Episode 13: Build It Your Way
Nov 25, 2019What’s The Episode About…
Hello my friends and welcome back to You’re Not the Boss of Me! In this episode I have some exciting topics to share and chat with you about. I recently launched in Camp Elevate, a Money YOUR Way FREE bootcamp (you can find the link below in the show notes), with strategies that you can apply right into your business. I also share a sneak peek into my new ProfitHER Way Mastermind, where you learn how you can have a business that feels energetically aligned with your mission and vision, a mindset that is unshakable, a daily routine that doesn’t have you glued to your inbox and the tools to grow and thrive with your business and LIFE!
Keynotes discussed:
- I’m doing all of the work around protecting my energy and being in the highest vibration by putting the routines and rituals into my day, the breathwork, the work in just sitting and being still in the environment. (04:47)
- I asked the campers to journal and think about what it is that they loved about their product, about their service, about their business, and write it a love letter because that gets you back to the belief, back to why are they doing this. (06:37)
- So, we talked about, I was her ideal client customer. She knew immediately that this was for me and that when you’re very, very clear on who it is that you serve, and who it is that you need to be in conversation with, that needs what you have. (12:07)
- I want to give you a strategy that makes you feel really good about what it is that you’re doing. (14:24)
- So at the end of the day, the Money YOUR Way bootcamp really showed us, and from the comments and the conversations that were going on, is it’s more than just an action step. (18:48)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
- No Boss Talk
- The Camp Elevate Facebook Group
- Beth’s Instagram
- Beth’s Website
- The Profit HER Way Course
When Did It Air…
November 25, 2019
Episode Transcript…
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Hello my friends and welcome back to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. This episode is something that I am so excited to chat with you about today, to just share what we are doing and creating over in Camp Elevate, which is our free Facebook group. You can find how to join us down in the show notes, but it’s the camp elevate group.com. But here’s the deal. This week I ran a Money YOUR Way free bootcamp and a lot of people probably jumped on thinking I was going to give this strategy, and I was going to have you do 17,000 reach-outs, or I was going to show you how to use your Instagram stories to get new leads coming your way. And there are so many cool strategies out there, I share those, I love them. But the first thing that I think we miss out on, and I just actually got a Facebook voice memo, I thought it was a text, so I was going to read it to you, it’s from, one of my new ProfitHer Way Mastermind clients.
I don’t even like to say client, It’s like friends, were already friends, and she stumbled upon me because of the podcast and is a legend in her industry and was just chatting with me on Facebook. I love to chat with you all on Facebook and Instagram. And she just said, “I’m succeeding, but everything else is falling aside and I’m just struggling with that. I listened to the glass ball episode”, and so what I told her was, I want you to shut down your computer and go watch a movie and hang out with no phone with your daughter and with your husband. And she was probably thinking, aren’t you like a business coach or strategist or something? And this is, this is what you’re telling me to do. But what’s happened in, even in the five days we’ve worked together, and I’m going to actually tell you a little summary of what we did during this boot camp so that you can apply it to your business.
And this works in any business. Honestly. And I’m not telling you that I’m the guru of these things. I’m telling you that this is the work that I’m currently doing. And so, I’m sharing the work that I’m doing because it feels aligned and it’s working for me. And it’s when I look back at growing my business, when I’ve been in this space that I’m going to talk to you about, has been when I have felt the very best. Meaning I have felt the very best about my business, and really about everything. Because I always talk about this, that one thing is not a number 10, meaning a 10 in business and a four in yourself care, or a two with your relationships, with your friendships, with your marriages, with your partners. We’ve got to work on that big wheel of how do we keep it all in an energetically aligned space that feels right and feels good.
So I received this message and it was so awesome because she said, ”after I’ve started to do this work, I’m actually starting to think that maybe this Woo thing, this energy, this thing you keep talking about, might actually be working, because suddenly this week people are coming to me. They’re asking me about what it is that I do, and I felt just so much different around my business”. So how does that happen? And like what am I talking about? Right? Because I have to say that once upon a time when I thought I knew more than everyone else in the world. Well, that’s an exaggeration, but I don’t think I was very coachable around this piece of it. I was very coachable around strategy. I wanted to hear like, what’s working, what are the steps? But I never really followed that because when a mentor of mine said to me, well, when you followed those steps, when they say this, you say this, or you go over and comment 10 times and then you do X, Y, and Z, and then they’re going to say, yes.
Did you really do it? And did it really work? And I talk about the times when my business has really scaled and grown is when I’m super aligned with my message. I’m doing all of the work around protecting of my energy and being in the highest vibration by putting the routines and rituals into my day, the breathwork. The work in just sitting and being still the environment. Right? So, what we did over in camp this week, it was really cool because I decided I would call it Make Money YOUR Way bootcamp and people are like, I’m coming in, I want to make some money. Like you’re going to show me the money over here in this camp. Well first of all, what happens when a group of people come together with one common goal? You start to have an energy of the group. And our camp energy has always been uplifting and inspiring, cheering for each other, and it’s just, it’s just a beautiful community and it’s because of the beautiful women that are in there.
And I’m really, really looking forward. I’ll give it a little camp plug. We’re choosing the dates now because I want all of you in summer camp. Like I miss summer camp. I want to hang out a real-life camp. So, I’m going to be sharing a little bit more of those details. Got a lot coming up in 2020; Real life summer camp, and I’m also launching the ProfitHer Way Mastermind, which the cart is open. The application process is open right now. If you go to BethHoldenGraves.com/Profit you can read all about what’s going to happen in there. And I will share a little bit with you more about that after I talk about what we did in the Money YOUR Way bootcamp. So, a lot of new people joined in Camp Elevate this week. So, we had a lot of new energy and it started with the very first assignment. The very first challenge was for you to have gratitude.
And so, I want you to do this gratitude around your business, a happy gratitude box where you’re writing things down. And my friend Susan Hyatt calls it, I think her happy basket. And people are like, what do you mean we’re going to make money this way? Yes, because I asked you to journal, and I’m saying you because I hope you’re over there in Camp Elevate. But I asked the campers to journal and think about what it is that they loved about their product, about their service, about their business, and write it a love letter because that gets you back to the belief, back to why are they doing this? Why am I waking up every day and building this business? And having that belief in that love, and that gratitude around the opportunity, and whether it’s the success now or success that’s coming. That was a huge piece.
And seriously, and I love keeping a business journal. I have written in every single page of my journal, what I’ve done on that day. And I’ll even write like Facebook lives, or this or that, but I didn’t do PDFs and printouts because I know how I feel when I’m like, Oh, I got to go print this out and then now what am I going to do with it? So, I want the habit and the routine and the ritual of this business journal. So, you can say, okay, I had a pretty rocking month. Like my numbers are great. I’ve made more money than I’ve ever made. That you can look back and you see, here’s what I’ve been doing. I’ll talk more about that journal as we go into more episodes, because I have, I don’t have a specific formula, but I do put my gratitude in my journal.
I do put my, what did I learn today? My personal development, two or three sentences. I kind of do a little affirmation and energy statement around where I’m going with my business, and then the activity, the inspired action. So, I asked everyone to, ‘Hey, write yourself a love letter’. So that was a really cool thing, and people were using lots of markers and stickers and we had all of the love letters out. And when you’re feeling like, wow, I need to talk to somebody about this, like your energy is high around it. So, when you’re feeling, and you guys, this works for a marriage, it works for a child, it works for your dog. When you’re feeling depleted of energy, then at that time, why don’t you sit down and go into gratitude and write it? Write that person, write that thing, a love letter, right?
That’s what gratitude does as well. When you stay in gratitude around things that, you start to have that belief and that energy, and it raises your vibration around it all. So that’s what we did on the first day. And the second day, and there were little things, and I’m going to be offering the replay on this. It’s going to actually come in an email sequence or series for people to actually go through this bootcamp. We’re getting that ready. So, stay tuned for that. But the next day, what we talked about, let me go back. So, the first day we did talk about what’s your big picture? Where do you see yourself in five years? And people have done that exercise a lot, but we talked about, I always like having a vivid imagination. We did the love letter and then we also talked about what kind of solutions, like as you’re doing the love letter, what kind of solutions do you have around your product or your business, and why are you grateful for that?
So, there were some pieces into that love letter. So then the next day I went into, so think about this, my friend Maryanne, when I lived in Michigan, she introduced me to Lululemon and it was like before Lululemon was really mainstream in the U S, and she was from Canada and had this little shop in her home. It started now, it’s an amazing boutique shop. She has incredible things. It’s called Ziva, Mayer and Franklin, Michigan. You should go take a look. But Marianne was during that season of my life, she was my person, like we ran every morning together. She was there through the babies, just like a beautiful human, and what a beautiful human she was, because the day that she had some Lulu Lemon, she was selling Lulu Lemon in her shop and I had never heard of it. And this is when Lululemon was still allowing, I think, small yoga studios in boutiques to carry their line.
And I had never heard of Lululemon. I don’t even think there were Lululemon stores in Michigan, or maybe even not in the U S. And she called me, and she was like, you’ve got to get over to my house. You have got to see what’s in this box, it’s going to blow your mind. And if you have never loved a pair of workout pants, like I love Lululemon, you just have not lived. And I put them on. I think they were called the Groove, and I put them on, and I was like, Oh my gosh. I mean, your butt looks good, you feel good. They were amazing pants and still are. The only thing that I’ve tried. I like Athleta, but Lululemon is my go-to and yes, it is an indulgence, but wow, why would you wear something that falls down when you’re like trying to do a squat or a downward facing dog?
But anyway, my point of Marianne is this, when she was reaching out to me, she didn’t go into like the details of why this was this beautiful fabric, and it had this, and the seam was this, and it was manufactured here and there and everywhere, and across the square, like detail, detail, detail. She basically just knew without question that I was on my way and I was going to pull out my credit card or cash for the most I’d ever spent on a pair of workout pants in my life because she knew without question this was for me. So, we talked about that, that I was her ideal client customer. She knew immediately that this was for me and that when you’re very, very clear on who it is that you serve, and who it is that you need to be in conversation with, that needs what you have. Then your messaging and the power behind what you do, and how you share the stories and the testimonials, or when you’re talking to your friend or your new acquaintance.
So, I said, would that have been the same conversation if it was with my husband? She’s saying, buy a pair of Lululemon workout pants. We’ll, now he gets Lululemon because they make it for men and I put it in his closet, but Marianne went up, called him and said, Don, get over here. He’s not her ideal person, right? So, this is what we did. Next is, we actually drew pictures, named our person and talked about these things. And when you’re visualizing, and this is nothing new for you, marketers out there, avatar or whatever you want to call it, but I really wanted them to say, I have a friendship with your ideal person, or does she like to eat? What keeps her up at night and keeps her worried, or him or they, what is the last book that she read? Where does she want to go on vacation?
Where is her dream, dream? Dream destination for, if she could take her husband on another honeymoon, or where does she shop for her food? Does she go to Costco or whole foods or both? And what are her favorite kinds of shoes? What magazines, did I say all this? What’s her favorite podcast? I hope it’s, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. So, we talked about this person and we got very, very clear, and we named her, and we drew a picture, and we gave the details, because when you have the gratitude for the business and then you have the details of this person, of this woman, of this man, of whomever it is, your message gets aligned. Right? Then we also did another thing, because you know I can’t just give strategy without activity, so I’m going to whip through some of these things and you’ll have to catch the replay email. and I’ll make sure that if you’re on my list for the podcast, if you’re subscribed and you’ve opted in to one of one of my email lists, I’ll make sure that you get it. But another thing that we did was, we did the belief, we talked about who it was, but then I said, I want to give you a strategy that makes you feel really good about what it is that you’re doing.
When you reach out, and this strategy that I love to use is, and it’s genuine. If there’s someone I want to talk to and share the details, and I think that hearing it might just open their eyes to what it is that I do. Like we talked about referrals and using referrals as a way to say to your friend, so I used an example of a friend of mine, who is a 10 like entrepreneur, someone who gets it, but had never looked at the Network Marketing thing. So, I said, you know, ‘Hey Sarah, can I borrow your brain for just a few minutes? Can you give me a time, I just need to borrow your brain? I want to get some feedback from you. I really, really respect your entrepreneurial journey and respect you professionally. Literally need just like 15 minutes of time.
So when you ask a referral for an idea of who do you know, you are also spreading that happy message of; look at what we have onto that referral that they might just say, ‘Hey, well that might make sense for me to take a look at. And I said, there’s a lot of people on your chicken list that if you go referral, they might have a referral for you. But at the end of the conversation you could also say, ‘well wow, have you ever considered this’? Like hello residual income or whatever it is, working part time, making a full-time income, whatever that is that you’re sharing, it might be for them. So, we talked about a strategy of using referrals because I want people that are working with me, I want you to be creating the energy and vibration and the space for the work to happen.
Having the gratitude around your business, but then taking some of this strategy and showing up and asking and talking and having conversations. And my big thing about scripts. Yes, some people are out there killing it with scripts, but I also think the people that are killing it with the scripts would kill it any other way. Meaning their energy is so high, their belief is so high. Their messaging is brief, it’s spot on. But like we talked about in the beginning when I was talking about my friend, my new friend who said, I feel like people are just coming my way because she started to do the work. So, we also were doing, we did a breathing exercise, where at least six times during the day you lean your head back and did some breath work. I’ll share a little bit more about that later on in another podcast, and we also did a little tapping exercise.
I’m new to tapping, but tapping on your forehead, that says I am here. Like when your focus starts to go breath and I am here. So that was one of the things that we did as well, was adding the breathing a little bit of the tapping, the I am here, and a lot of people are like, okay, I’ll give this a go. And I had more people, more campers reach out to me about the breathwork and that I am here than anything else. So that was really, really cool. And then the rest of the week we worked on building on that foundation, staying in the gratitude, staying with the breath, staying with the stopping every, at least six to eight times and doing the breath work, using creative strategies that feel aligned with who we are to have those. And then we talked about what the personal customer funnel looked like.
How does it feel? The thing that is big is when you don’t have clarity around how the messaging and how the flow of conversation goes, when it’s just thrown out there, you know, blah blah blah, blah blah. Here’s a video here. This, here’s that. Oh my gosh, they want to order, what now? They have a question. What now? That confusion is not creating space for that new person to feel comfortable and aligned and ready to go with you. So that was a little bit about the Money YOUR Way boot camp, and we put it all together in the business journal. We kind of made it a full circle of how do you use this mindset work, the breath breathwork along with getting into activity? We made some lists of people that fit the ideal person. We talked about a lot of things over five days, as you can tell because I’m like trying to pack it in here on this podcast to get, because I like to keep these about 20-25 minutes.
So, at the end of the day, the Money YOUR Way boot camp, really, really showed us, and from the comments and the conversations, that were going on, it’s more than just an action step. It’s more than just let me send 7,000 messages and see who bites. It’s about really leaning into who do I serve, who can I help, how can I be of service? Having the work around holding space, the breath work and being in gratitude, your vibration. You guys, I keep saying that, but I’m super into feeling where I am in the day. It just comes up and then those messages are well received. It seems that people are coming to you and maybe you didn’t even change that marketing strategy. You just changed your own way of being. Have you ever been around someone that’s like super crazy and Oh my gosh, I’m crazy? I’m crazy. I’m crazy.
I’m crazy. And Awwwww – if feels so out of whack, like Oh my gosh, please let me just go over here in this corner. If you hear something, I’m recording at night and little Yogi snoring in the corner, so I didn’t want to stop and edit. So, this is real life, dog snoring, me podcasting. We’re like showing you the true colors here because normally I pull his rug out. So, I apologize for Yogi in advance, but most of you that see me live have heard me say, ‘Yogi, stop your snoring’. So, Yogi’s here snoring away. All right, so let me tell you about something. I’m really, really, really excited about what’s happening for us. It’ really…after starting the podcast and working with my own team and also with private clients, it hit me that there was a need and I really felt not just a need but like a calling, so to speak.
Like I felt this energy around putting a group of women like we have over in Camp Elevate together and having a space for us to do this work. So. what I’m envisioning, and I know will happen because I know what content and what people were bringing together because I’m bringing in outside coaches along with what I’m doing. And I want you to imagine a business that is energetically aligned with your mission and your vision, right? A mindset that’s unshakeable, a daily routine that doesn’t have you glued to your inbox and the tools for you to grow and thrive with your business and life. So, all that stuff about how to effortlessly have leads coming your way and how to never talk to friends and family about your business and make a zillion dollars. And how to use Instagram to sign up 472 people in three minutes. I’m a little bit exaggerating there, but if you’ve known me for more than 10 minutes, you know that I’m about making some serious business moves, but also making a life.
Right? So. we’re going to work on mindset. We’re going to work on marketing strategies. We’re going to work on rituals and routines. We’re going to map it out. We’re going to create the plan. We’re going to have some accountability. We’re going to read some beautiful things together. We are going to create a business. And if you’re already a six-figure earner, then we’re going to start to look at what’s happening with your own network, with your team, and how can you help to keep them in that higher energy. And how do you keep yourself from being glued to your phone all the time but having massive success in your business and getting results. And how do you hang with this community of people that are here to uplift, inspire on days that you might not feel like it, helping you to raise it up and get into inspired action.
That is all about what aligns with you, with your message, what you share, who you actually want to be in business, not who someone else thinks that you should be. So. we’re going to be doing this. It starts 2020 but we’re open now for your application, because like I said before, this is a curated community of women who are doing the work together, so it’s not just come on in. It is are you committed to doing the work? Are you committed to seeing if even if it doesn’t feel like it’s a natural thing for you? If this feels different, let’s see how that rolls your business along. How you get the results we’re going to like. It’s not just all you know, fun and let’s have some meditation woo time. We are going to have aligned, inspired and lots of action around what that two-month, three-month, four-month, six-month, and five-year goal will be, and it is going to be so incredibly, incredibly…
Gosh, what incredibly fun. I’m looking for this word because I’m so excited about this program, because I have been dreaming, planning and using these methods in these strategies for so many years. And finally, it’s here. So, if you want to see if this is a fit for you, go on over to BethHoldenGraves.com./Profit. You can fill out the application, you can take a look at all that we’re doing, and I cannot wait. If you have some questions for me, just pop them over in my Facebook inbox or over on Instagram and I’ll be happy to set up a time to chat with you via zoom so we can talk about the program, see if it’s a fit for you. All right you guys, so that was Money YOUR Way. I’m excited for ProfitHER Way. And I also want to just end with reading a couple of my favorite reviews from the week and I can’t thank you guys enough for doing the subscribe, sending in the review.
That’s what puts us up on Apple iTunes. That’s what makes me happy. Makes me get on here. I mean it’s, I thought it was so much later. It’s only 10 30pm. I’m like, I’m doing this podcast. It’s like one in the morning, it’s only 10:30pm. at night. But when you’re listening to this, I hope it’s Monday morning at six or 7:00 AM when it first drops in. So, let’s take a look at those reviews and then we will finish this up.
This review is from Bree Loves Fasting, and she says, wow, this is a five-star review. Thank you, Bree! And you guys have to check out Bree over an Instagram because she has a great feed and she says, “Wow, I am so glad that I found this podcast at this point in my life. Timing is everything. If you haven’t hit 40, still listen, your life is a reflection of your choices and programming. What do you want in life? This is a great resource to help you figure that out. Thank you for your energy, Beth. I can’t wait to see how your journey unfolds.”
Well, thank you Brie, and I love seeing your journey as well, and I’m going to read one more. Oh, my goodness. This is from Joy is Vibrant. I love that name! And she says this, “This episode helped me realize that it is on my way. I need to believe on all levels that I deserve to be happy, have what I want, and be in all of the places I want to be. I do know what to do, and was for a while, but I stalled and cut out and shut down. Now I know I need to do the work and keep believing that I am worthy and deserving.
You are worthy and deserving Joy is Vibrant! And thank you for the five-star review! And I love when content, that was from the content that we had last week with Deserve Level Rising. When content really pushes people out there to say, ‘yes, yes, this is for me and I am going to do what it takes and I am back in action because I deserve it’, right? That vision has to be so strong. And revisit it, use your imagination, get into that quiet space.
And I’ll end this episode with what we did in the last session of Money YOUR Way, is that I encouraged everyone to have in their routine that quiet space, whether it’s meditation, devotion, or just sitting in a beautiful space in your brain for five minutes in the morning, and five minutes in the evening, to make sure that you always have that gratitude every single day. Your personal development read daily.
Write that down. And finally, for me, one of the most important things that I do every single day is I send a love letter, a love text. I send to somebody, gratitude and tell them why I’m so grateful for them. And what they have done for me, and that’s something that I started to do. I heard it on a podcast. I think I’m on day 42 of it and it feels so good. So those are the little things that create big things that create big changes in your life. And I hope today you loved this episode. I love sharing with you and if you are over in that Money YOUR Way Camp Elevate challenge, I want to say thank you. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for your energy and thank you for being a part of this insanely amazing sisterhood and community. And if you’re not there yet, I want to see you in Camp Elevate.
All right you guys, I’ll see you next week. Thanks so much for listening. You go out there, and if you can dream it, and if you can feel it, and if you can journal about it, and imagine it, take that action, and just do it.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today and ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes. Every single week I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I enter you to win the, ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag, so make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.