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Episode 10: Income Producing Activities with Rob Sperry

entrepreneur income producing activities network marketing Nov 04, 2019

What’s The Episode About…

In today’s episode, I’m talking to Rob Sperry, author of the book, ‘The Game of Networking’ and voted as the Top Network Marketing Business Coach in 2017. We’re going to talk about why network marketing. On this episode, we discuss why it’s so important for you to show up consistently with your message, why it’s important to have integrity, and we’re going to have you walk away with some very, very, very clear steps, if you’re wanting to grow in the next 30 days.  

Keynotes discussed:

  • This is a big tip. I went back and I looked at not just my post but my ‘likes’ and I an assessment. (06:45)
  • My ability to learn went through the roof because now there was even a more compelling reason. (08:17)
  • You have certain routines in your day that gave you that perseverance, that strength. (08:56)
  • I started focusing more on the income-producing activities. (11:50)
  • I think the biggest mistake is, people misinterpret duplication and they confuse principles and techniques. (22:40)


Learn More About The Content Discussed…


When Did It Air…

November 04, 2019


Episode Transcript…


We’re going to talk about why network marketing, why it’s so important for you to show up consistently with your message, why it’s important to have integrity, and we’re going to have you walk away with some very, very, very clear steps, if you’re wanting to grow in the next 30 days.


Welcome to ‘You’re Not The Boss Of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.


Hey everyone. Welcome back episode number 10 we are in double digits and today I have one of my favorite humans on earth, a mentor, he has been a friend. I have the ever so famous Rob Sperry with me today. Hello Rob.



I am so mad at you. I just got back from Maui and I’m wearing a coat right now indoors because I’m freezing, because it’s snowing in Utah, and you’re just bragging about how you’re in the Florida weather. So I know, I know I got to come around. I’m going to come around, but we’re going to have some fun, and yes, I don’t even know when we first started chatting. I just remember opening up chat and I have like five awesome voice messages from this gal named Beth who’s absolutely crushing it, and now has become one of my closest friends in network marketing. We’ve talked about anything and everything and I’m sure that’s what we’re going to do today and have a lot of fun.



So I want to talk to you about, I was going to do this formal intro with Rob and I think what my mind always goes to is, how does someone start doing what Rob is doing? And so let’s back up. We’re going to talk about why network marketing, why it’s so important for you to show up consistently with your message, why it’s important to have integrity and we’re going to have you walk away with some very, very, very clear steps if you’re wanting to grow in the next 30 days. That’s what we’re going to talk about today. Rob, remind me of that list. That was just off the top of my head. So I became intrigued. All of you listening know that my entry into saying ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ was finding Network Marketing, realizing that if I did a few things, a lot of things every single day, made more connections, gave people the opportunity to take a look at what it was I was doing.


And I developed a team that had community along with my leadership, I was going to be able to replace my first goal, which was only to replace what I would be making as a teacher. And so I started hounding free content and I kept coming across this dude in his car doing these Facebook lives and I was, I kinda did the back research. He’d made millions of dollars in Network Marketing. He’s now a mentor, I didn’t even know that they existed when I first started. So Rob, share about your journey, and then I want to share a little bit about how I missed that mastermind. And you kept sending me pictures of yourself, like and with my friends. I have this FOMO, I want to talk about some of the things that Rob does, but I, obsessively consumed his free content and I didn’t just consume, I consumed and took action and shared, because it’s free. He still does a ton for free, but talk about that. You started showing up in your car on Facebook live and now you’re a published author, a bestselling author, you run a mastermind. He was speaking all over stages. You can’t even really get a time with you and it started with you and your car.



It started with the car and always starts before that, right? I mean, I’ve been in the profession of Network Marketing, or industry. Is it a profession or an industry? I’d still go back and forth on that. I don’t know.



It’s a, and yeah, let’s call it, let’s find a name for it and then start that. If you guys, if you’re listening and you have them, do you think it’s a profession or an industry? Screenshot this, find us on Instagram and we’ll have a conversation with you about what that word’s going to be because we’ll just start a thing, that’s how things get started.



We’ll create it. So prior to Network Marketing, I was a tennis guy. I played, and that’s where Beth and I get to have fun tennis conversations. She loves tennis, I love tennis. But I played semi-professional tennis. I was playing college tennis as well. And then after that, I ran a tennis club for four years. I met a lot of very successful people, transitioned to the Network Marketing profession. Thought it was the last thing I would ever do. I thought I was the worst style or personality because I got called into the tennis club for being so bad at selling tennis memberships. I increased revenue threefold because I was a networker. But as far as selling memberships, I didn’t want to convince anyone, as either they saw it or they didn’t. So I thought it was against my style, Personality.


Long story short, I got involved. I became the number one recruiter out of a million distributors. And it’s not because I was anything special. I had great mentors, I was crazy coachable and I outworked everybody. So that was the short version on and on and on. Different things. A lot of highs, a lot of successes. Way more failures though. Way more learning lessons. Way more is this thing gonna happen. Like I thought, right, going back and forth, all the good stuff. But then yeah, I transitioned into coaching and Beth, most people don’t know this, this was not a goal of mine. I made fun of the coaches. They said, "if you can’t build, coach." So be careful of who you make fun of. I’m like, yeah, these are the people that can’t build. That’s why they’re absolutely coaching. So I just started doing Facebook lives more so cause I felt like I had made really good money, but I was bad.


I was a bad public speaker for the amount that I had made. I was not very good at all. I was not very comfortable. I didn’t feel like I was myself. So I just said, this is a great way for me to get better at speaking at communicating and providing value for my teams to be able to consistently watch. So I slowly started doing it. And then I sold my position and got completely out of building and Network Marketing, and all these companies say, Hey, can you do a little coaching for our team? Can you do consulting? So I’m like, okay, so then I started committing to doing three plus videos every single week, and I’m just doing random places, right? And she said, I do it in my car a lot of times because you know, the kids were really, really loud or I was at random places.


I’m like, yeah, just do it in the car, do it in my office, do it wherever I’m at. And I go back and I look at some of those and they had, I mean this is after Beth, I built a business in 40 plus countries. And I tell all of this to give you hope of, we all have our weaknesses. I had on some of my Facebook lives, three comments.



Oh my gosh


I had built a business in 40 countries. You would’ve thought that those people would’ve just been nice and give me courtesy likes and comments right Beth?. You would of.



I would’ve, I would’ve given you some emojis. Thumbs up, right?



I mean something. That’s what I would’ve thought of. But guess what I found is after I started doing them, I got a little bit better. I got better at telling stories. I got better at communicating the information. I found, you know, where you can have your pauses and where you have your energy. Right? I got better. I started building an audience. As I started doing them consistently, I just started learning. I started self-assessing. This is a big tip. I went back and I looked at not just my post but my lives and I looked at the last 30 and I did an assessment on the three that people liked the most topics and the topics that I didn’t get much engagement. It wasn’t a different version of me. They were all me. What did my audience resonate with? And so I would do a self audit. And as I started doing that audit, it helped me just to keep getting better and better and better and better. And so I just put a ton of free content. You know, we hear all the time, it’s what you put out into the world.


It’s the value provided. It comes back full circle. I think sometimes we hear that we roll our eyes, but honestly, if you study the greats and you look at how much free value they put out, right? And content. And how it does come back background. I was estimating that I had done, before I sold my first course, it was something like 300 plus, either lives or videos. I mean that’s an insane amount. I’m not telling you that you have to do that, I’m just giving perspective on it. So that’s a lot, now when I go back and think about it. But it helped me so much, not just for building my brand and audience but also for me becoming obsessive or freaking out. Cause I didn’t know what I was going to talk about next. So I started deliberately listening more, and reading books.


I was already reading and listening to a ton of books, but now I had more of a purpose, right? And it started paying attention more to all trainings in advance, and other Facebook lives. So my ability to learn went through the roof because now there was even a more compelling reason because I was freaking out. I was thinking, Oh no, I’m supposed to do another live or video tomorrow. The next thing, I have no idea. If people have heard me so much, what am I going to say? How am I going to say something different? What am I going to do? So it’s been quite the journey. And the more I learned, the more I learn. I’ve got a ton more to learn.



Well that mindset of, I mean many people with three comments would have quit. But you have, because I’ve learned from you, you have certain routines in your day that gave you that perseverance, that strength. So what I love on this podcast is I always ask my guests, what are the things that you do daily that allow you to have that perseverance, to have that strong mind, to have the discipline to keep going when it doesn’t feel like we want to keep going?



Yeah. So everything begins and ends with purpose. If the purpose and vision isn’t big enough, you’ll just quit. So if you’re going to the gym and you’re like, yeah, I’m gonna, I’m going to get shredded or I’m going to have that great body for this vacation. If the purpose is big enough, you’ll keep going. But if it’s like, yeah, I just want to go cause it would be nice because I’m supposed to, you’ll quit. So it always starts with that purpose and the reason why you’re doing something. And then after that, I’ve got a whole success formula. But in short for me, I’m a firm believer of show me your minimums and I’ll show you your future. And I believe that willpower is a muscle that needs to be exercised that can help you out with everything. And I know when I say I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it because it’s a muscle that I continually exercise.


So for me, yes, I haven’t missed a week working out in the last decade, an entire week, and I travel a lot, I’ve been to 15 plus countries in the last 18 months. I never miss date night when I’m in town, and do something with my kids every single week when I’m in town. I have missed some sort of spiritual reading like the Bible, only one time in the last 11 years. I haven’t missed reading personal development, even one day in 10 years, I haven’t missed not one day in 10 plus years. Now it’s 11 years. But for me, those are small things. But those things helped me to practice that discipline and willpower. And they also helped to give myself confidence. Look, if you say you’re going to wake up at 6:00 AM and you never wake up 6:00 AM, you just took out a withdrawal of trust in yourself. So I’m constantly looking for small victories.


I’m constantly looking to create minimum goals, cause I know we all have those B Habs, they carry audacious goals where it comes from the book of degree. Well there’s huge goals. We’re dreamers. That’s great. You still should have this, but what are the minimum goals than non-negotiables that you’re gonna set yourself up, right. For success. And so I’m constantly doing that and that’s all I did in my business, when I went through the times where you know this, I made less than $400 in my fifth month in network marketing and I didn’t know if I was supposed to laugh at that check or just cry when I saw the check because I had quit my job. So I was working 80 hours a week in network marketing and I made that little and I’m just thinking, what have I gotten myself into? Then I started focusing more and more on what are the income producing activities?


How do I stay in those? How do I focus on just doing my best? If I need to go back and get a job, I can, but don’t be grudged network marketing because network marketing for most people when you start, it’s actually dessert. Dinner is your job. And eventually maybe you’re making enough that you can make that choice depending on what your goals are and how things happen. So I wasn’t going to be grudged dessert because I quit way too soon in my job and I just started focusing on gratitude and income producing activities and things got better and better and better. Trust me though, I still had those huge doubts, downtimes, right? Where we all go through those plateaus. But, it was a learning lesson. It was definitely was a process. And last thing I’ll say, Beth, I know you would say the same thing is I’ll take tough over good any day. Tough can handle a bad day, bad week, bad month, bad quarter, good without toughness, has bad day, bad week, bad month, bad quarter, and their egos just can’t handle it. So they create all the excuses on why this isn’t going to work and they panic in the moment. So it’s important that you have long term vision balanced with short term urgency. Did you hear that? Long term vision, short time vision, short term urgency.



So I want to piggyback on that because I find that, and I know that you see this too, that we have so much that we hear about mindset and affirmations and set those big audacious goals and people aren’t producing because they’re not involved with income producing activities. So for someone that’s in marketing, we have people listening, mostly network marketers because they’re going to see our names, but many that are building online businesses are like, I have humans that aren’t even in marketing, but it’s consistency of those income producing activities. If you are going to say to someone, if you were starting in a network marketing business today, what would be your income producing activities, your non negotiables. I’m doing these every single day.



Working in this business is talking to brand new people. If you aren’t talking to brand new people, you weren’t working in this business. Too many people make the plan for the plan or the plan and they come back to Beth. They’re like Beth. I watched six Facebook lives today. I watched two zoom trainings. I did two hours of personal development and bests, like, that’s incredible. How many people do you talk to? Well, my friend Julie, I dropped the hint that these products are so good. So it was an indirect approach and there’s this other friend named Joe who I’m thinking about reaching out to. So yeah, I’m, you know, I’m all over this. I’m crushing it in too many times. We’re working in our minds because we’re used to trading time for money and in a job you work X amount, you get paid X amount.


And so people come in and they want to find a way to fill up their time where they’re busy and they’re working because that’s their association from most of their lives. And this business compensates you based on what you do. And for those of you that have online businesses that are listening, that are entrepreneurs, it’s the same exact same thing for network marketing or non-network marketing, right? You figure out what those income producing activities are. So working in this business is talking to people. That’s number one. Number two would be doing some sort of third party validation. Whether that’s messenger chat, you know that you create, whether it’s a three way call a zoom, even if it’s an offline meeting, they just need to hear another voice. I’ve found that people that don’t have success almost always it’s, they aren’t talking to enough new people in.


They aren’t doing enough third party validations. It’s one or the other or both. That’s it. Now the rest of the stuff can go along with it. It can be, you know, you gotta add to your lead list. You talking with team members. But again, too many of us get caught up where we’re reaching out to our team members because, and I’ll make fun of myself because this was me when I started because I was the super supportive applied. And so it’s, Hey Becky, how can I help you? I’m here for you. Anything you need girl. Now if I said that as a guy, anything you need girls, she’d slap me. But anything you need, I’m here for you. I got you. I got your back, right. I’m here for you. Oh, let me send you another YouTube video to watch. Here’s another Facebook live. Ooh, did you study the comp plan?


Ok, most of you have systems inside of your companies that work in this business talking to people, they’re putting in front of new people, still love on them. I’m not telling you to abandon them at all, but the best way to lead them is to lead by example. You can tell them every single day how much momentum you’re in and how excited you are, but as Ralph Waldo Emerson says, what you do speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you say. Speed of the leader, speed of the pack, and it’s absolutely true. So you’ve got to get back to that and then I would track it. How many new people did you actually talk to? How many third party validations did you actually do? I would have an accountability partner buddy that you’re reaching out to and you’re just texting every night and what you did or didn’t do in a positive way.


You can say, today I got my butt kicked, or today didn’t do anything, but tomorrow I plan on reaching out to three brand new people, X, Y, Z as you go and fill that out. But it’s really just getting people focused. And I think about this, Beth, all the podcasts, right? Your podcast, my podcast, Facebook live trainings, free content, team trainings, everything, conventions…all of that is there for what? To build, belief, to give you enough vision and confidence in the companies, the products and profession/industries/whatever else new you all create for Beth and I to call it, right? And all of that is just to get you to reach out to new people. Think about it, look how simple and crazy that is. That’s what it’s for. Right? So that’s what my response would be. And most people, they don’t even track their numbers, which is crazy.


You’re running a real business, right? Where right. All business, they don’t track it crazy.



Well and I just spoke to a leader that I respect greatly and even me at this level. I said to her, okay, she just hit this incredible bonus and I said, well, tell me what are you doing? I was, of course it’s like for me, what diet? How did you lose that weight? How did you build that? And she just said, do you want to know what I did? I reached out to 201 people a day to see if they were open to watching a video about what it is that I did and she said, I went back to the basics and I know that some people are saying, well that feels spammy, but if you’re putting out valuable content that is pulling people toward you, I was not warmed up.


I was not given like, Hey girl, what’s going on? I see your son’s killing it on the ice and hockey. I was sent a text from my friend flare that said, I want you to take a look at this opportunity and at this product the product is working for me. I have studied, I want you on board. When can we talk? That was how I was recruited in. I had third party validation from four people that day and I was challenged to get my first customer in using the tools. I had never put the product in my body. I was using the tools, being honest, saying, Hey, I’m getting started with this. I’m on a health journey and let me introduce you to my friend Elise. Let me introduce you to my friend Sheila, and it is so basic because even, and I’m a little old school meets new school, I love content.


I love the pull method, but at the end of the day, if you want someone to sit with you at lunch, you’ve got to ask my husband. Finally, this is a great story. I love this because we won’t go into are two truths and a lie. You guys, if you have never gone to a mastermind with Rob Sperry, literally I laughed until my stomach hurt and I walked away with so much value. We’re going to give you how to get those pieces, but I went to Utah, I missed Mexico. We’re not even going how I had such FOMO and the friendships still. I still get texts from Cynthia almost every week. The check-ins, the accountability, the laughter, and then the value that we had. So I’m putting that, that’s just another tangent to go on. But if you were to, this is my husband, he wanted to go out with me and he kept being kind of elusive.


He’d be like, Hey, let’s grab some dinner. And we were all riding horses in the same barn. We had this competitive show circuit. It’s like tennis. It’s like anything. And I would invite like five people to come cause you know me Rob, I don’t do anything alone. And I’d invite five people to come. And finally after he paid for like six barn dinners, I’m like, Hey, John’s paying for everybody for dinner. Let’s go. I was in my twenties I mean I didn’t really process that much. And finally he called me, he said, listen, I want to go out with you alone. Will you go to lunch with me tomorrow at the Moose Preserve? And I was like, Oh yes, that’s a yes. He finally didn’t beat around the Bush. And that’s the piece of it. Let’s talk about this because this is on everybody’s mind. We have a lot of people out there.


We care about attraction marketing. We don’t tell people what we do. We pull them toward us with comments and I do all of that. But on the backside I am straight forward. Here’s what I do, what problem am I solving for them? And I get right to the point. And that’s sometimes not a popular way to do it. It’s worked for me and I won’t change that because success leaves clues. What are your feelings when you have someone that’s, Oh no, I would never like I feel that maybe prospecting is a dirty word for some people.




So it’s interesting. This has been a really big insight for me. I think the way you just phrased it was perfect in the sense that anyone that tells you that you have to message someone right away. And that’s the only way to do it is wrong. Anyone that tells you that you have to wait, is wrong. So they’re both wrong and they’re both right. But where people are wrong is when they think that it’s a one size fits all. You’ll talk to a lot of leaders that say, if I would have been approached directly right away, first message, I would have never said yes. You talked to other leaders, right? Where if I would not have been approached directly, I would have said no. So now people are trying to figure out what, and the biggest I think mistake is, is people misinterpret duplication and they confuse principles and techniques.


So now they start teaching techniques like their set principles of everyone has to do with this way and they take the duplication to the extreme, where now they’re trying to turn everybody into robots and they stifle their creativity and their authenticity. And so what I tell people is to be the bold version of themselves. Now I know that the bold, authentic version of yourself, I know that can be an overused cliche statement, but let me tell you what I mean by that. Do what’s gonna make you feel the most comfortable, but still both. And what do I mean by that? If you’re someone Beth, that’s where you’ve had success, where maybe if she knows you, it’s always going to be the first message. Maybe if she doesn’t know you, it’s going to be the first conversation and not first message. Right> I’m giving you examples.


If that to her is that bold version of her. That’s what she should do. If you’re someone that says, Oh, I would never do that. Great, and then maybe it’s your second or third conversation. All I’ll say is this. If you don’t know someone and you’re just sending them a link, you’re spamming them. And if you’re feeling like you need to have five or six conversations, I personally believe you’re, you’re overdoing it. So it’s always somewhere in the middle is the principal. And of course it sounds really nice and cute to say, well, let’s approach them how they want to be approached. How do you know? You don’t? So it doesn’t work. It sounds good, but it doesn’t work. So approach people on how you would want to be approached.



Wait, that’s golden. Say it again.




Approach people on how you would want to be approached. That’s how you’re going to feel that that’s how you’re going to be able to be more bold. Because if you’re someone that doesn’t want approach someone until the second or third conversation and your leaders are telling you have to approach in the first message, you’re, you’re not going to feel like authentic version of you. And if it’s the opposite of you’re someone that says, Hey, I want to get straight to the point, am I applying, is telling me and my leaders are telling me that I have to wait until a third conversation. You’re getting, you’re going to be like, this just doesn’t feel right. So that’s, that’s what I suggest.



Well, and, and we can go into all of the different styles of people that you’re talking to. We did a lot of that training at your mastermind of really understanding, if I was an animal, I wouldn’t be a shark. You know, what is Beth like to do? She likes to have fun. She wants to be at the mastermind, but I also have a little bit of that shark in me, but I don’t care about the details. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it and there’s just, we were talking about tennis before we got on. I played today with a woman that has a total untraditional style. She switches hands, she LOBs the ball, she hits these angles where Rob would never play tennis that way because he’s going to drill this top spin forehand to the deep in the corner. So you pop the ball up and you can win the next point coming in.


I’m just guessing that’s your style, but it’s the same with network marketing, but at the end of the day, are you winning? What are your results? Do you need to train to get better? Yes. I always say learn and earn on the same day, listen to a training over in TGON Nation and then go put it to work and it’s not always going to feel like perfect the first time, but also be intuitive. Ask more questions. Right? I get messages all the time, like 15 sentences a link and I wish they would have started with, Hey, I noticed that you’re in network marketing. Can I share something with you? Are you open to a new product or just like a conversation before a copy and paste. And I always turn around, and the other thing is, is I don’t want people to get pissed off at network marketers. So many people are like, Oh, not those people.


I just look at it as not being educated. So I always turn back around and say, I lead a team of 11,000 I’ve become really good at this. Can I give you some advice? Because I love this industry and I want you to have success. And thinking about that now, that human that just sent me that message, if she’s looking for some coaching, if Rob was giving her that advice, I’m sure you get pitched all the time and you have kindness and compassion and you’re there to serve and help. They’re going to turn to you when they need something. It’s, it’s just, it’s the law of reciprocation. It’s being a good human. And, and I also think that if your mindset is, Oh, should I send the message? Oh, should I not? If you are confident and you have belief in what you’re doing and what you’re sending of what you’re sharing, it’s genuine.


Like when you asked me to come to the mastermind, you had such confidence and what you could do, the guests you were bringing, the community that I would meet, you weren’t like, Oh, should I ask her? Should I worry if that’s too much money for her to spend? You told me what was going to happen at the mastermind. You were excited. You couldn’t wait to share the guests and to share the list of other speakers. And that’s what I think happens is we worry so much. It’s like if you have belief, just be you, right?



I think a lot of it though for people with exactly what you’re saying is the fact that the fact that they make commissions on other PayPal, which sounds so crazy and weird, they struggle because they feel like even though they know they’re givers, they are worried about the perception of coming off as takers. Oh, well you just want me because of this. So I think that’s a big thing for people is trying to figure out how they can convey that they’re givers and truly feel like that. Because yeah, I mean, how many time we’re selling everything. There’s a great movie coming out and you’re selling go see it. Or even if you haven’t seen it or you’re selling after you saw it or a great restaurant and you’re helping out and you’re actually selling on people to go buy things all the time on things that you absolutely love. If you got the, the new iPhone and you love it, you’re selling people by telling them how incredible the photos are and it’s so worth it, but you make nothing off of it.


So you’re a true giver. You’re okay making these big huge corporations money. But then when it comes to helping you achieve your dreams as well as your teams achieve your dreams, we, we just felt like, ah, I can’t do that. I can’t do that. Which is just crazy to me and I understand it cause I went through it as well. Right? So it just takes time to overcome those limiting beliefs and truly understand and realize what you have and also get at communicating. And guess what? Some will understand someone won’t, no matter how good you get at communicating, and that’s part of your role is if you want to stop playing small and you want to start to achieving even more of your dreams, you got to get over what other people think. That is one of the hardest things for everybody is just to get over what others think.


The fear of judgment is the mother of all fears. Think about it. If you’re an entrepreneur or network marketer, list all your fears, fear, success, feeling, fear, failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of public speaking, fear of rejection. List them all. Now remove the fear of judgment and none of those exists. Think about that. That’s the mother of all fears. So everyone’s just being more descriptive on their specific fear of judgment, but that’s really what they’re talking about. So you’ve got to understand that and hit that head on and say, you know what? There’s Darren Hardy says, the greatest determining factor of who shows up at your burial is the weather. Why do we have so much fear of judgment? They’re going to judge you no matter what. They’re going to judge you because you’re too skinny. They’re going to judge you cause you’re too fat. They’re going to judge you because you never work out.


They’re going to judge you because you work out too much. They’re going to judge you because you’re super ultra successful. They’re going to judge you because you’re not. They’re going to judge you because you do too many Facebook lives. People are going to judge you no matter what. So don’t let them dictate your future and stop playing small because God didn’t put you on this earth to play small. Didn’t say, Oh well I’m going to send Beth down to this earth and she’s just going to be a below average human being. Sounds pretty funny, right? Thinking that way, but that’s how we act. Many of us.



So, I have good news because you can head over to Rob’s podcast and we’re going to continue this conversation and we’re going to talk about how you can connect with Rob. I want to end with this and then the conversation continues cause there’s a back to back podcast recording because we knew you wanted more of us. I mean come on. This is like the, I don’t know, what’s your favorite talk show? You don’t watch TV back in the day. Did your parents watch like a talk show or a Johnny Carson?



Everything on all the news. They can tell you everything that’s going on in the world. That’s where I get my updates. I just ask him on Sundays every other week. I know what’s going on in the world in 20 minutes.



My mom does the same thing. Okay. If you had to share one book right now that’s on your mind besides your own cause, we’re going to and I want you to tell us how we can grab your book and you have all different ways to connect. I want a shout out to that. If you want to meet Rob and me, we’re both sharing a stage at the top summit in Naples, Florida in February. We’ll put a link below for you to grab tickets for that event. But what is the one book right now? Someone’s like, okay, I need to overcome this judgment, this fear, I need to make this happen. What book would you think should be in their ear buds? In their hands? The Bible, but the, the next piece of it?



Yeah, if we’re talking fears, there’s different ones. I think probably the best person that’s talking about it in her way, which I love, is Brene Brown and she talks a lot about vulnerability. There’s dare to lead. There’s braving the wilderness. I mean, she’s got five or six really good books and she’ll talk about the power in vulnerability and no one’s ever become great without the vulnerability and the necessary tasks that come along with it. So I love that. I can’t remember which one, but one of the books they recorded is actually her speaking life for the audience. I loved that because you got to hear it a little bit more of a sense of humor and different things. And so that would be a really, really good book. You got it right there right now.




And I didn’t tag you as like a Brene Brown fan, because I consume, I love, I love, love, love her. Now Rob Sperry, how can people tell us there’s a million ways you offer a ton for free. How do people connect with you? How do they get some trading from you and get into your world? Besides me, who was like scroll, scroll, scroll stock. Like and you just showed up in my Facebook feed one day and that was because your consistency of showing up and, and then I asked you, I now know what it was. I asked you a tennis question about something to do with tennis. I wanted to find some common ground. I should’ve just said, Hey Rob, I think you’re super cool. And I just wanted to indirect approach with to me, yes, I was talking to a celebrity. Oh that’s how we get connected with you. And we’ll add all of that down in the show notes.




Oh, I’ll go, well first off you guys gotta continue on with the podcast. So go follow me on network marketing for breakthroughs with Rob Sperry, whichever podcast you prefer the most, you can search it as you know it’s really, really easy to find. It’s it’s everywhere and that’s the first thing. So you can consume a ton of free content, lots and lots of in depth trainings as well as interviews first place. The next place is if you follow me either on social media, I’m consistent there. Or if you go to and is he going to there’s things like a free ebook help you on never running out of leads and recruiting. So that’ll pop up there that you’d be able to do to see. I’ve got free info graphics to help you out with social media and building your business that I give out there.


I’ve got courses in there. And then the last one would just be, I won’t talk about the mastermind cause the mastermind we’ve talked about and you’ll see it on I have both the six and seven figure earner mastermind, which we ended up with 26 at the one in Maui, just this last week top earners, which was incredible. And then I have a six figure breakthrough. So if you haven’t made six figures yet and you want the blueprint for that, we don’t do fluff from these masterminds. These, it’s not me talking at you, it’s answering your question, strategizing with all you in sharing my strategies on how you can go to and that’s my ongoing monthly subscription, only $27 a month. And that’s where you’ll get motivational Monday. There’s 60 plus trainings from six and seven figure earners you get access to, you get social media tips, lots and lots of good stuff.


So those are all the places that you can go and hopefully learn. Find one thing right? You can take and implement and learn in your business. I’m excited just to continue this podcast with you, Beth. Honored and privileged to be on with you. Because sometimes you’re on with people you don’t really know at all. Right? It’s a lot easier for us sometimes like a little awkward, especially for an introvert like me who’s, who’s found a way to be extroverted in certain situations. But Oh, last thing I gotta give props to Beth. Remember how we talked about in the last mastermind on creating a sweatshirt with sunglasses?



Oh yes. Because Rob is an introvert and he travels with a hood up, sunglasses on probably your headphones.




I gave those out there and I started out the training there as this is the most important training of the entire mastermind. So people are really like, Oh my goodness, this is going to be serious. So this is for all of you. The most important part of the podcast is what I gave out to all these top earners. You said the top eight introvert hacks to avoid talking to the person next to you on the plane. These are the top eight max. We’ll go through fast. Number one, headphones on. Do not make the mistake of putting your headphones on late. If you wait to put your headphones on after the introvert. Next you sits down. You are a great risk of having a conversation. Where are you are from and you may be forced to fake laugh. This has been known to cause introvert nightmares for about three weeks. That’s tip number one. I mean this is, this is some new stuff. Number two, Huddy time. Put that hoodie on ASAP. Do you meal feel like a complete weirdo, which is exactly the point. Number three sunglasses. This may be a little extreme, but we all know that sometimes we have to go above and beyond to solidify our position. What are you willing to do to have introvert success? This is my insurance policy. Strategy number four, do not make eye contact with the person next to you. If an extrovert makes eye contact with you, it is all over. The battle is lost and you will need to learn from this awful failure. Number five, wear a surgical mask. Yes, this may be the craziest to them all, but really is a win when you avoid germs and people. Number six, window seats are proven to create 32.3465 63% less conversations. Number seven, wear an eye mask. And number eight, this is the kicker, this is the last one. Fake it. You got to fake it. A percent of the time. It works every time. And then I finished with this. Be aware of extroverts telling you how much talking to new people or talking to people on airplanes. It’s helped their business. It’s a trap to convert you to the other side. So I mean this is, I mean this is some in debt, you know, it took me some time to create this. So that’s what I will finish with for everybody. Just to make sure that you know that you introverts, I got your back, you extroverts. Now you know all our secret sauce tips on how to convert us.



Yeah. And I’m the one on the airplane that’s making eye contact with you. No. Where do you live, Rob?



I know. That’s why I had to create all these tips that I can.



Yeah, now I know. Now I know. All right, so we’re going to end this podcast. We’re heading on over to where Rob, say it again. Maybe your podcast "Marketing Breakthroughs with Rob Sperry". Yes, so meet us over there. Yeah, and as always, both of us would love a five star review. Let us know, leave it for us over on iTunes that shows us that you’re loving the content. It keeps us going and keeps us up in the ratings so that you can find us like I did at Rob with a Facebook scroll, which completely transformed my business. Not only the numbers, but also the energy and gratitude that I had going forward. So we’ll catch you guys over on Rob’s podcast. Thanks, Rob. We’ll see y’all soon.


Thanks so much for hanging out with me today and You’re Not the Boss of Me. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leading me a five-star review over in iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the, you’re not the boss of me swag, so make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging in with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.


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