The Money Blog

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Episode 3: Doing The 1% Daily

entrepreneur habit building network marketing Oct 07, 2019

 What’s The Episode About…

This is a very exciting episode, I have this amazing challenge that I want you to try with me and it’ll be the start of us committing to our passions in a super healthy way. What’s the challenge?  Tune in and find out about this awesome habit builder.   

Sometimes we demand ourselves way too much of what we actually can give and you know what?

That’s exactly the kind of pattern that drives us to feel burnt out and totally defeated. In this episode, I’m going to show you that you don’t need to exploit yourself to get the things you want and that you can find the inspiration you need in the most unexpected places.

 Tune in and find out about this awesome habit builder and start doing today the thing that will make you more business forward. 

Key points discussed:

  • Finding real treasures inside your social media community (01:20)
  • The importance of giving credit to others (02:40)
  • Exchanging the 110% for the 1% in every aspect of your life (03:53)
  • Inspire your friends to commit to their own challenges (4:57)
  • The 1% challenge, take the initiative, start today (6:55)
  • Tips and tricks to make the most out of you 1% challenge (7:17)


Learn More About The Content Discussed…

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When Did It Air…

October 7, 2019


Episode Transcript…

Hey, Hey friends. Okay, so too in today’s podcast it is on my heart to share this conversation that I just had with a seven-figure earner in network marketing. Her name is Terry and we were chatting back and forth on Facebook Messenger and I thought, okay, I’ve got to make this huge episode. I’ve got to share all the things and the cool thing, her name is Terry Rick cloth and we started in network marketing within three days of each other and that was wet back in 2014 and I always share that network marketing was like the bridge to the entrepreneurial journey. For me, my entrepreneurial journey started very early on and also my mission of how connection, conversation and building a movement helps to create goals and that’s what I’m doing on the network marketing side always because I love that incredible stream of income and that fits and works into my life.


But also on the other side with Camp Elevate, the Facebook group and some of the coaching programs to help women who are taking those big steps into really, really living their passion and building a business and making money around it has become an obsession of mine. So how does all of that fit together with this Facebook message that I received from Terry today, we’ve just healed. We’ve known each other, we’ve chatted back and forth and sometimes having someone just say something and it was like, Whoa. And we were both like, Whoa, like fireworks. So the two of us happen to be members in a Facebook group that is about achieving the weight loss goals and I didn’t know she was there and she didn’t know I was there. It’s called the P and P tribe. She’s Korean has a podcast. I was like, shut people out.


I’m not going to keep it a mystery, but Kerry has a podcast and it’s called losing a hundred pounds with fit and fat. Her name is Corrine Crabtree and I love to tell you guys how I find things because it’s not always about a fancy email sequence and opt-in and all of these crazy spirals of if you buy this, I’ll give you this. I just happened, I love Amy Porterfield. I mean who doesn’t? She’s the queen and she was sharing about her weight loss journey and she mentioned that she has this coach named Corrine. So I started investigating and squirreling my way over there and find myself really, really excited about this coaching around health and wellness because it’s a community, you know, I love a good community of uplifting women and it also has to do with how I’m going to explain this 1% and I will never ever be that person who will take somebody else’s idea and claim that it’s mine.


So I always throw the credit out there and I want to really, really stressed to you guys that everybody has been thinking about that business idea that you’ve had. There’s a ton of people that coach around what I coach around about firing your boss and saying you’re not the boss of me. And finally stepping into your greatness however that looks. But my way is a little bit different. And the audience who finds me and the women who find me are on my path because of connections and referrals and maybe you stumbled upon something and thought that group looks cool. So that’s how we find each other. And when I started listening to Corrine and when Terry and I were chatting back and forth today on messenger, I wish I could just bring her on here. Um, we talked about how we’ve been doing this business for five years, and even we’ve been doing life together for five years and every single thing you guys, this is where the gold comes.


Whether you’re building a network marketing business, whether you’re building a brick and mortar. I have a friend that just opened an incredible blow dry place, a new friend that is telling me that she’s a realtor and how can she use Facebook groups to get her message out? I’m helping someone right now that’s creating this bad-ass fat fight group. I mean everything that we do is about the 1% every single day. Okay. I wish there were like fireworks and bells and things that could ring. It’s about the 1% every single decision, every single thing in your life, in your marriage with your kids, with your friendships, with your business. Imagine if we just did the 1% I’m one of those people that goes 110% 110% 110% burnout, 0% 0% 0% and that’s what we see in business and that’s what we see with the dreams that we all have about, Hey, I’m going to do this thing.


I’m going to help women to do this thing. I have a friend, her name is Lynn and she is an insanely, insanely brilliant psychotherapist and she is like the I, I always say that she has like that stand like Lucy had with the peanuts and she was selling kisses. I always say the lend, you need to open that stand because when I need to run something by her and have, whether it’s like, how do I say this so I don’t offend this person or I’m feeling like I’m overwhelmed in this area and she’ll always ask me the right questions and she’s retired and she’s starting a podcast, which I’ll share out with you guys. And I said to her, Len as she came to me for some business coaching and she said this is such a foreign world, the social media thing. Cause people used to call her to get advice and now she’s retired and she and her partner are raising Danielle, their daughter who is in high school and she’s at home now.


And I said to her, do the thing Len, start the podcast. Let’s do it. What’s the first step? And when it became overwhelming for her. I said, let’s just do one thing a day, one thing a day that moves you closer to building this community of women that need to hear and have your knowledge from your experience of decades and decades of sitting as the therapist who now is learning about how to overcome new challenges for yourself and living life as a six-year-old in this online world and trying these new things. So I’m taking her advice that I gave to Len and I’m saying to all of you, and Terry brought that up because in the fit fat tribe it’s about doing the 1% every day. So we create this 24-hour plan that has sleep, water, what we’re eating. And it’s not about counting and shaming and being afraid of like shaming ourselves for not making the right choices.


It’s just committing to ourselves for that 24 hours. So I am going to challenge you today to the 1% so committing for 24 hours, putting it on the calendar that what’s that one thing? The 1% that you can do today. Right now. Get off this podcast if you’re at the gym. Thank you for listening to me. Um, what’s the 1% that you can do today to move your business forward? Let me give you some suggestions. We have to have engaging conversations with people that want what we are selling. So could you open up a text message and if you’re a realtor and say to three friends, Hey, I’m so excited that I have just finished my real estate lobby blog and you’re super connected in the area, would you put up this Facebook post for me? Would you be willing to market my message or would you be willing to give me some referrals?


Asking for referrals is a great way to ask the 1% putting valuable content out that educates your world about what it is that you do. Let’s say that you, my friend Carrie, she is a beekeeper. She does incredible things with honey. She is obsessed with how honey heels. So today, what if she went into Facebook groups where people are trying to heal, I don’t know, gut health, and she shares a message about honey and connects to different people. That is the 1% of the conversations that you have around your passion and what you do. What if you’re sitting here and you’re saying, okay, great, Beth, I don’t really know what I do. I don’t really know my passion. I’m listening to you. I want to do it well then spend the 1% journaling. If you didn’t get paid to do something, what would you do every single day?


Dive into some personal development, but I’m encouraging you to do the 1% do that thing. So you may be saying, how do I grow a seven-figure business? How do I take big, bold, audacious steps to do the thing? And that’s where I was in 2014 when I decided to like to dive in and do it all. That’s cool. That is, that is exactly how momentum starts. But if you want to take those steps forward, instead of thinking, I’ve got to listen to 22 podcasts, I’ve got to have 17 business coaches, I’ve got to have a plan, and then you throw it all up in the air and you say, I can’t figure it out. So today my message is I want you to do it all. I want you to have it all, but I want you to commit to that 1% what can you do every single day?


The 1% to have a better marriage, the 1% to have a better friendship, the 1% to be a better mom, a better parent, a better person. If you are looking at- I, I don’t feel like I’m contributing enough with volunteer time or funds or I don’t have money right now to tie the or to give to that organization. Can you do $10 and for your business, for goodness sake, take the 1%, create the content, have conversations and ask people, Hey, is this a fit for you? I know I can help you with X, Y, and Z. However, those conversations, look, content, conversations, conversions, do the 1% go out and make it happen. Thanks for listening today. I hope this was helpful and what I would love to hear from you over an Instagram. My Instagram handle is @BethHoldenGraves. I would love for you to DM me with one action that you’re taking for the 1% I always send prizes. I have some really good swag that I love to send to people, so if you send me that message while this podcast is current or not current, I’m going to put you in for my monthly drawing. I’m also going to shut you out on Instagram, and if you love what you’re hearing, please join me over in our Facebook group, Camp Elevate. You can ask to join and so happy that you’ve joined us today. I will see you all next time.


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