once, and this really hit me, it’s never enough, and that my friends is one of the most painful memories that I have. I get teary eyed thinking of it because how in the world did I allow myself to finally get the things, things that most people are praying for? And you have those in your life right now. You do. I promise you you do. How did I allow myself to stop seeing the blessings of the small things? Because the little complaints, the little ways that we compare, the moments that you walk in and you snap, of course a lot of things can be going on of course, but when those thoughts become negative, your vibration, your energy, just being with you doesn’t feel great. And how is that affecting the one that you’ve chosen to marry or your partner or your children?
So I ask you this, who’s getting the best view and how are you showing up? So when I would surround myself with Heather, I looked and when I started to evolve I decided, and this is the thing, you can’t just grab a book and say, and this is about consistency, but it’s also again about the 1%, it’s about being able to have a consistent way that when you find yourself going on that spiral, how do you get yourself back in check? How do you say stop? And I say that out loud. When I find myself having, I walk in my garage, you guys my garage in 2020 I’m putting it out there. It’s going to be, there’s going to be a workout area. It is going to feel like, and I’m telling you guys, Heather had, when I met her, her garage, I still see the vision she had…like this woman, I want you to go over there and follow her on Instagram.
I don’t think she’s listening to this podcast yet. So, Hey Heather! This podcast was not going to be a story of Heather, but it’s turning into it and I’m loving it. So Heather had this tree in her garage, for you young moms, I’ve got to get Heather to put up a picture. I’ll put up a picture on Facebook. She took spray styrofoam, it was up against the wall. And in Florida we don’t have basements. So some people turn their garages into playrooms for their kids because they need that space. And that’s what she had done. And anyway, sprays styrofoam and there were like silk little leaves and things that you could touch that would, that would make little noises. I mean, talk about comparisonitis. I’m this new mom in South Florida meeting new friends, and she’s 10 years younger than me. So I was like, I had my babies a little bit later.
And because you know, that was my blessing, was I had all this time instead of looking at the journey of, there’s a lot that happened for me to have, especially Donnie, that’s another episode. But instead of thinking about that blessing. So you know, I’m like, here I am in South Florida, she’s 29 I’m 39 I have this one year old baby and I’m, this is a side note you guys, you’ll laugh. I went to a kickboxing class, I had just had a baby and I’m there with someone 10 years younger than me. And here we go, comparing ourselves to others. How about Hey, I met kickboxing and I have this, this great new friend. I’m not going to compare the fact that I’m wearing like five sports bras and I am completely like not perky kickboxing girl. So anyway, I digress. So when you are making this decision, it’s the small things that are going to allow that vision to happen.
And we know how this works. So first of all, this story of Heather started with, surround yourself with people that uplift you and inspire you. But if you start to feel that every time I’m with them, I walk away and I can’t stop myself from thinking I’m not enough. It’s okay to either work on some mindset, work on some shifts, or during that season to maybe not spend time because it’s not a healthy thing for you. Or, have that conversation. Like I could’ve said to Heather, every time I walk into my house X, Y, and Z. Well, you know what, Heather had routines and rituals in place that we’re very structured about how that house was. She had invested in extra help. She does a thing where like she buys some, I’m sure, she buys something new, something goes out. And one time I said to her, and here’s the thing Heather, I’m like overwhelmed with my closet and as a good friend would, she and Lisa came over in the beginning of their business.
They had extra days and yep, call in the troops so they knew how to organize and clean a closet, edit, make me get rid of the Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. And we laughed so hard. That is still one of my favorite days of those friend memories. So surround yourself with people, and if they have a super talent that you don’t have and you’re looking to make a shift, ask for help. All right, ask for help. How do you do that? How do you keep that in your life and then decide if that’s important to you. Decide, I’m going to adopt a routine and ritual in my life and I’m going to stick with it for longer than two minutes. So most of us have the shiny object syndrome when it comes to a successful business idea. Even in Network Marketing business, an online business, we think, okay, I’m going to do all these things.
I’m going to launch this and then it’s going to be amazing. And when I don’t have success, I’m going to blame the actual diet or the actual business plan or the actual strategy. So how does this connect to what my house looked like and felt like when I would walk in? Well, I didn’t know at that time. I didn’t understand. I was always a pretty high vibe person and I always used running and exercise as a way to get my head in the right place. I understood the idea of needing to be on the tennis court, but I didn’t have the full picture of how important it was for me to not have negative self talk, not be in a state of gratitude for longterm. How that affects a relationship and affected when I would say things like, in that moment of, nothing seems to ever satisfy you or make you happy, and that was a total reflection of me not doing the work consistently.
Yeah, and you look back and I think when was I the best? When I consistently practiced Yoga, when my friend Maryanne, you guys, if you’re in Camp Elevate, you heard about Maryanne and the Lululemon’s story. That was a really fun story. She got me going to Yoga and I didn’t realize I did that for three and a half years before Yoga, it was just Vinyasa Yoga, was just taking off. But my mindset and my gratitude and all of those pieces were in place because I had that practice and I didn’t know yet. I was evolving as an entrepreneur, evolving and what I like to call a, you know, a present mindful human. I didn’t understand that, that practice, that consistency when I left it, because we came to Florida and I couldn’t find a studio, and I didn’t stick with it. I jumped into something new, I jumped over to CrossFit.
I didn’t stick with it long enough. So finding those practices that you can commit to in 2020 that you say, I am not just a one time wonder. I watched this happen all the time in Network Marketing. Someone will come into a business and the leave, and for some people it’s not a fit, but they’ll leave and they’ll say, well it didn’t work. But the people that stay with a business over time, and maybe their race, or their their climb, or their focus. It wasn’t like mine was, which I had massive amounts of action very early in my business because I really, really had vision for hitting that topper and give the company multiple six figures in the seven figure Mark. But what about those people that over five years consistently show up to the business and have two to three conversations a day and consistently show up once a week to learn more about how to grow their business?
But they make that commitment. They show up, they show up, they show up, they show up. How about this? Have any of you started a gratitude journal and then you do it for three or four days? You put it aside because you say, I’m still feeling like I’m in a negative spiral. It’s not working. I listened to that podcast with Danelle, it’s Networking. It’s because you haven’t gone far enough. You haven’t created the habits and the rituals yet. I do it all the time. So how about those people that you run into and you see them and they’ve had this miraculous physical transformation and you’ve lost and gained? You know, like I’m saying you, because every time I say you it relates to me as well, the same 12 and a half pounds, or you’re still at the same point, but you’ve tried 16 different things and you’re sitting there and I’m going to talk about seeing, you know, I’m at the grocery store, I see the women’s world magazine.
I still will buy a magazine. I’m still tempted. And the number one Keto tip for women that helped Tina lose 341 pounds without surgery. So do you go from saying, I’m going to give up eating sugar for 92 days, like sugary treats? I’m going to replace that with Greek yogurt and I’m going to perhaps stop eating after seven, and up my water and move my body 30 minutes and committing to that for let’s say 222 days? Or I’ve done this. You go, Oh my gosh. Well, if Tina lost her 341 pounds, I’m gonna spend $2 and 25 cents for this magazine that literally I could Google everything in it, and I’m going to jump ship, I’m going to do this. And then we do it for a few days and we get, it doesn’t work because it’s too restrictive. So, off we go to something new. So let’s do this for 2020 let’s decide that we’re going to commit.
All right, so just do the thing. Why does Weight Watchers work for some people? Why does Keto work for some people? Because those are the people that show up that decide that it’s not just a two week plan. So being successful in business, most people will say it’s a five year plan. Many of you have told me I started a podcast and they didn’t have the downloads. Well, you didn’t stay with it long enough. I’m not going to be, well, I can. Let’s do it. Download today. Share this out. Remember we’re having a share chain with this podcast. I have vision. I can have this podcast look like Rise, right? With Rachel Hollis. So, but it’s a five year plan and then sticking to it, and I’m talking. So here are the things that need to happen is decide that you’re persistent. I’m persistent, I stay with things.
But before we know what we have to stay with, you got to know what we want. What’s the plan? So as you go into 2020 and as you look at 2019 for me, it’s so clear when I am at a high level of connection with my husband, with my kids, with my friends, I’d have to work on that. I have to not complain when I walk in the door. I have to look and say, what a beautiful life we’ve built. You know what? I’m going to have my garage. I have this vision for it. It’s never going to be perfect. But what a beautiful thing that I’ve got that I’m going to be able to put a Peloton in my garage. I’m not getting the Peloton until I have the garage ready. That’s like my reward. So have a plan that says this could take time.
And that’s okay because the journey is a beautiful piece. So every time you’re taking a step, think about, gosh, I went for, you know, go for a run. How about if I had continued with that Yoga practice? I continued to say, you know what? I’m going to continue to do this Yoga practice to practice over time. I would now be in my Yoga mode for 19 years, and I think about, I wish I had, but then I’m like, okay, so how do I move forward with that? I want to have flexibility. I want to have that time. I love Shavasana. I love how I feel. I love the connection. So 2020 how does that look? It might not be seven days a week, an hour and a half in Yasa it might be, but if I want that instead of looking back with regret, I think about what could have happened if for 19 years I had continued that practice.
So we have to really take an assessment and look, and that comes through journaling and I’m telling you, it’s about love. It’s about grace. Because instead of saying, Oh, I suck. I didn’t keep with that Yoga practice. I could be so flexible, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I’m going to talk about, look at all of the things that when I didn’t, my dog is snoring in the background. You guys, hello Yogi. Look at all of the things that I was able to do during that time. I made room for tennis in my life and the women that I’ve met in tennis, I’ve got to say, okay, I made room for a big, vibrant, healthy business. I made room for all of the things in the community of Camp Elevate, so that’s just a sidetrack, so have a long term plan. Know that you are going to grow a five year plan.
You are ultimately responsible for that success. Yes, you can have people in your circle that allow you to have the accountability meeting, your friend Abra at Yoga, having the accountability. Maybe you’re in a free Facebook group. Maybe you have a great leadership group. Maybe you decide to put a mastermind together, but ultimately, if I’m going to record this podcast, it’s my responsibility. Jody, who’s an amazing podcast coach, and I’m going to share all of her things out with you and how you can connect with her. If you want to have a podcast or even like, she’s a business strategist around podcasts and teaching women to rise in their confidence. But what I want you to think about is this, is ultimately I’m up. It’s five in the morning. This was supposed to be to Jody last night. I’m up recording because ultimately if I want to commit to five years of content in a podcast, I’ve got to get her the goods, but I have to have a team to do it because I know myself, in my strength finder, and we’re going to do the Strength Finder assessment over in Camp Elevate with all of the details of putting this out.
It wouldn’t happen. So I decided this is the team that’s in place to help me with the podcast. How that would look in terms of financially, in terms of making sure the routines and rituals in place so that I produce the content because my five year plan is that my Profit Her Way program will continue. There’s an alarm and you can tell it’s morning cause you can hear the alarm going off and I’m just going to leave those things so that you can hear, Oh my goodness, it’s still going up. That’s okay. So that you can hear what happens in my house cause it’s now time for people to start waking up there. The alarm is off. To have a podcast when you’re at home and knowing I’m not going to be perfect. This is going to have great editing. You’re gonna hear great things.
Yeah. So knowing that it is a five year plan, understanding that the ultimate success is up to me. But you have to have a team, right? You have to have a team celebrating the wins. Like last night I celebrated. We’ve had so many downloads and so many reviews. Can I ask again? Sometimes I feel like when I ask you to share, I’m like, share my podcast, share my thing, and then when I get the messages, please DM me. Please put this up in your stories that tell me that. That helped me make a shift in my business that that interview that you did helped me so much. That note makes me know that the community is looking for us. Okay, how do we handle those setbacks when we ourself dipping? What do you have in place for those setbacks? So for me, when Stephanie Brett doesn’t hear from me for very long, because she’s my community for my health and wellness with Bridgette, and when she doesn’t hear from me, she’ll say, what?
You know, let me know how I can help you. Because we were doing the same workouts at the gym from afar. We’re also working on, you know, getting rid of some of the toxins and I have, you know, that I can show up vulnerably and not feel judged and always say, how does love feel? Those are the things that you need to have in your business. And your relationships in that support network, but knowing what do you do when you feel that, yep, that support network and also you guys having integrity in your business and in your life and how you approach things when you go by a no. Most of you have read the Four Agreements and when you lead your life with saying, I’m absolutely positively not going to be, I’m going into this negative spiral, into this judgmental spiral, for other people. And when you feel yourself doing that, pulling yourself out of it and having routines and rituals in place that keep you on track to have those successful dreams.
What happens is this, people look and say, Oh, I’m going to go over and maybe they’ll say, I’m going to work with Beth in her mastermind this year. I’m going to make that investment this year and three or four things happen and you can’t show up, or you try a few things, and I’ve done this, like I’ve worked with coaches, I’ve worked with mentors, I’ve worked with programs. If I, and I always think, if I would have consistently put out the content, Jody told me you guys, five years ago. I connected with Jody and she was helping me with a different way that I was putting out content and it didn’t fit my vibe. It didn’t fit what I wanted to do with building women up, and I love the camp environment, and events, and working in masterminds, and the way that I’m doing it now, and I love how I’ve built my Network Marketing business alongside of it. A lot of that comes from just making that decision.
And she had talked about podcasting and I was like, I didn’t even know podcasting. I didn’t research it. It wasn’t a fit for me at the time. And I said to her last night, gosh, what if we had started this podcast five years ago? Because every time I have an episode, you guys, I make some incredible connections. Whether they’re just new friends, new people, I’m inspiring new people that are saying, I want to work with you and your mastermind, or I want to come to Camp Elevate, or I want to take a look at working with you in Network Marketing, whatever it is. Or the other thing is I am a master connector. And so I know that when I connect people, so I’ve helped a lot of people start podcasts by connecting them to Jody. Not because it’s something for me, but it’s when I can connect someone, uplift, inspire, guess what happens?
All is good in the world. All is well in the world. All is beautiful in the world, because when somebody else is succeeding, when we raise someone else up and we celebrate another woman, we have done the trickle effect. So over in Camp Elevate, we’re doing so much of this, and it’s a free group. And Robyn Benson, I met her, because I decided while I was on a lifestyle getaway that I had earned, and I was going to the beach and I was doing a workout, and there I met Robin and we’ve been friends, and she’s great. She’s just a great camper over in Camp Elevate because of her energy. And I want to read to you today what she wrote about being Camp Elevate, and want to ask you to join us in that community, so that as we go through the end of the year, my focus in 2020 in that group are going to be the things that we talked about to do those celebrations, to find out what are the ways that things need to shift in your life so you can have gratitude, not let the little things bother you.
What are some of what we’ll be doing? A lot of strategy for business and what feels right and aligned with your business. Because if it’s not a strategy, like podcasting is so right for me for content, it feels right and aligned. I love it. But what I was doing before didn’t feel aligned. I didn’t like it. I was doing like trying to do some YouTube content around just teaching strategy and I’m totally not just a strategy chick and it didn’t feel right. So I stopped. I mean if I would’ve continued, I would have grown a following and there are people that do that and I would have grown content, it would have grown my business. So we’re going to do that in Camp Elevate. If you really, really, really want to dial it in and you really want to focus on that and you’re like, I am ready for a mentor or a coach, I’m going to tell you to reach out to me, either DM me on Instagram or go to BethHoldenGraves.com/profit.
Because inside of my mastermind community we are going to like really, really, really put these things into place. So in Camp Elevate, this is what Robin said, and I just want to thank her because, you guys, if you’re around me for 10 seconds, you know that I cry in 10 seconds. But I just had tears when she wrote this and she said; “While talking with a good friend today who was another woman entrepreneur, I realized how much my attitude about myself and my vibration has improved and elevated since coming to camp. Sometimes we don’t realize how far we have come, when the progress is baby steps. Just like today’s episode. Thank you Beth. And all of the amazing camp counselors who have shared wisdom and tips and also all of you campers providing the encouragement in this community. This is truly a special group of humans.”
How amazing is that? And with that, I want to invite you to come on over. It’s the CampElevateGroup.com. You’ll go right into the Facebook group and, but let me know you’re coming in, let me know, Hey, I want to come in. Because nobody likes to come to camp and not know where the cabin is, right? So we’ve got a lot of things planned for 2020 inside of the free group. The connections that I wanna make with you of some of the most awesome and amazing guides and people that will be on this podcast with me. We’re going to do an in person summer camp. We’ve got the Profit Her Way mastermind. But most importantly, I want you to look at 2020 as your opportunity to find what feels aligned, to have gratitude, to have the highest energy and excitement vibration around what it is that you’re doing, but most importantly finding what works for you and then sticking it out.
Like we can’t jump from thing to thing and think that we’re ever going to have success. So if cold messaging with with a script doesn’t feel right for you, we know we need to build our business in a way that we have more conversations. Maybe you’re going to create a wellness in person event that happens once a month where you bring women together. Maybe that’s what your plan will be to meet and talk to new people. But we have to think about how does that feel? How does that look? How does it feel in your life? So just like my closet that needed to have a transformation, I had to call in my friends who are so good at editing, getting rid of clutter, folding things, all of those pieces. Yeah. Just like when I knew I needed some help in an area, in an area that wasn’t my high vibe.
Big strength. That’s what we do together in Camp Elevate. We connect, we inspire, we encourage, we show up. So show up for yourself and as you look at the areas of 2019 think about all of the pieces that happened on the journey along the way. Even if the ultimate goal that you had thought would happen, think about the journey and have gratitude for that journey. I thank you so much for being with me today. Next week we are going to really dive into some of those ways that we can reflect, and some of those ways that we can move forward with the theme for the year. Not just necessarily, I’m not like a, my personality type and my level of how I process isn’t always like a black and white goal, but a theme, an area of how I want things to look in 2020, and we are going to do that together.
So with that I want to share with you. Yeah. Okay, a final quote that I think is really going to help you as you move forward. Well, it’s not a quote, it’s basically it’s, I saw it on Instagram and it was on somebody’s site. Her name is Mally Roncal, M. A. L L. Y. R. O. N. C. A. L. she has a great, I get inspired every time I go to her Instagram and it’s kinda long, but I want to read it to you. “To protect my energy. It is okay to change my mind to protect my energy. It is okay to cancel an appointment to protect my energy. It is okay to take a day off to protect my energy. It is okay to not answer that call to protect my energy. It is okay to not share myself to protect my energy. It is okay to do nothing, to protect my energy. It is okay to be alone, to protect my energy. It is okay to sleep in, to protect my energy. It is okay to speak up to protect my energy. It is okay to move on to protect my energy. It is okay to let go, to protect my energy. It is okay to change.” Amen.
So with that, you guys go out there and crush it today. Please share this out with someone. You think that you know that as you close, your eyes really needs to have you say, Hey, I got you. I got you, I got you, boo. All right, I’ll chat with you guys all next Monday when the next episode drops, I’m looking to interview Santa Claus. So if you have a connection with him, let me know because I want to get him on the podcast.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today and ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes. Every single week I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag, so make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.