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Episode 41: Be Part of The Change

Jun 08, 2020

What’s The Episode About…

Welcome back! In this episode, I want to just start by talking for a moment. We’re in a moment of history that’s horrific. The memory of George Floyd and how he was murdered, and how this is not the time for leaders and podcasters to be silent.

And as I begin, I saw this posted on Mally Roncal’s Instagram, and it says:

"If you’re not sure how to respond, listen.

If you’re not sure what to read, research.

If you’re not sure what you do, donate.

Not sure becomes not my problem.

It is not enough to be not sure when racism is still taking lives."

And so that’s my commitment. I’m going to listen to Black activists, Rachel Cargle and Rachel Rogers, and many more. I’m going to give you resources over in Camp Elevate, I’m going to continue to read and research and I’m going to donate. Because I stand before you and I tell you that Black Lives Matter and I have to check my privilege and I have to teach my children, when you see racism speak up.

So with that, I want to move into a very quick episode and to talk about how do you continue with passion and powerfully build your business when you’ve got something so, so, so heavy, and so important. and so critical as what is happening in the world today.



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• And I had to go into more of that mission and vision that I have of, why I want to build this out, so that it can be a valuable resource and community for those that are using the network marketing model. And, want to now more than ever how to build their business with authenticity, and where they stand, and what their message is. Knowing that you don’t have to just please everybody and not stand for what you believe, and you can still build a business. (6:25)

• I thought about stopping and just taking the week off. And then the more that I realized that I can’t make an impact if I’m not making more money, and not impacting more people, and the truth. And then I was receiving some beautiful messages, and you know who you are. Showing up in my inbox, and helping me and guiding me, and serving me. Telling me that together, we will rise. (8:03)

• I’m so painfully sorry for the wound that is continually being opened up for you this weekend, this week, the week before. But I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, you are welcome in this community, you are wanted in this community, your voice is wanted in this community, your stories are wanted in this community. And if I screw up, which I probably will, I want you to tell me, I’m open to hearing how I can do better. (10:49)

• Where do we start? Those are the books that we will be listing for you. We have a resource over in Camp, Elevate. Follow Black Activist Rachel Rogers, Rachel Cargle and her project, The Great Unlearning, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Desiree Adaway, Erica Heinz, just to name a few. And like she said, you might feel defensive, you might feel uncomfortable, but we need to be quiet, and we need to be listening. And I want to end with this; it’s so important to take that time to not be defensive and not over-talk but listen, and be part of the change. (11:50)

• I really want to talk about what’s on my mind and Jody shared with me a really cool thing, and she said; What we have to remember is that we’re a collective mindset, energetically we are all interconnected and what affects others affects us, so be mindful and be more aware of the present moment. (13:06)



June 08, 2020



Welcome back! I want to just start by talking for a moment. We’re in a moment of history that’s horrific. The memory of George Floyd and how he was murdered, and how this is not the time for leaders and podcasters to be silent.

And as I begin, this I saw this posted on Mally Roncal’s Instagram, and it says If you’re not sure how to respond, listen. If you’re not sure what to read, research. If you’re not sure what you do, donate. Not sure becomes not my problem. It is not enough to be not sure when racism is still taking lives.

And so that’s my commitment. I’m going to listen to the Black activist, Rachel Cargle and Rachel Rogers, and many more. I’m going to give you resources over in Camp Elevate, I’m going to continue to read and research and I’m going to donate. Because I stand before you and I tell you that Black Lives Matter and I have to check my privilege and I have to teach my children, when you see racism speak up.

So with that, I want to move into a very quick episode and to talk about how do you continue with passion and powerfully build your business when you’ve got something so, so, so heavy, and so important.. and so critical as what is happening in the world today.

And I want to say this, number one, it’s okay to pause and if you are pausing and honoring which I did for a few days, I paused at honored, I journal, I had conversations, but I showed up to see what I could do in terms of providing resources and opening the community for conversations, but also going back to a journaling exercise of thought downloads and just doing that brain dump and then the Start-Stop-Keep and I thought okay, I am going to start today with learning and growing and start today with contribution and keep that as part of my daily plan.

But also, a big piece is to not just go into a total pause mode because that’s not going to do any good either. As a coach, or even as a network marketer, showing up for your teams, because being able to have a platform, being able to make money, being able to make an impact, require staying on your game.

So, this is the important time of self-care and having the community and knowing what are the things that you can put in place. Is it meditation three times a day? Is it tapping? Is it journaling? Is it getting on that Peloton and going for the ride of your life and sweating out some of your aggression? Is it not engaging with the arguments? I found myself scrolling and seeing things on social media that just so much upset me.

You always have that friend that I will say, well, what about this, what about this, why would this person do this? And I thought This is not productive at all. This is not productive. Does this feel like love? Does this feel like progress? Does this feel like I can make an impact? It’s the same thing when you engage in gossip and when you engage in shaming.

Yeah, there are some people out there that deserve shaming this week with some of the things that were coming out of their mouth. It can get a little heated. But what does it do for your platform for your business?

And Rachel Rogers has a huge platform now and has a huge voice because of the work that she’s done. And so, in a time when she was so needed, she showed up and that was so important.

And so, I think about how you keep showing up, but knowing that moment of… well, I’m just going to turn on the news and just obsess.

Yes, obsess on the changes that you can make, but obsess. I’m creating more so you can do more.

The vision board doesn’t need to be about the nice car. The vision board, the goal can be about maybe you want to make an impact in your local schools and you want to know how and you want to research that, or the big dream of a non-profit that requires work, and that requires staying with empathy with what you’re doing.

So, this week I just was able to plug into so many really cool conversations led by black activists to learn and grow and journal and to make a commitment.

And then I intend to do on and off-line.

You guys know the map membership is being built right now. And I had to go into more of that mission and vision that I have of why I want to build this out, so that it can be a valuable resource and community for those that are using the network marketing model and want to, now more than ever, build their business with authenticity and where they stand and what their message is and knowing that you don’t have to just please everybody and not stand for what you believe, and you can still build a business.

So I now more than ever, know that social media marketing and branding and understanding how you can take daily action in an authentic way and you can build communities around your beliefs and your missions and you can still have sales because of… I think about this and this connection of a friend of mine, she sells essential oils, and she said I can’t possibly sell anything right now, I’m so devastated and upset and I said, Well how can you help, how can you serve? You have a large community because of your essential oils. So, make a statement, give some resources, open the discussion. She’s like, Oh my gosh, and the activity of just not ignoring but showing up and providing that platform allowed for business growth, because in doing so, the conversation started, of… I wasn’t sure if this was the right group for me, I wasn’t sure. I’ve always felt a little bit alone and I feel better now.

And so this week, I really honestly, I thought about stopping and just taking the week off and then the more that I realized that I can’t make an impact if I’m not making more money, and not impacting more people and the truth. And that was having some beautiful messages, and you know who you are. Show up in my inbox and helping me and guiding me and serving me and telling me that together, we will rise.

So I love you all, and I’m so grateful for this community and I’m so grateful that so many of you this week we’re able to even through the heavy days, stay focused on change, and I’m also so grateful for those of you that have shared resources with me.

My friend, Grace Van Cleave, just wrote this awesome, I’ve known Grace for so long and she has this awesome group called 24 Carrot Bold, and she posted something that I want to share with you before I close out and what she said was… Let me find this for you because her words just made such an impact on me and it said, Can I share those and she’s like, Of course, you can share and here’s what she said:

So she talks about her community that she built and she said that she has a vision for what that community looks like, and since it’s style she said, you imagine women coming together, all ethnicities, different body sizes, and the very last thing she wanted was a bunch of white women with the same kind of blond hair, all curled with a beach waver or the trendy curling iron. I have one of those.

And they just stepped out of Instagram, and all they wanted to talk about was what to wear and their expensive ripped jeans. Now she’s talking to a group about style and then she said she’s imagined to keeping suit, love in love fashion.

Women who are scared of it, women who were trying to tiptoe into it, while building a law practice and paying off their student loans, women who want to be bolder with their lives, women who want to feel sexy, women who are tired going into a store and feeling lost, and she goes on to say, So as a white girl, I can look at the horrifying murder of George Floyd and say, not your lane, Grace, just talk about clothes.

You’re going to say something you think will be helpful but instead it’s going to be hurtful, so be quiet. And then she says I’m sure there are plenty of business books that say, don’t be controversial.

Am I right you guys? Don’t be controversial? They say white woman just smile and be pretty and pretend that the world isn’t burning, that’s what your followers want. If it feels a little bit uncomfortable, I know, right?

And then she said this, and I think this is really powerful and thank you Grace for this, I wish you were on the podcast, talking to me today and Grace said, Here’s what I want to say. If you are a black woman, or a person of color. I’m so painfully sorry for the wound that is continually being opened up for you this weekend, this week, the week before, and before that. But I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, you are welcome in this community, you are wanted in this community, your voice is wanted in this community, your stories are wanted in this community. And if I screw up, which I probably will, I want you to tell me, I’m open to hearing how I can do better.

And that is my belief for this community, and I think you grace for those words, and she goes on to say, it’s not the time to be silent, it’s not the time to be silent. We may be listening to a friend telling a racist joke, everyone else laughs, but to be actively anti-racist that means you have to actively get uncomfortable.

And then she does say, don’t look at your black friends and say, tell us what to do, educate us, that’s not their job. This is not the Green Book or Driving Miss Daisy where the black friend teaches the white friend how not to be racist.

We have to do the work ourselves. Where do we start? Those are the books that we will be listing for you. We have a resource over in Camp Elevate, follow Black Activist Rachel Rogers, Rachel Cargle and her project, The Great Unlearning, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Desiree Adaway, Erica Heinz, just to name a few. And like she said, you might feel defensive, you might feel uncomfortable, but we need to be quiet, and we need to be listening. And I want to end with this; it’s so important to take that time to not be defensive and not over-talk but listen, and be part of the change, whatever that looks like in your business, in your life, whatever that looks like, be part of the change.

So that’s what I have for you today, I want to make that commitment to all of you that I’m going to keep going, because the more we impact the more we serve, the more women that I teach to build multiple six and figure businesses, and the Map Membership, that’s more that we can do and that’s the change that we need to see.

So, this episode if you ever want to start a podcast shout out, let me know you need Jody.

I have content, I really want to talk out what’s on my mind and Jody shared with me a really cool thing and she said, what we have to remember is that we’re a collective mindset, energetically we are all interconnected and what affects others affects us. And be mindful and be more aware of the present moment.

So, with that, I am going to say good night and I’m recording this late at night when I get stuck, I do it late at night. But the commitment to content weekly is a commitment that I will always stand by.

And the Map Membership group, we are I think, it’s 10 days away from the grand opening, and now more than ever, the authentic voice and knowing how you can build a business still being able to have your authentic voice in your mission, in your platform is now more than ever, so important because we’re building online and that’s what’s happening inside of that community.

There’s a lot of fun things. There’s a lot of Trello boards that are going to give you ideas for content and done for you, but there’s also… And this is so important, I don’t know if I’ve told you this but Stephanie Brit, who is a life coach and has worked personally with me inside of Profit HER Way, has committed to the Map Membership.

And many times, you’ll have an action step. She’ll have the formula, they’ll have the recipe, but there’s something, somewhat of an obstacle getting in your way. And so, she’s tough love. But inside of the membership group there will be one coaching circle a month that she will work through these obstacles with her model, and it’s phenomenal. So not only are we going to have a social media expert monthly, have a hot seat coaching with me and so much content, and help with what your daily plan, your social media plan, and your marketing and your mindset. But we have life coaching, and honestly when I was telling a friend of mine who also has a coaching program, she said, that’s a $6000-6 month program. Yeah, I know, we are launching this for our founders at $27 a month, it will go up, but the first 100 spots for $27.And so what will happen in the future is, it will only open three times a year with a course with me that leads you into the membership, so you know how to use the tools, but as we launch it with the VIP red carpet,  friends get to launch it with me and get a lifetime membership, of the $27, which I am starting to believe is a little insane. I think we have 10 spots left at that.

Get on over to, join us in that community, and when you’re looking for resources, and there were also some really great conversations this week over in Camp Elevate, Jennifer and Tracison led some discussions, and like I said, the valuable resources.

So, I will see you all next week. I will see you over in Camp Elevate, we are beginning a meditation, affirmation mindset block, the commitment, a 33-day commitment. It’s Monday, we’re certain Monday, so, get on over to Camp so you can start that on Monday. You’ll also see the updates for the Map Membership.

I love you all, and I’m proud of you. Proud of you for using your voice and proud of you for showing love. I’m honored to be walking this path with you. We’ll see you over in Camp Elevate I’ll catch you on the podcast next week.


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