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Episode 31: Organic Facebook Growth with Fallon Zoe

organic growth personal connection social media Mar 30, 2020


Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves, and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Hey there, bosses. Welcome back to episode number 31. This week, I wanted to bring to you someone who you could say, I could do that right now, I’m getting started. And this will help me to serve, and also help me to grow my business. So, Fallon Zoe comes to us today with her Facebook strategy for organic reach and growing your traffic, your following on social media, without paid ads. So, one of the biggest things that I hear from many of you is, I love my business, I love what I do. I want to share it; I love my products, but I just don’t know how to have the people that need me showing up. And now more than ever, if you’re listening to this in real time, we’re in the middle of a quarantine, a pandemic. We have a health crisis. And it’s uncertain, and we’re not sure what to say, what to do, are we insensitive? How do we serve and ask if we know that we have a solution, but we’re not sure what to say because we’re uncomfortable?

You have a solution and we also have so many people that need to take a look at your business model. So, if you’re authentic and you’re showing up, I want you to be you, bravely. I want you to know that now is the time to let that one person, the person in your life, that your text, your phone call, your decision to invite, to take a look could be what truly shifts their life in their time of need. I want to give you that encouragement.

So here we go, Fallon Zoe: A High School dropout and single mother at 17, Fallon Zoe has learned that your limitations can create your inspirations. Building a business on Facebook she became frustrated with paid advertising and decided to find another way. After building a following of over 30,000 women, she was interviewed by Facebook about her Organic Growth for her brand LadyTribe. She has beta tested many other programs for Facebook and recently selected as 1 of only 20 Video Creators to launch the Facebook Stars program.

By Publishing over 3,000 videos in only 3yrs, Fallon has established herself as an Organic Growth Specialist.



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•  Fallon Zoe’s Website



• Somebody had invited me to do a live video challenge, and I decided like why not, it was a free video challenge. Why not, “I’m gonna test out this whole video thing. And that’s how I got started, and as I was doing live video and learning how to do all of that, I was learning myself. Of how to use Facebook and I was just sharing what I was learning along the way and it really developed and turned into its whole this whole entity which is now Lady Tribe. (06:50)

•   I would say one of the most common mistakes, I was really just thinking This earlier, is one of the most common mistakes that I see, specifically for network marketing industry is people start doing live video and things like that, and as they’re learning how to use social media as they’re learning how to run their network marketing business, they think that they have to do network marketing.  (08:57)

•   It’s creating good content that attracts the ideal person, and then learning how to actively network out on Facebook. There’s two point. I think 26 billion was the last number that I heard. 26 billion users on Facebook.  (10:56)

•   And what happens is we’re attracting other business owners probably other network marketers based off of where we’re hanging out, we’re hanging out in coaching groups, we’re hanging out in entrepreneur groups and a lot of those people in those other groups are other network marketers. (13:16)

•    So how does someone go from keeping everything to themselves and just having this abundance? Some people are for you, and some people are not, and that’s cool. (19:53)



March 30, 2020



Hey there, bosses. Welcome back to episode number 31. This week I wanted to bring to you someone who you could say I could do that right now, I’m getting started and this will help me to serve and also help me to grow my business, so Fallon Zoe comes to us today with her Facebook strategy for organic reach and growing your traffic you’re following on social media without paid ads.

So, one of the biggest things that I hear from many of you is I love my business, I love what I do, I want to share it. I love my products, but I just don’t know how to have the people that need me showing up. And now more than ever, if you’re listening to this in real time, we’re in the middle of a quarantine a pandemic we have a health crisis, and it’s uncertain and we’re not sure what to say what to do, are we insensitive how do we serve and ask if we know that we have a solution but we’re not sure what to say because we’re uncomfortable. I get it.

So, this week, I want to share this before we get into Fallon. And so that I had a Peloton delivered and my friend Grace, she commented under my post. Peloton isn’t afraid to sell, so I… To give you this message people need you to show up right now if you have a product that’s going to help someone, they can’t get out of the house to shop.

How about you show up?

I’m thinking right now of all the different products people aren’t going to new salons. Do you have a solution? People can’t do their eyelash extensions do you have a solution?

People can’t get out to get their cleaning supplies, they can’t get out the to do very many things.

So, you have a solution and we also have so many people that need to take a look at your business model.

So, if you’re authentic and you’re showing up Peloton is not afraid to sell because they know they have a solution.

So, I want you to be, you bravely, I want you to know that now is the time to let that one person, the person in your life, that your text, your phone call your decision to invite to take a look could be what truly shifts their life in their time of need. So, I want to give you that encouragement before we hop into Fallon and listen to the interview, which you are going to love, and she gives you such incredible tangible advice to start right away. I also want to share that this week over in Camp Elevate.

We are gearing up for a master class that is going to show you all of those pieces. When I say an invite to an event to take a look, how do you set that up? So, it’s genuine, authentic informative. It doesn’t feel like you’re just doing another one of those business presentations. We’re going to be doing that over in Camp Elevate. Please come on over and join us and let’s get this interview started.

So here we go to Fallon.

Hey everyone, okay. I am so excited, I have Fallen. So today, and if you don’t know Fallon, of the Lady Tribe, she’s a human Mermaid, for real. And I’m going to have her share her background with you. But I first came across Fallen in my first few years of network marketing, and I know this because I had sent her a desperate message a messenger, and she answered me, invited me to take a look at what she was doing and she’s going to share that with you, and I’m telling you guys this because it’s so important. So I went and swirled away and I spent tons of money figuring out how to do an opt-in and I was going to grow this list and it was going to be my recruiting Magic, and I’d share it with my team, so I did all of that and realized that without personal connection and without a way to nurture the people that were finding me, it just was going nowhere so I lost a lot of time that I could have been showing up on Facebook with visibility and serving and I should have listened to Fallon when she had sent me this awesome invite to her Lady Tribe to share with me, how to grow organically on Facebook.

So then, as it always happens, the people that you’re supposed to know reappear.

And I’m sitting at Top Summit and I see this beautiful energy across the room. And I thought, I know her, I know her, and then she takes the stage and I realized it was Fallon. And so, who is the super famous leader of the Lady Tribe? She has a following of over 30,000 women, she beta tests for Facebook and is one of only 20 selected for video creators. But the thing that I love the most is she doesn’t pay for anybody coming her way for the traffic and all of you are out there. And the biggest question I get, is they say, “Well I don’t have enough people to talk to about my business, whether you’re a coach, a network marketer, a non-profit, and literally just talking about what Fallon is doing on social media. I started to test it, this was a couple of years ago and started just showing up and suddenly I tried it myself and started sharing with my team to show up be live. And now, I want to bring that a step further in the strategy. So, with all back, that’s a long introduction isn’t it?

I think that’s awesome. Oh, I was like, “Okay you’re turn.

It was an awesome intro… I was listening on dang that was pretty awesome. I had no words after all of that, so thank you because as you guys know, on this podcast that I don’t send questions ahead of time because I like it real and raw. You don’t even know that story. So, can you take us back to how did you start, when did you decide… Like, “Hey this is how I’m going to teach entrepreneurs, business owners network marketers’ online coaches to grow? Like tell us how it all started.

Well, thank you, and I saw you up on stage also at Top Summit, just FYI. And so that was really cool to see you up there, but so back when I kind of got started with everything is I was frustrated.

I think that’s kind of where everybody starts is.

I was frustrated. So I see people having success on social media, and I’m like, “Okay this looks cool, and everything, and then it’s like where do you start the ultimate question, where do you start, what do you start doing?

And somebody had invited me to do a live video challenge, and I decided like why not, it was a free video challenge. Why not, “I’m going to test out this whole video thing.

And that’s how I got started, and as I was doing live video and learning how to do all of that, I was learning myself of how to use Facebook and I was just sharing what I was learning along the way, and it really developed and turned into its whole this whole entity which is now Lady Tribe. But it all started because I decided to get started and I didn’t know what I was doing, and that’s okay, I love that, and I want to repeat get started even before you know what you’re doing.

So let’s do this, let’s walk through what you would tell a new person, as though I’ve just been using Facebook socially, I share things about my pet hamster, and I knew Peloton whatever it is, and suddenly I have a business that I want to share online, and I know that what you teach and I learned a lot of this at Top Summit, and watching you is that it’s different than just showing up live every day and that’s a piece of it, but you take it a step further into how to grow those followers can you walk through the difference between me going live, and sharing with someone how they should hydrate for their health? Let’s say I’m a health and wellness person, you have a strategy behind how you’ve built the followers and what they expect and who you serve. Can you walk us through that?

Yeah, so first step is just getting started. We just kind of said, I just start walking and then as you start walking, you start realizing like, “Oh my feet are starting to hurt, I’m going to go ahead and invest in a better pair of shoes and then you continue to walk and then as you start walking and you’re like I’m thirsty, time to get some water and as you’re walking, you start adding on all of these things as you’re moving.

So that’s kind of what I teach people do is just to start somewhere and the first step, and that is who are you talking to, who are you looking to attract?

I would say one of the most common mistakes I was really just thinking This earlier is one of the most common mistakes that I see, specifically for network marketing industry is people start doing live video and things like that, and as they’re learning how to use social media as they’re learning how to run their network marketing business, they think that they have to do network marketing, training on Facebook, or they also think that they have to do social media training on Facebook, and they forget to be like, “Who are you looking to attract if you’re in the health and wellness industry, it would be best to give health and wellness tips if that’s who you’re looking to attract.

And I think people get distracted with all of that and kind of get in the wrong mode… And so that would be a tip. Who are we talking to? Make sure we’re looking to attract right person.

And then once you kind of establish it or figure out who you’re looking to attract.

Alright, how do I get more exposure for my message?

And as we’re creating content you want to be networking and I covered this is to omit a lot of people think that if I just create really good content, or if I just create really good videos that that’s going to make me grow and I’m just going to build this massive following because I show up on my video. That is half of the equation. And that’s where people kind of go wrong and they get frustrated or like I’m doing my video but it’s not working right, why I think we’ve all had that. I’m doing all this stuff but nothing’s really happening and to make something happen, is you’ve got to get exposure for what you’re doing when people get frustrated, they automatically think that paid advertising is their answer, but nobody is really teaching, how to truly network and find the people that you want to meet on Facebook.

A lot of people just teach content.

And that’s only half the equation. It’s creating good content that attracts the ideal person, and then learning how to actively network out on Facebook. There’s two point. I think 26 was the last number that I heard. 26 billion users on Facebook.

So, where are they? And we’ve got to learn to find all those places on Facebook to go find or the ideal client, and where are they hanging out?

I love that and I’m taking bad notes, here because it’s so good and I see, so I’m going to go back and you said, so we need to just put on our shoes and go for that walk.

Yeah, I run the marathon and keep walking every day, keep going. And then the piece is, how are you connecting? So I’m going to ask you this because this is something that has happened probably from me being the connector, and also when someone comes to connect with me, there’s such a difference between authentic connection and how to serve but then having that shift to what we sell.

Yeah, and so I get those messages in my inbox and I never do anything more than say, I love that you are showing up in your business and thank you so much for being empowering business owners because I’ll get that message that’s like, great to connect. How are you… What do you do? And then some people put up a guard to that.

So how do you go from… We’re showing up live, we’re sharing value we’re putting out great content, or making lots of connections. We get these new friends. Then there’s this transition from… I need to share with you what I have to offer, and I want to do it authentically. So, most people find and maybe you do as well, they just stop there.

They didn’t take that next step. So, walk us through that piece of it.

Yeah, that’s another like ultimate question. When do I bring it, my business, when do we start dating and stop being friends, right? And so, in that number one is attracting the right person from the get-go.

And kind of going back to my previous statement where I said a lot of people, especially in the word marketing start doing live video and they start doing network marketing, training, where they think they have to or…

because that’s what they’re learning, or they think they have to do Facebook tips or something like that, because that’s what they see somebody else doing.

And what happens is we’re attracting other business owners probably other network marketers based off of where we’re hanging out, we’re hanging out in coaching groups, we’re hanging out in entrepreneur groups and a lot of those people in those other groups are other network marketers.

And the mistake is when somebody like when somebody sends you a friend request a lot of times, is there maybe another entrepreneur, and they’re kind of going fishing and you’re going fishing at the same time, and it’s kind of like, “Well who’s going to bite first?

I see this as a mistake. We’re not truly attracting consumers, and we’ve got to make that shift of really attracting, actual consumers, and therefore you’re going to have better results when you want to start dating. It’s like, “Okay I’m ready to date, but I’m hanging out with a bunch of married people.

I love this analogy. Okay, right, I know it’s going to… There’s going to be frustration.

Yeah, it’s not going to get any results.

Yeah, I, okay, I love this. And so, this is where my brain goes. So I want you guys to think about this, you’ve got this business and many of you are listening and it’s a time when we’re in a very uncertain moment, if you’re listening to this on real time, we’re all quarantined we’ve got COVID-19 happening.

I hope you’re listening to it on the other side and you’re like, Wow, that was an interesting time. But we’re flourishing, because of all the things that we learned.

So, I want you to think about this, you’re showing up. And when I first started my business, I shared value about results, and now we have stories.

And so, some of my warm market, they were curious, they wanted to know more. So that was kind of an easy date, right? Somebody they already know, they’re familiar.

And when you said that the people hanging out in the network marketing groups entrepreneurial groups it started getting me thinking that when I started, I was started showing up with empty nest content and started sharing about some of the things like what to expect when you have an empty nest. And started connecting in groups and started in even fitness groups that were people that were menopausal in two people that were my age, that needed to feel a shift and suddenly I had people saying to me, “Well what is it that you do? Or, if I shared a story about inflammation somebody would say, “Okay I’m dealing with that as well. Tell me more. So that made so much sense when I started hanging out with consumers. I love that and giving value. So, when you’re hanging out, “Okay I’m going to give you a scenario we’re going to get into that brilliant brain of yours right now the… Alright, so I’m going to come up with someone. Her name is let’s call her, Sarah and she’s a teacher, she’s not married, she won’t have kids and she is a network marketer, and doesn’t really know she knows her audience is mostly teachers, she does share health and wellness. So when you’re working with someone and you’re thinking, Okay, for me it was easy.

I play tennis, I met a puzzle. I’m talking about empty nesting. How do you help someone really dial in on us? We are going to hang out and connect with…

Yeah, well so just it’s like you said, their bet. What are your interests and what’s going on in your life right now?

So, with a teacher and she’s got a lot of teacher friends is, start giving some health and wellness tips for teachers, yes, what teachers get run down, teachers get exhausted, teachers have a lack of sleep, teachers need to have more energy in their classroom, right?

So as that person, Sarah is learning how to create more energy for herself and using the products in her health and wellness business, and start sharing or giving tips, my practical and practical information, not just showing up and be like, Here’s just the product or Here’s just teaching tips how do you blend the two, and blending the two is where a lot of the magic happens as you’re taking your business and you’re blending it in with what you do, either as your normal job or as your hobbies and you’re putting them together.

So in your case, it’d be like, “Okay here’s menopausal information and here’s how I’ve been able to navigate this new area of my life with the correct supplements or the correct nutrition or the correct sleeping habits or morning routines and implementing the blend of health and wellness in there.

So that would be kind of like as far as the content message that I would recommend for this Sarah and as far as where to hang out, and where to meet new people. Well, hang out in the groups, what are some other… Does she have a dog? What kind of dog is it? Is it a poodle? So, guess what? There are a million poodle groups. Join a poodle group and where the mistake happens. So, we’re just talking about a lot of people think. Oh, I’m in health and wellness, I need to go join health and wellness groups or I need to go join this entrepreneur groups, because I want to go find entrepreneur people. But that’s what all the other network marketers saying too. And then you get a bunch of sharks in a group, and there’s no fish.

We need the consumers, the is, the people that are going to be signing up for business, not wasting our time with a bunch of other sharks.

Exactly, and when I think about the breadcrumbs one of the things that I learned at watching a live video of yours years ago, you said give value in those groups share interact, ask questions. And organically people started showing up asking me to be their friend and then I would just go and connect and I would have them on my list and almost like a job interview to say, “How is this person going to be in my space? Maybe they’re a fit for the product, maybe they’re a fit, they want to learn to build business online. Maybe they’re looking for a side income.

But all the time, it was… How can I serve how can I give value? And one of the biggest things that I’ve learned is being a master connector, so not having scarcity around.

Oh, I’m not going to share this person out because it’s going to take away from what I want them to buy from me. So talk a little bit about the biggest lessons you’ve learned around that idea of connection and meaning that you have surrounded yourself with brilliant people that also sell coaching in the social media space and you have no scarcity around it.

So how does someone go from keeping everything to themselves and just having this abundance? Some people are for you, and some people are and that’s cool.

Yeah, I would say that all comes down to learning to be confident in yourself and your own ability and your own unique message, brand of who you’re helping and know who your target audience is. So that way if there’s another social media coach out there who also knows their target, we have different targets. Even though we’re talking about social media and having the confidence in myself, my messages, I work with women and I work with women who are wanting to grow their businesses, organically using social media, predominantly Facebook? So, somebody is a social media coach, and they focus in on… But even… We’re in the same space, we complement each other really that person can come into my community and learn from them and so on and not having this feeling of like, “Oh goodness, all of my people are going to go follow her now because she’s cooler than I am, she is she’s more fun that I am.

Well, some people maybe not calling myself boring but maybe some people like a more boring dry style and maybe somebody is more pure and crazy and out there and other people are going to like that crazy and quirky and all over the place, style. They’re going to be drawn to that.

So, it’s embracing your own week style and brand, and standing in your own space and knowing that you don’t… How do you say that, like you stand alone, but you… You do… You’re your own and you don’t have to be scared that somebody else is going to copy you because you can only be you.

Well, and I love too that this was a big lesson in my life, is, I’m not for everybody, I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. And when I started to really dial in and speak my truth, and not speak what everybody wanted to hear, but the way I said This is how I’m showing up, and the most fascinating thing happened, the people that started to reach out to me and want to coach around their network marketing businesses or even ask me about my business were the exact person that I was creating the content around, which means that you’re solving a problem or you’re speaking their language and I love that, and so I can always tell if I’m on target by the type of people that I’m connecting with.

And I love that you are, when I think of you, I just think of you are you and your unique in your messaging, you’re honest or straightforward, you give so much abundance and so much away for free that people are probably knocking on your door to say, How can I get more review, right?

Yeah, absolutely, and it’s funny because when I first started on social media, my husband was like… You’re giving away the farm, you’re giving away all this information for free. It took us, however, eight years and network marketing and 25 years in business to learn all this stuff at your as giving in a way and I’m like, Yeah and guess what I’m attracting people because I’m willing to do like when you first start out building your presence or your brand on social, via give away the farm, as far as information goes in value because the people who are bigger than you, they aren’t willing to do it, they start charging for that or maybe they charge for their health classes or their help tip and you’re small enough where you can attract more people by giving more value away.

I always say whoever is going to win in the marketplace, is the one who gives the most away for free.

I totally agree with that. And it’s also a thing about this is every single day you’re showing up right now, right? You’re giving content and value you’re giving people the courage to show up for their businesses and I… That’s the other piece of it is giving value showing up consistently. But I know that for many listening, you’re feeling uncertain about sharing your message right now, and I think now more than ever, people need to hear your message. And I said this yesterday, that Peloton is not stopping their emails because they’re worried that somebody is not comfortable making a purchase right now, it’s not for everyone, but it’s for many and their marketing and visibility is everywhere, because of building tribes around their workouts and so building community giving value not being afraid to ask, knowing your net for everybody and put on those shoes and just start.

So, all these lessons we have, I’m going to shift over to a lesson that you’ve learned as an entrepreneur. I know that you had a successful network marketing career and now you’re a very successful coach, and entrepreneur.

What was the biggest lesson if you could go back and say… Gosh, that was something I wish I had known. I wish I could tell people that are maybe not where they want to be yet. What’s one of the biggest lessons that you’ve learned on this journey, one of the biggest lessons was when I first started on social media, is I had a pretty good idea of who I was attracting in who I was helping and as I started growing my presence more, I started to shift or I started to lose focus of my ideal target and consumer and I started thinking and I started expanding my thinking. that Oh Like, Sure I could help this person, or I could help this demographic, or I could help this such… And I was in my mind I was thinking, Okay, expand the tribe, expand the who you can help in the tribe. And I got away from who my true target audience was, and I started attracting the wrong people into my tribe and it turned into a cancer and I… I have to cut the cancer out, after I learned my lesson, but it caused a little bit of issues within our community and it threw me out of whack a little bit, because I’m like, Man, I thought I had this all figured out and I forgot about who I was started out to serve in the first place and once I got back to that and I started that I’m here to attract women who want to build their businesses on social media and I started getting back to that and saying that and announcing that and turning my message back to helping that person.

I started to attract the right person again.

And so, I would say, as you grow your presence, you’re going to have a…

I did, I started to have this feeling like I can impact more people if I expand my message, if I expand who my demographic is and then I started attracting the wrong people in, and it caused a mess, and I had to kind of like I want to say ‘start over, but I had to get meat back re-in touch with who I was truly serving and once I got back to that point and I was able to cut out all the issues and now we’ve been able to excel. And you want to go five miles deep with a certain… I don’t want to say a style in person, but a certain demographic of person who… Your true audience is five miles deep versus trying to go two inches on the surface with everybody, because they’re going to get a whole lot of wrong people doing that.

So that was one of my mistakes of like me, and I wish I would have understood that from the very beginning I totally agree, and I think that for me, I started to look left and look right and compare what other people were saying and doing, and how they were marketing their products or how they were building their teams and started to shift from what I knew worked and what was genuine and realizing that you’re right I didn’t need to attract everybody.

The right people would come my way. And that’s who builds the team or builds the Tribe, builds the group, I get that I had started to. A lot of people are talking about automation and this is… And this… And I’m all about connection and long term and knowing people’s families and that’s been a big piece of our growth. So, we just shifted and went back to genuine and authentic and not being swayed by put on the blinders. Be you right and it was set in emails be bravely because people are looking for you and that that’s bringing us back to the beginning of you need to show up so that those people that are looking for you can find you. Alright, let me ask you another question about the Facebook Live strategy when we’ve got the content is there a certain format that you tell people to use when they go live time format, what is your strategy so that we don’t get on and do like the whole rambling and that… So now you’re talking about toilet paper, and then you’re in a… Yeah, and then my cat’s name is Benjamin. But Benjamin is so cute. You know… What is it you have? I have Oliver, who always shows up, he’s in the pool, he’s everywhere. And you have this white. Bird. Yeah, Shogun… See, I think Corky things are good. I love Shogun.

We’re going to give you guys before we close up today, I want to ask, first of all, before we do this last thing which is going to be like the pure gold. You’re what coaching getting this right now if you were a… This is shifting if you could be a super-hero, super-heroine.

Which one would you choose and why?

My answer is going to sound conceded, at first, but hear me out, okay, my super hero of who I would want to be, I get this question Like hold. Who do you look up to or who do you admire? And my answer is, my future self, the best version of me in the future that I haven’t become yet. I haven’t grown to be that person yet, but I’m really excited and I want to be that person who I am in the future at my best level and that’s my super hero, that’s the person that I look up to, and I think about who I’m going to be in the future, in an ideal world, who would I want to be? Would I be more outspoken would I be more adventurous? What I do crazy stuff would I have more opinions on things, but I help more people would I be more giving whatever that is. That I want to become, that would be my superhero.

I absolutely love that and I’m giving an assignment to all of you after hearing that, is I’m huge on journaling and having the abundant shift that we’re doing over in Camp Elevate. So, I want you to journal around what Fallon just said “Be Your Own superhero in your future self, who you want to be. How do you want to show up, who will you serve? I want you to get really detailed on it. Get out your markers drop pictures. What color is your hair?

Yeah, I got for you and be very, very clear on it because I am all about asking and declaring and then saying Who do I need to be for this to happen?

That’s a huge piece of who I am and what I share. So, with that, we’ve got the journal assignment. I love that answer. We’re going to leave you guys with a little format and a challenge. You can tell us how to tag you of a #ladytribe or what you want us to do if you’re listening to this and you are brave and courageous as you are, I want you to take this little format that found is going to give you with your assignment to go live, and then I want you to go ahead and she’ll tell you how to hashtag her, how to tag or whatever… To do so that we see it. So, this is you guys. I did not prepare her ahead of time, so…

I’m ready. I have just given you homework assignment.

Alright, so I call this my life video blueprint of how to do a live video. What’s the format there? So, it’s definitely a process. So, number one, first thing that you want to do is you want to present a question, or a problem, as soon as you start your video and it’s probably going to mirror the title of your video. For example, the title of your video is do you struggle with mid-night snacks, next then as soon as you start your broadcast, you get the button, boom, it’s on. You want to repeat that question as soon as you start your video, you struggle with midnight snacks like I used to.

Or do you struggle with the hunger monster? Late at night?

I used to struggle with that, too.

I’ve got the superhuman hacks for you on this broadcast. Stay on because we’re going to cover that right now. And now this is step two.

Hey everybody, my name is Fallon Zoe and I am your health and wellness coach, whatever your title or intro is… Is there just a short sentence of, who you are and who you serve kind of my idea, figure out who you are and who you serve is I help blank do blank.

So, in your intro and as you’re coming about who is your ideal person? I help blank, so I help single moms do fitness, I help widowed wives find themselves again.

So, I help anyone. Like third part of your video is telling a little brief short story.

I used to struggle with midnight snacks because I would work late, and when I get home, I would always go right for the refrigerator, or I would always have this. This is a quick story of how this relates to you and why you’re coming up with this title. That should be like maybe a minute. Don’t ramble on this one.

Maybe a minute you’re kind of buying time for people to log into your broad test. We’re probably about three to four minutes in on your video by now, so you’re buying a little bit of time kind of fiddling around, but still being productive in the conversation of the video. And as you’re saying I… You struggle with this; you guys struggle with it. What’s your favorite snack late at night? So, if you’re relating to my story at all, what’s your favorite stack, if you played at night, what’s your go-to?

So, I’m engaging, I’m asking questions and I’m getting people to respond.

Okay, step four in the video process is your value.

And I like giving things in bullet points, just like I am right now, because it’s easy to follow along and it keeps you from rambling.

If you have bullet points that you stick to you know what you’re going to cover, and you can kind of mentally kind of time yourself of how long you’re spending on each topic. If you have three blueprints to cover well, you don’t want to spend 20 minutes on one bullet point.

Okay, so I like ratings down and bullet points on step four is the value the subject of your video, and in step five is your clothes.

This is probably the hardest part for most people.

The close. How do you land the plane? So my tip and closing your video is just land the day a plane quit hovering over the runway, because people are going to start jumping out of your plane because they think you’re going to crash and you’re going to start losing viewers, because they feel the video winding down, and you’re not sure enough in yourself to just land the plane, so don’t lose your passengers.

The face thing you land the plane, the better everybody’s going to be saved, and they’re not going to be like, “Oh oh, she’s going around the runway all over again. I’m out of here and then they’re going to jump off like I’m sure I just think in your mind, as I’m telling this how many times have you been on somebody’s broadcast and you feel the end of the video, winding down and they’re like, Okay, well, you know that that’s it, and you jump off prematurely to them actually finishing.

So, you don’t want that with your own videos?

My best tip for that is when you feel yourself rambling when you’ve covered all of your value in step number four, I say, “Alright guys, see you tomorrow at blah, blah, blah” time, good-bye.

When you catch yourself, rambling is it close your mouth and say good bye and then, hit the button, the more route you can be with the button, the better.

And that’s something that I had to learn that how I did it one time, I was like, Okay, I’ll just click the dang button when you… You hear yourself rambling and I did it, I was like, “Oh I didn’t… That wasn’t so bad, and I didn’t drag it out for another five minutes, this is awesome.

So that’s my gift. land the plane. Otherwise, you’re going to start losing people… You’re going to get frazzled because you can see our viewer account going down, and if you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I’m using that word a… Because you’re dragging it out, just land it.

I love it, those of you that are my tribe you know that landing the plane is really tough for me, and I am making that my mission to land the plane… Okay, we’re going to land the plane on this podcast right now, and because we are going to end with that goal. Fallon, thank you so much for being with us today, and tell us how can we find you?

So, Lady tribe. And also, as you’re doing the four step, what was it, 5 step? On your video, tag me on our page, which is Lady tribe. So just hit the symbol, and then type out the word all in one word. No spaces, ladytribe. And you’ll see my face, pop-up, I’ve got bright blue hair and a big old smiling face is my profile picture on Lady tribe page. I go live five days a week at 10 A-M-Eastern as of the last three years and I will be there Monday through Friday. 10 AM, no matter what’s going on in the world, my world or your world, I will always be there. So, find me on Lady Tribe thank you. 

And did you hear that consistency? We are landing the plane, tag ladytribe for your live videos. I’ll go over to lady tribe and watch as well, and we are going to pick one of you lucky live video contributors to win a boss hat… So, make sure you do that.

I will see you guys over in the Lady Tribe. Also tag me at Beth Holden Graves and we will be commenting and cheering for you, in your live video. So, we’re landing the plane. Thanks, Fallon. 

Thank you so much

Thank you so much for being with us today, and I cannot wait to see your live videos using the format land that plane that Fallon has shared with us, isn’t she awesome?

She has given me the framework, and I will be sharing that with all of you.

You know what I’m going to do with that? I’m going to make a post over on my Facebook page, Beth Holden Graves, underneath this episode announcement so that you can grab it there. I’ll also be sharing it in camp, and I’ll throw it out in an email to all of you as well, to make sure you’re in one of those places. So, you can grab this download the next thing I want to share with you as this now that we have this time to pause, do me a favor and go out and rate and review your favorite podcast. It needs the world to all of us that are behind the microphone right now, it’s 11 o’clock when the house is quiet for me to do this. So I would read you one review from Jodi and Jodi is going to get a boss hat and if you are Jodi please send me a message on Instagram or in Facebook, so that I can get that hat in the mail to you.

Jodi says I’m so grateful to have heard about this podcast that is incredibly insightful as a coach and share stories from her own experiences that are relatable and eye-opening.

It takes tremendous courage to expose our vulnerable side and betas is with grace and empathy, which translates to in-depth “teachings for the rest of us. Thank you back for sharing your wisdom and thank you Jodi for sharing that review. And with those trainings, I want to invite you to make sure you are checking Camp Elevate, if you’re not in it, head on over. We are going to be doing some phenomenal training, not just me but I’m bringing some experts, a board and there’s going to be three different masterclasses coming up over the next two weeks along with laser coaching sessions which allow you to get on a Zoom and have the laser coaching that I actually reserve for my profit. Her way mastermind students.

So, I can’t wait to see you in camp. Thanks for being with us today, be well I am with you, be you bravely and send me a message over on Instagram, Facebook, if you need anything at all.

I’ll see you next week.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me today on ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So, leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I will enter you to win the ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag. So, make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.


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