Episode 12: Rewire Your Brain and Change Your Entire Experience
Nov 18, 2019What’s The Episode About…
Today I am so excited to share with you, a very special interview, with the amazing Kristin Crockett. Once upon a time, Kristin Crockett was living the American Dream – she was making all the money, she was top in sales in her career. She had the beautiful house, she had the husband, she had a beautiful family. Yet she was overweight, she wasn’t feeling fulfilled, she felt this missing piece in her life. I think this is something that many women can relate to.
I had just turned 40, I had gained a bunch of weight, I had never had a weight issue before. I decided to cut my hair. After cutting my hair, my husband, who is desperate to figure out what was going on with me. He thought to himself, what can I do to help my miserable wife be happy? So, he’s like, what do you need? That’s what we all want, somebody to ask our needs. And I said, I need hair extensions. Like that was my answer to why I wasn’t happy. So, I went out and spent $2,500 on hair extensions. I looked good for about three days, and then my friends had to do an intervention after a month. My hair extensions were not the way to make me happy, and it wasn’t how I ultimately found that contentment on the next piece of my journey.
Kristen shares with us how to create the mindset to gain the success that we truly deserve, and to raise the bar on what we believe we deserve. It worked for Kristin, she lost over 80lbs, gained the personal freedom of self-expression, and expanded her confidence and courage.
Keynotes discussed:
- I had the kids, I had the husband, but there was just something missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it. (04:45)
- My unconscious mind had its own itinerary. So when you’ve got this, almost like these two worlds that come together, it shows up in reality as resistance and it, for me it was resistance to action. (13:20)
- So when you get your magic wand out, you get to take that and just kind of silence that inner critic, and that’s what the magic wand does. And then be able to say, well, this is what I’d actually really want. (21:24)
- So that’s what I, I just today, let’s all do something courageous that feels uncomfortable, that we know we should be doing. (28:31)
- These are all these ideas that come to me when I wake up in the morning, and I keep a journal next to my bed because anytime I have an idea or something, you know, floats into my brain, I write it down. (32:20)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
- No Boss Talk
- Kristin Crockett on Facebook
- Kristen’s Website
- The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
- Beth’s Instagram
- Beth’s Website
- The Profit HER Way Course
When Did It Air…
November 18, 2019
Episode Transcript…
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Let’s get started. Welcome back. I am so excited. I have an incredible guest on this episode. Her name is Kristen Crockett and I am going to do a little intro and first of all, I love to tell people, because a huge thing about my life is I seem to get these awesome connections with women and it’s because I always ask questions. So, a friend of mine, Yvonne, who gave me permission, met Kristin and started working with her and Deserve Coaching and I started to notice the shift with Yvonne. Like something was different, and I’m like, what are you doing? Like you know when someone has a new boyfriend or a new haircut or they’ve got something, she had this glow and I’m like Yvonne, like what is going on? Are you having good sex? Like what’s the story?
She introduced me to Kristen and yeah, so I am going to just read it. It’s almost reading, but I’m looking at her bio because Kristen, when I first talked to her, she was interviewing me for a book she’s writing, which she’ll share, and she said she had it all, the American dream. She was making all the money. She was top in sales in her career. She had the beautiful house, she had the husband, she had a beautiful family, yet she was overweight. She wasn’t feeling fulfilled. She felt this missing piece in her life. I know I can relate. Kristen doesn’t know the story. I’m going to have Kristen continue to share what she did from that moment. But I think this, many women will relate to. I had just turned 40 and I had gained a bunch of weight. I had never had a weight issue and I also decided to cut my hair.
And I’m looking at Kristen cause we’re live together. She’s got this adorable haircut, it is sassy. I cut my hair. So, I had gained weight. I cut my hair and my husband who is desperate to figure out what can I do to help my miserable wife be happy? So, he’s like, what do you need? What do you need? Like that’s what we want someone to ask our needs. And I was like, yeah, I need hair extensions. That was my answer to why I wasn’t happy. So, I went out and spent $2,500 on hair extensions. I looked good for about three days and then my friends had to do an intervention after a month. Like this is not a good thing for you. So anyway, hair extensions were not the way to raise my Deserve level and it wasn’t how I ultimately found that on that next piece of the journey. So, Kristen, hearing that, I’m sure you get clients that were in my position all the time. Can you share your story, your journey, and how you ended up leaving that corporate high paying job to help women just like me?
Absolutely. So, I love the hair extension story. I think it’s a really great illustration about something outside of me is going to make me feel better. Right? It’s something else. It’s kind of circumstantial. Something is going to make me feel better. And for me, that’s really where my story started. So, I had the beautiful home and it was gorgeous, you know, 4,800 square feet, so the granite counters and the warming trays and that, this and the that. And I loved my house, but it’s like I bought all of the things that people who are incredibly successful buy, and I put them in a house, and I was terribly unhappy and didn’t know why. I have everything, I have everything that I’ve ever wanted. And yet, you know, I had the kids, I had the husband, but there was just something missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it and I just kept gaining more and more weight. I was overweight my whole life. So, it wasn’t like a matter of a period in life or right after I had my kids, I had put on 80 pounds, you know, I had actually carried 80 pounds upwards of 20 plus years. And when I met my coach, I was almost 40, so that turning point in my life where the triplets were old enough that they didn’t quite need me as much. They were five. So, of course they did.
I just have to pause. Did you hear that ladies out there? Triplets? I hear, I was on my bed crying and I had independent kids that were not triplets. This woman gave birth to three at once. Just want to point that out.
It was funny because that moment, because what was happening was for so long everything was one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three. You know, it’s like change the diapers, make the bottles, do this, do that. There was no time to go, ‘Oh, who am I?’ You know, what is this world about? Why was I born? There was nothing like that in my life, you know. It was just one, two, three. And if I wasn’t doing one, two, three, I was going to work and I was working at a technology organization and I just go, go, go. It was like at that hamster on the hamster wheel, you know, that just keeps spinning around.
When did you go? So, one thing that comes to me there, and this is like off topic, is – don’t you wish as a mom that’s surviving motherhood and I know there’s resources out there. I wish I had known about journaling and known about meditation and getting my brain in the right and even just the Breathe App for goodness sake. Putting that in while I was breastfeeding could have changed a lot. So, maybe it’s because we’re in a more evolved space that I think all moms know about those things, but that’s something I always think, okay, what can I do today to contribute to someone else’s life? And I have three young moms I’m thinking about, I’m just going to buy them the Breathe App for a year and say use this. Yeah. Okay. So, you’re in this hamster wheel and you made a shift. Like, how did you come across the Deserve Coaching? Like how did it come across your plate?
So I did a lot of complaining in those days and I complained to a woman that I work with and she was one of these women who, you know, seemingly on the outside just had it all, you know, she was a pilot, she was amazing at sales, she was a yoga instructor. She, there was just no limit to this woman. And I love that about her. I had a lot of respect and she was also incidentally one of those people that doesn’t allow you to complain to her without giving you something to do about it. And I’m so grateful for that today, because right. What I complained to her, she’s like, I’m going to give you something to do. I want you to call my brother and my brother’s a coach.
Oh my gosh. Yes. Awesome. That’s what I’m going to start doing when people start complaining to me, I’m just giving them your number. There you go. Okay, so you started on, that’s a scary move for someone. And I know that our listeners, one of the big reasons that I asked you to come out and we were talking about your book, I ended up turning it into my own private coaching session. We never really got to the book, but one of the things leading a large group of women, that when I had a huge compelling reason, when I started in sales and even though it wasn’t always comfortable for me to make those calls, get on the zoom, have gatherings in my house because you know, your house is never ready. The compelling reason was so strong that I didn’t stop to consider what do other people think? Why shouldn’t I do this? But when people get comfortable, like you are very comfortable, you’re making the money, right? So, you obviously, your compelling reason for making that call was you felt like Shit!
Right? Yeah. I really felt powerless. I mean, now I know, I didn’t even know what that meant at the time, you know? But I felt powerless. I had, there was nothing that was going to change my life. In fact, my first call with my coach was, well, here you go. And I complained to him for a half an hour about how, you know, everybody out at work was against me. And you know, there was no time to eat healthy. And I can’t even manage to brush my hair half the time when I’m getting the kids in the car and getting them out to school, let alone try to make an egg or prepare something healthy for myself. Are you kidding me? And so, I just, I had no power. I no power to change my life. And that is when after he listened, I don’t think I’ve ever had anybody just listened to me. Like I just, Oh, like, I’m like, wow. And then he goes, okay, Kristen. He goes, I want you to consider something. He goes, we get in life what our unconscious mind beliefs we deserve.
And wait, say it again. Because with bells and whistles. Say it again. We get in life…
We get in life what our unconscious mind believes we deserve.
All right. And I want to like, I want to stop here because he gave you that message and I know I spent a lot of years calling bullshit on people like you and saying, Oh really? Come on. You just have to get in the game. You have to work hard; you have to do the thing. Like, and I used to say that about people. I would get up at five in the morning and run. I was at the gym; I was probably on the obsessive side of fitness. And my sister would say to me, don’t be so quick to judge because you haven’t been in the shoes of someone that is. And I got into those shoes when I had let the health side go. So, I used to always say, well, if they wanted it, it’s almost like telling someone with a mental illness to just be happy.
Right? And so, when someone’s feeling like getting out of bed in the morning and putting on their running shoes, like they’re not springing up at every step out of bed is like walking across glass because it’s so painful to take that action. Some people might say, well, that’s just lazy. You’ve just got to do it. You’ve just got to do it. When suddenly this door is opening and evolving in my head of, they can’t figure out how to do it. How is the subconscious mind playing into that story? I love to give strategies and solutions. I’ve spoken on stages about, all you do is put a hundred sticky notes on a wall and you move 10 a day, and Yvonne, who introduced me to you, she’s like, yes, I know I need to move 10 a day. But me as a coach was like, well, why aren’t you moving the 10 a day?
Which made me realize there’s a reason and that’s that subconscious mind. So how does that, you obviously went through the coaching you learned about the Deserve level and how to raise the Deserve level, right? So, somebody listening is like, okay, I know all the things. I have, all the checklists. I have all the diets. I mean, how many of us have bought $70,000 worth of diets? We even know what we need to do to get our marriages back on track, but we just don’t freaking do it. And did the bell go off in your head that day when he said that about your subconscious mind, and can you explain a little bit behind the science about that?
I would be happy to. So, when he said that, and you got to remember I had complained to him, I was in my own head and he woke me up like it was like bam, I’m up. It was the way he said it and I knew I could trust him instantly when he said that because of the way he said it. So, a little bit behind the science of Deserve level, it’s our unconscious 5 percent of the way that we think. So, our unconscious mind has its own, you know, it’s handling our actions. You know, a lot of people say, Oh well I’m on autopilot. It’s like if you wake up at 3:00 AM and your alarm clock goes off and you’re used to waking up at 5:00 AM every day, it’s like, have you ever heard the stories where people are like, Oh my gosh, I got totally ready for work.
I got in my car and the next thing I know, I realized I had three more hours. I could have slept. Well. The unconscious mind takes over, right? Going through all the motions, and that’s what controlling most of our actions is. Our unconscious mind. So consciously, I could look at an exercise program and I could go, Oh, well I know all the tricks. I’ve been on weight Watchers for 20 years of my life. You know, I know how much to eat. I know portion control. I know how to weigh food. I know how to exercise. I had been an athlete, but my unconscious mind viewed me as the big girl, just mine viewed me as somebody without self-discipline. My unconscious mind viewed me as somebody who was going to break every single rule that anybody who was a diet practitioner would give me. My unconscious mind had its own itinerary. So, when you’ve got this, almost like these two worlds that come together, it shows up in reality as resistance and it, for me it was resistance to action. Does that make sense?
Yeah, because I resist authority.
I’ve resisted authority, but I was always…they don’t really know I’m resisting them unless they’re smart. Like you are well trained in it, so let’s take that. I know that. So, if you are coaching someone, because I think that before people, like I know that listeners are thinking, Oh my gosh, she’s inside of my brain. They did. They like crawled inside of my private sacred space where I hold all my secrets. I want to tell you if you’re listening, that even if you, you look at somebody that has it all together, they’re winning, they’ve got the car, the house, the marriage, the job at any level of success this comes to play in order to get to the next step, the next step or two. I think it is for me right now.
When I started in 2014 it was hard for me to say I’m not happy because I didn’t want to disappoint those people. My husband was like, how can you not be happy? Look at what we have. Or even my daughter came to me and said, mom, what you posted about 2014, like it makes it sound like you are sleeping in bed all day. We were a family. We were having fun. And to not disappoint those people to say I needed something more from me. And so that piece of it, but also there’s so many people and women, and I’m thinking of one in particular, that she needs something more for herself and I keep giving her an action plan to take the steps. There’s a big financial chaotic piece going on right now around money and there’s no action being taken to make the money that they need.
So, the missing ingredient to me is the total and complete Deserve level that she’s experiencing. So, if you were to, and this is you guys get ready…because what would be the first step of someone if they’re like, I’m not quite ready to do some coaching. I know we’re going to give everyone resources. There’s a lot of free things that you provide if people aren’t just wanting to learn and there’s a book coming out. But what are you going to tell? I’m going to call her Mary, what will you tell Mary today who is looking at the sticky notes, or the action plan, or the phone, and she’s just not doing it and she knows that it’s in her hands? But it’s just this or me eating, you know, two years ago, I know I’m not supposed to be eating this mint chocolate chip ice cream out of the carton at night, but you know, screw my trainer Amy because I’ll start tomorrow and then I’ll fool her Friday because I won’t eat carbs for three days and she’ll never know about the ice cream, when like Amy didn’t care about the ice cream. All Amy wanted to do was help me achieve these goals as a nutrition and diet coach. So, like that’s a lot that I just threw at you. But that’s all. That’s all people sabotaging success and happiness because of the crap in our brains, right?
So, first thing that I would do is, give her to this person who knows not to eat the chocolate chip ice cream or knows not to do these things, but is doing them anyway. I give them my listening, you know, because I can listen beyond just the surface so I can hear where somebody’s ego becomes engaged. And the reason why I can share it so well is because I spent so much of my life in that place, and I worked really, really, really, really rigorously to get out of it. And I worked on really untangling my own ball of yarn in my unconscious mind, you know, and really weaving it out one decision at a time, that created all of the stories and contexts in my brain.
So, I love that one decision at a time. So how does the work begin? How does Mary or Belinda or Danielle whoever, want to start with that one decision at a time? And I’m a true believer in this. I told you that before, my solution is to hire a coach. But you can’t hire a coach and like build out. Let’s say you want to build out a funnel to bring leads your way, but you don’t do the work and you don’t connect with the customers. Same thing here, but one decision at a time to raise that Deserve level that, yeah. Okay, I deserve to have a healthy, hot body and feel good about myself when I get dressed in the morning. How does somebody start? Like what do you do to start that process?
Well, what I did to start was, obviously I did hire a coach because I hired Ed, and then after three months of working with Ed, I tripled my sales and lost my thirst 30 pounds. I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, I got to be a coach. This is amazing’. So that’s how I started. But you know, to start something like that is, I think it’s really to identify what you want. Most people can’t even identify a target of what they want because their unconscious mind already makes an impossible, you know, an example of this. And when they go to identify what they want, looking and observing what’s in their way, you know? So, if I were to have said right when I began my Deserve level wasn’t even high enough to be able to say I want to lose 85 pounds, that would have been like insane to me. I mean, my first instinct and my first conversation with my coach was, you know what, if I could just get my blood pressure down and I could feel good and I could lose 20 pounds, that would be good enough for me. You know? So, it’s almost like to be able to identify your good enough’s, where are you settling? Where am I settling in my life because I’m too afraid to even identify what I actually want.
So, what is an exercise to help someone to identify what they actually want?
Well, one of the things I do on an introductory call, you know, or what I like to call a Deserve level strategy session is I have people create this, which is a magic wand and I want that…I was holding up my index fingers, I forgot, people won’t be able to see what I’m doing on podcasts, but it’s…
Here’s…I’m going to throw this out there is, I have an actual wand, just so you know.
I do too!
Oh my gosh. See, I knew we were like sisters from another Mister I bought a wand and I was like; I will wave that wand around. I used to do it when my kids were toddlers. I’d be like, okay, you are going to be exceptional humans today, that cooperate and play and get along, wave, wave, wave. And they used to think I was crazy but it kind of worked. Now I wave it on myself. So, okay, so you’ve got your magic wand.
So, your magic wand. What your magic wand does is, it helps you get rid of that inner critic. You know, the one that’s going to be saying, because I’ll never forget my coach saying to me, well, you know, you only want to lose 20 pounds, but that’s it. You don’t ever want to be on a beach. You don’t ever want to, you know, you don’t ever want to wear a, I don’t know, a bikini or this or that. And I’m like, and I remember saying this as plain as day, I’m like, Oh, well sure I’d really want that, but that’s fricking impossible. I’m a mom of triplets. Are you kidding me? I’m never going to have a body like that. This body has been stretched out to 300 plus pounds. You know, there is no way that that would ever happen. Just hear all those decisions. Those are all unconscious. So, even just that as the first step. So, when you get your magic wand out, you get to take that and just kind of silence that inner critic and that’s what the magic wand does. And then be able to say, well, this is what I’d actually really want. And if somebody, I don’t care what that thing is by the way, that you want because if you look out into the world, if somebody else has it, the only thing that’s between you and somebody else is your decisions on what’s possible for you.
Oh my gosh! You guys write that down. Like that is huge. Go back click, you know, 15 seconds back, play it in half time, I listened to my podcasts at two times the speed because I need to get all the information. That is huge. And I have personally, on my own personal journey of, I don’t know why this time, I just said, well it’s available to me. Suddenly after I started the business at 47, it’s available to me. And I think back to when I was at my fittest. It wasn’t a, well I can’t, it was of course I can. And so at those moments I didn’t have the doubts, but then, you know, when I turned 50 I found myself saying, Oh well I’m 50 now, so my weight, my goal weights can be 20 pounds more or I don’t want to live my life.
I had all of the excuses or the interference, it’s kind of like if you’re playing catch and then you’ve got like a six-foot ten-inch-tall basketball player interfering with that ball and that flow. That’s how my mind works is I always envision him, he’s really tall and he keeps grabbing my damn balls. Like I’m trying to throw them, and he keeps interfering and knocking them out of my hands. I will visually, I don’t even know if this is Deserve level coaching, but this is like, I call it my Beth coaching method, is I literally will stand up and I will punch him and I will say get the F out of my way. I am going forward and I have to then put on some Beyonce and dance it out. Like that’s kind of.
So, my block, you know, is I’m working on a project now for creating a program for women and my vision and my dream is to bring women together and give them the resources and the connections.
That’s how this podcast was born. And I kept stopping with the production of the podcast because I kept thinking, well, there’s already another podcast like that, or no one will listen. And that was obviously no. I had to take the interference dude and punch him. It’d be like, get out of my way. Because even if I share this, share Kristen today, that one person out there, hears this message and it’s like I’m going to go to your website, I’m going to go to a free group. And one move is made, like one decision you guys, whether it’s a humanitarian effort, whether it’s just somebody that is in an abusive situation, they need to leave. Or maybe it’s your like Kristen or me, that we are feeling powerless and we’re like, you know, it sounds like a book; I was made for more, but to be okay with that.
So, we gave you a glimpse of what’s inside the Deserve level coaching and Kristen, I know that they can find you, connect with you. I want you to give us all of those details. We’ll also put them in the show notes. But if today someone is driving to work or they’re at the gym and they’re listening to this and I know I’ve listened to podcasts and I’ve cried thinking that’s where I am, and they’re not quite ready to make the move to call you, or reach out to you, or to, they want to consume. What can you tell that woman today that’s at the gym or she’s driving in her car and life feels like it’s just fallen apart? Like what’s your message for her today? You were there, what do you wish someone had said to you before that? You know you had someone say call my brother and then, and we don’t plan these questions and I do it on purpose. So, Kristen’s probably like, Whoa, these are harder than I thought. It’s not the typical what is Deserve level coaching. But you’ve got an audience. I want you to think of that one person she’s driving, her tears are streaming down her face and she’s like, crap, are they talking to me? What is your message for her today?
My message for her today. How my brand was born, my brand is Courageous Destiny. Okay. So, if you break apart, courage…cou means from the heart and then rage. So, from the heart rage, destiny, that’s really what it means. And for that person who’s in their car crying and feeling powerless, the way to grab your power back is to do something. So even though it’s uncomfortable and it would be terrifying, then I would say challenge yourself to call me anyway because those are things that I actually understand. So, I wouldn’t actually go to them and go, Oh, don’t call me. It’s okay. Do what’s easy. I would say do what you’re most afraid of first, and that will give you the most power. So, I would say call me.
I love it. Yeah. And do, do what you’re most afraid of first. And sometimes those are conversations and sometimes that’s like going to the networking event alone or going to Bunco in your neighborhood. Even walking inside of, I’ll tell you a quick story. My daughter, a brave move for her was walking inside of cycling class. She had never done it. She was on a health journey and when she got to college, she walked inside of a soul cycle, which was scary because like, I don’t know what’s that, there’s a movie where she falls off the soul cycle, but, someone message me on Instagram the name of the movie please, but it’s a scary place to walk into. There’s a lot of like perfection, and do you know how to get on the bike and clip yourself in, and whatever, it was that day that she decided, I’m going to make that brave move and walk through those doors of soul cycle and not worry about if I have the right outfit or if I know how to clip into the bike or if I know how to sign in.
These are all things I’ve said to myself. She walked in and that one decision, but it’s the compound effect of meeting a community of really amazing humans, changing the trajectory of what her focus would be in her life, and also feeling empowered by this body of hers that was able to, to move and grow and do all these things. And it was, and I remember she said when we were moving her in to her dorm, I’m going to go to soul cycle and like you are? It’s so brave, but it’s sometimes just one move, one call, one, one moment of courage that propels that forward. And I hope that when you take that moment of courage today, whatever it is, whether it’s calling Kristen or walking into that fitness class or walking into church again, or calling your mom because you feel this disconnect, I hope you’re met with love and not resistance.
And even if you aren’t met with love, that’s okay too, because it’s your step, right? So that’s what I, just today, let’s all do something courageous that feels uncomfortable, that we know we should be doing. And it might even be like sending a sexy text to your husband, and don’t think, Oh, he’s going to think this is weird. Did you do it when you were dating? Do you want to have a date night? Do you want to take your son bowling? Or you know, like all these things that come to my mind or make a brave call in your sales. So, do something courageous, because I love that you’re courageous. Destiny is that push, right? So, tell us, yeah, that push, push, jump. Okay. If someone could take a look inside of your planner, are you digital or paper?
Okay. If someone could take a look inside of your planner, what is one thing that you do every single day that they would see that you do, and that is just a non-negotiable for you?
They would see that I have 15 minutes a day that I raised my Deserve level and I journal.
h, non-negotiable. I love it. All right. I love to peek inside people’s journals and their days and their daily plan. And Kristen, if someone wants to consume more of this and you, and learn more, where do they find you? Connect with you. Give us the goods.
Perfect. So, I do moderate a group on Facebook called the Deserve Level Movement. So that would be an excellent place for somebody to join. And I’m always posting in there and posting Facebook lives. We have other Deserve level coaches and training that are posting in there. Clients of mine, people who know the work or just want to make a difference in the world are posting in there. So, find me there. And then also, if on Facebook, I’m also doing the lives, friend me, you know, reach out to me, you know, just reach out to me. I will have a website coming up, actually next week. It’s being created, CourageousDestiny.com, and that is where you will find other videos and eventually have subscriptions and things like that. All to support people living their courageous destiny.
I love it, and we’ll put all those links in the show notes below. And are you also on Instagram?
I am not on Instagram. That’s actually something that’s on my to-do.
Well, we’ll do that together because, and I’ll share it out, because our listeners love to screenshot the episodes. So, screenshot the episode, tag me, and then I will make sure that we get that over to Facebook because you can also put it in your Facebook stories that you’ve been on this podcast. And I’m going to encourage you. So, I’ll put in the show notes below that, how you can connect with Kristen, how you can get a part of her free community when this airs, the website will be live. So, we’ll also add that website, and I just want to say thank you. I have notes. I have learned so much today from your wisdom and from you sharing your experience, and I just can’t wait to make more connections and do the work along with our community.
Beautiful, beautiful. It’s really been an honor to come onto this show today and I do feel like we’re like soul sisters or something, Beth, it’s awesome.
I know. I’m actually thinking that, hilarious. I’m going to do this today. If you leave us a five-star review over on iTunes and you’ll let me know. I love to see it on Instagram or Facebook. I’m going to mail one person that’s listening a wand. My favorite magic wand. Because I have extras. You get a magic wand today. I keep extras. I actually, yeah, I have some swag. I think that maybe a wand is going to have to be in my camp swag store. I have a camp store. These are all ideas that come to me that I wake up in the morning and I keep a journal next to my bed, because anytime I have an idea or something, you know, floats into my brain, I’d write it down and my husband will be like, you write in your sleep? I’m like, yeah, that’s how ideas are born. That right brain side.
That’s how it gets created. If you don’t write it down, It’s not real.
I have like an overabundance of right-brain. Alright you guys, thanks so much for being with us today. As always, I appreciate all of you and I want you to have that moment of courage. Share it out on Facebook. Let us know what it is so we can celebrate with you and we will catch you on the next episode.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today on ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So, leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag. So, make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.