The Money Blog

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Episode 39: Action Plan to Generate More Money with Danelle Delgado

action plan m.a.p. membership mindset network marketing May 25, 2020

What’s The Episode About…

Hey there, welcome back to episode number 39! I am so excited that one of my all-time favorite people is here with us today. Danelle Delgado “the millionaire maker”, will be diving into an exact plan of how she would build out her network marketing business if she was launching a business today.

Danelle is a mentor and a coach, she coaches entrepreneurs to win on repeat. You can catch her on Friday Night Lives over on Danelle Delgado, and on this podcast coming right up.

Before we get started, I would like to invite you to get on the list for It’s the network marketing place to be, to build out your Millionaire Action Plan, to have coaching with me, and to have all of the tools in one place.

We are launching it officially June 15th, but the pre-launch starts June 1st. Get on the list, you are not going to believe what we are doing for our VIP circle.

Listen in…



No Boss Talk

The Camp Elevate Facebook Group

Beth’s Instagram

Beth’s Website

The Profit HER Way Course

The MAP Membership

Danelle Delgado’s Website



• If they’ve got the mindset fixed, what they have to move into is usually training on money, so if people are trying to earn money and they’re not studying money, which means they have no idea what to do with it. (5:33)

• If you know your value, and you know what’s out there, you’re going to go target people with conversations. If you’re studying sales and you’re studying marketing, studying advertising, you’re going to go target people who you could help get the results the fastest who already know that they need your product and your service as opposed to try and to span the world and just get attention. (6:46)

• Some of you are interested in making money right now. Fantastic, the world is on lockdown, and you have to be able to pivot. So if that’s you, I’d love to help you make that transition. (14:46)

• I think everything I do is so systematic, which is funny because I was never a detail person, I had to become one. But everything has to be a system. (20:36)

• We’ve gone through how you win on repeat, this literally is a millionaire action plan for you, for a network marketer. So we’re going to invite you to another training in Camp Elevate and it’s free!  (23:25)



May 25, 2020



Hey there, welcome back to episode number 39! I am so excited that one of my all-time favorite people is here with us today. Danelle Delgado “the millionaire maker”, will be diving into an exact plan of how she would build out her network marketing business if she was launching a business today.

Danelle is a mentor and a coach, she coaches entrepreneurs to win on repeat. You can catch her on Friday Night Lives over on Danelle Delgado, and on this podcast coming right up.

Before we get started, I would like to invite you to get on the list for It’s the network marketing place to be, to build out your Millionaire Action Plan, to have coaching with me, and to have all of the tools in one place. We are launching it officially June 15th, but the pre-launch starts June 1st. Get on the list, you are not going to believe what we are doing for our VIP circle.

Hello Danelle Delgado! Hello, you know I love running with you any time!

When someone says, “What is a millionaire action plan for someone in network marketing, what is the first thing that you would tell them to do?

I tell them to start at the end, if you can become a master of reverse engineering, you have a plan to hit a goal. I think in network marketing, most people just say, “I want to… I just want to win. And this is an opportunity, but they don’t have a specific goal in mind.

You have to help them know why they’re getting started and why they’re committed to finishing the goal. Non-specific goals or dream goals or hope goals. Always say, most people are on drugs. I call it hopeium.

They just hope things are going to work out. I tell them, “Okay I know it’s been a while since you dreamed. I know it’s been a while since you’ve imagined, I know that you might be buried or you might be winning, but you don’t have any time.

Those things, I understand most people start there, but where do you want to finish? What does time look like, what does income look like, what numbers do you need to pay your bills and live free? And so you have to help them get a specific end. When you have a specific end, do you know if someone wants to walk, run, or sprint to their goal, so you know how to coach them in a way that they would take the right speed towards that goal? Some people just want to walk and slowly pay off debt, some people want to sprint and become a millionaire, like you Beth. Some people want to jog, so you have to know, and the only way to know is to know where they want to end and to know what they’re willing to do to get there.

So, your story of network marketing and you were wanting to sprint, but during the first eight weeks how long was it before your efforts started to pay off?

It was… well, probably six months or so, a horrible six months, I’d have a couple of wins and I completely crashed, but it took me about six months to realize that I wasn’t good, I was horrible. People were like… Listen, I know you’re trying so hard and you’re putting people in front of this, but you don’t have the skills yet, and you’re going to need to get some other jobs to cover until you can learn. It was a real kick in the teeth, but it was exactly what I needed to stop playing with something that could save my life, and I started training for something that could change my life.

So, we hear over and over again. Just go back to your list. It’s the more messages that you send, it’s the more people that you have conversations with. And then I think about with myself, I know how to win with three conversations a day because I can close three a day, but I didn’t always have that skill set… You’ve got to have a lot of conversations, but I love what you said about training. So, we’ve got to get good at what things, if we’re going to be effective with our sales network marketing? It’s sales. Don’t tell anybody, it’s sharing what you love. If you are going to win, you are going to be good at sales. You are also going to be good at seeing the vision before they do.

So if you’re thinking about, “Okay I’m training, if I’m training for this sprint, what are the areas that I need to go to the gym and work on if I’m working on my biceps or my back? I know what to do, but I’m training, somebody’s listening and they’re thinking I want to do, what Danelle does. I want to win and every day I’m showing up and I’m right, I’m even doing my gratitude, growth, and goals every day, but I’m still not winning on the network marketing side. Where are they missing their training?

Yeah, usually, it’s a couple of reasons. If they’ve got the mindset fixed, what they have to move into, is usually training on money, in training on conversations, so if people are trying to earn money and they’re not studying money, which means they have no idea what to do with it. how to save, how to pay off debt, how to build credit, how to do investments, if they are not learning about money, why would money be trusted with them?

They’re not going to earn without an education in that. So, I think it’s important for people at a basic understanding of the science of getting rich. A millionaire next door, not blowing all your money in one place when you earn it, because you earn in chunks. And knowing about taxes, and it sounds really boring, but the best thing to get your mind focused on earning is learning.

So, one is money. The other thing is obviously just sales conversations, tactics marketing and advertising are different. Now it’s not spamming it’s not lasting. Consumers are educated. And so, I really take this approach of knowing the value of yourself, your company and your product. And when you know that, it’s much easier to sell it. It’s hard to guess and close right? So, if you know your value, and you know what’s out there, you’re going to go target people with conversations. If you’re studying sales and you’re studying marketing, studying advertising, you’re going to go target people who you could help get the results the fastest, who already know that they need your product and your service, as opposed to try and to span the world and just get attention.

Oh, my gosh, okay, so I am going to pivot here because I just had this personal breakthrough when you said that. So, the sales conversation, knowing the value getting the mindset in place, and then the money piece. So, you guys…

I wanted to do more, I had always said, When I had earned a million dollars in the industry, I would be ready to build an additional stream of income because I wanted to show women how to do what I did. So do know what I just realized was, and we talked to say that I’ve launched some fun things, some good things. We’ve got lots of going on in my… We did the Profit HER way, lots of great courses, lots of great podcasts. But the money piece for that side of the business I was not tracking, I was not learning. I knew how to manage the S corporation, I knew my network marketing money, I knew exactly what was coming in, exactly was going out, exactly what I needed to do to have the income goals, but not on the other side. And so, we just had this breakthrough this moment because I just was like, “Oh I’ll just go out and do that thing. So, that makes so much sense to me as to why, because I could tell you, if you said, “Okay you’ve got to make $10,000 this week in network marketing. I would literally know exactly the action that I would need to take, and I would do it. So that’s huge if we want to learn. Okay, so money, and then also valuing our time. The biggest lesson you taught me. Clean your clock.

We get all these network marketers. I love you guys, you’re on every zoom, in every training and you’re tuning in to me, and you’re tuning in to Danelle, and you’re tuning into, but you’re dropping balls, you’re not downstairs at dinner with your family. I never see Danelle on the phone. when she’s on the soccer field, she’s riding the horses. You know when she’s working, you know, when she’s sleeping, you know when she’s awake? We’re Santa.

So, tell me about money and time. And especially for network marketers who are like all caught up on what’s going on in the Facebook world.

Yeah, the more you train, the more time you gain, right? That rhymed, I didn’t even plan on that.

I like it! Maybe I’ll post it today, but it really is the more you train, the more time you gain. So the better you get, the less time it takes to win. What people want is they want to just run really hard and think If they sacrifice everything for a short time, they can get what they want for the long term. And that’s what has been taught in our world, so much and I don’t necessarily believe that. Yes, time usually equates to winning eventually, but what if you put it into hardcore training an investment that would actually accelerate your time?

People who would tell you, Hey, you’re wasting your time doing this. Hey, it is a numbers game. But more importantly, it’s a people business. What if I could show you how to be a sniper, get exactly who you wanted as opposed to a shotgun that reaches for everyone… And you catch a few.

I want people to think that their business will move so much faster if they did the right moves as opposed to it. So if you want more money, and you need to become efficient with your time, if there’s a little daily method of operation that I train and I say, “Listen what is your number one income-generating goal, what is your number to what or activity, right? So if you have your top five income-generating activities one, two, three, four, five, and you make the first income-generating activity, worth five points, the second one were four, three, two, one, etcetera. What earns you the most the fastest?

You put those in order and every single day this week, you track how many of task number one… Did you do number two and three? By the end of the week, you’ll have this total and you’ll understand if you’re spending your time doing small things or if you’re spending your time doing large things. What happens is, I wiped out number three, two and one, and I only worked at tasks that was worth four points and tasks that was worth five points. I did the most efficient tasks, and I started making money so much faster and I learned where I was wasting my time. So that’s just a small game to say If you want to make more money, spend all of your time getting good at the things that will make you the most.

Oh my gosh, that is a million-dollar advice right there. When you think about anything when you’re in the mode of sales for network marketing for any business, the top, the very top of that list is, how many of those conversations are you going to have?

So, we used to call it, in the days like the Amway person would knock on your door, how many presentations can you give?

So, the most money you can make, are the number of conversations that you can have, that actually ask for that sale. So, when we think about the presentations and if you guys go back and I’ll put the other episode in here, and Danelle and her story, about how many presentations she gave. Now we’re more online, what do you say when someone’s like… Well, I want to do that, I want to get to the number, the top income-generating activity, when we talk presentation for a network marketing?

If you were building a company today that was just launched, how would you be doing those presentations so that you could maximize your time and grow the fastest, what would that look like?

Yeah, perfect. So, I do one-to-one with the leaders, people of authority, teachers, coaches, pastors, people with big audiences, new people who have influence. And at this time, people who are out of jobs right now and ready to earn, but they have big audiences. I go one-to-one and I’d say, Listen, I know times are tough. I believe that you are a genius and you are open to making money right now. I don’t care if you do this, I care that you look because you have the ability to win and I want to help you do it so can we have this conversation? So, I do get them one-on-one like that with the leaders. Everybody else I do in a group, right?

I do a conference call, or a Zoom and I did what was called 12-minute mornings, or 12-minute conversations, where I don’t talk to anybody for more than 12 minutes. So, I do a 12-minute presentation on the phone that would quickly tell my story, what the opportunity is. If they didn’t like it, what the product could do, and that they were introduced, because somebody values them so much they knew that this would be an opportunity that could help them and to reach out to whomever told him to talk to me.

So, it looks kind of like “this is Tuesdays at 7 o’clock. Anybody you know, who wants to hear about what’s happening? Get them on this phone call, or on this Zoom call.

So if you can go on one of the leaders, one to many to people who are open and you’ll only be working with people who are open to an opportunity, open to money, open to a product that’s going to help them, or a leader who’s going to bring more people, right? So that opportunity call, would look like, “Hey my name is Danelle, and I was invited on a call, just like you guys were, about 10 years ago. And believe me, I thought my friend was in a looney bin. But I’m going to tell you it’s changed my life over the course, and I want to share with you, if you’ve ever looked for more time or more money, this is something that you’re going to want to take 12 minutes, and if you do it, great, if you don’t… No big deal, there might be something in it that could help progress your life.

I tell them real quickly, this is how it works. You know, I’d explain the company really, really quickly and explain the product and go, some of you are interested in making money right now, fantastic! The world is on lockdown, and you have to be able to pivot. So, if that’s you, I’d love to help you make that transition like I did. Reach out to whoever talked to you today, and let’s get you started on that path. For some of you, you may have the time and money that you need. Great, no big deal. This has worked for generations of humans for a very long time. But you might be in a great position, you’re already helping people and moving their lives for fantastic, congratulations.

You would love a product like this, du du du du…awesome, and if not, thank you so much for your 12 minutes today.

It’s valuable and you are valued to who invited you today, so looking forward to wherever we can help you grow that. That’s how I do it one to many and I would not waste my time on anything else. Now the third thing I would do… That’s important is, I would share my social media in a way that talked about the good I was doing, the good, I was living in the great results I was getting by attracting people to what’s happening, and I have never been excited more than I am right now. Hey, this is how I can grow your life right now.

I wouldn’t spam them. I would want people to ask me questions. They ask me what I do now, and I don’t answer the question, I just say. Tell me why you asked while I know you’re helping a lot of people. I know you’re having fun. Great, well tell me why that’s attractive to you. What are you looking for that you don’t have yet, so it’s all… Nobody really wants us to answer those questions about what we do, they just want to know how they can grow, how they can have it. So that’s how my social media would look to keep people focused on… You can win no matter the circumstances.

That was a lot, I gave you a lot. Oh my gosh, so I have to tell you guys that when Danelle did a VIP weekend, she went away with my friend, our friend Heidi, and this was her big takeaway and she actually applied this and had massive growth. And so, that coaching that you just got you guys. I want you to send this to your team, if you’re thinking, “Okay I want to learn to lead those to do those 12-minute zooms, be the leader, you have to start… You can look at, listen to this over and over again, and start doing the one-to-one, the one to many, and then sharing the testimonial proof, the stories. If you watch Danelle’s social media, as so you guys know how I met Danelle and what she said in the conversation, when I said to her, “I need to talk to you about what you do”.

She didn’t tell me what she did, she started asking me those exact questions and by the end of the conversation, she said, so I can help you. And these are your two options.

I had the option of waiting three months to take a mastermind that was way more comfortable,  if I was looking at my bank account, or I think an immediate, which I had to wait like 29 days. We had one on one time with her, and this was the benefit of that. So, thinking about it, and you guys are actually in a coaching session with me, I’m thinking, Oh my gosh, this is brilliant, because of course I wanted answers right away and think about the network marketing opportunity, you’re what, buying a $400 pack?

That’s the only decision, it’s magical. I am so blown away. I literally could go out and recruit like 55 people today. And this is so good for me to hear as a leader, because Danelle, we’ve made it so complicated. We say, go into a Facebook group and do X, Y, and Z and then, do this and do this and do this. If you go one to one, one to many, and share what’s going on in your social media, and then use those valuable connections, it’s kind of mind-blowing. Honestly, I’m here, like being the student, I love it! There are always different ways to look at it, but what I tell you is the world makes things difficult. I was so busy and in a hard time when I started, I had to learn how to make everything simple. What’s the fastest way to get from A to B? Great, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll look at what’s the fastest way to get to see.

I love this. Okay, so one last question and then I want to tell you guys that Danelle and I talked before. So, in Camp Elevate, which is a free Facebook community, she has offered to do a one-hour training for network marketers. It is one hour that people normally would pay her thousands of dollars to get an hour. And we are going to post that with this podcast we’ll go back, and we’ll find the date and we’ll email everybody out, it’ll be on my social media. It will be within the next 14 days. You said, “I want you guys to look to it in the next seven. These are the questions I will be posting after you listen to this podcast and come to our Instagram stories, tag us, tell us what you want to hear in that training that we will provide for you together. So, Danelle when you’ve had this conversation, and this is something that we can talk about over and Camp Elevate, I still have it recorded on my phone, when somebody says Yes or like, Okay yes, I’m in… There is this person that is like Okay I’m going to help you win. And there’s this confidence and they go and they win, and then there’s the person that is a little bit fearful of getting a new distributor, promoter, business partner, because they’re like, Oh gosh, what the heck. What do I do with them now like, Oh my gosh, how do I help, who do I call? So that launch process for somebody that might not have an upline, that has a really good system in place. How do you then take that person that you just had the conversation with and help them to win on repeat?

Yeah, I think everything I do is so systematic which is funny because I was never a detail person, I had to become one. But everything has to be a system. So how people blow people out is, they go, okay, first we got to do this, we got to do that, so we got to do this. And then the person’s overwhelmed, they’re like I got, I was just building a dream here. This is a little crazy.

So, if you can create a one-two-three-four-step system, right? Anything into that, if it’s a two-step system, or four-step system, something really simple to get people started. Okay, here’s what we’re going to do first. I want you to write down why we are doing what we are creating.

Step two. So, they write down why they’re going to do it, how much they want to make, those kinds of things. They said their goals. Okay, step two, we got to become a product of the product.

Yeah, whatever you’re selling, you need to believe in. I don’t really look at recruiting liars. So, let’s get you our product, or the product, I want to make sure you implement this and you start sharing it right, that kind of a thing.

So, step three. Let’s make… Or the list of the people you know who love to make money, who love to be healthy, who depends on whatever product you’re selling, to know lots of people who would love to create freedom and come.

Let’s make that list. I usually help make an ABC list. People, they look up to are A’s. B’s are the people who are the same as them and C’s are people who look up to them. The D’s I don’t call.

So, A B-and C.

I say D’s like being where they’re at and we’re going to help support them. So, A Bs and Cs, and then I say, Fantastic. Well, do you want your business to go up to the A’s or down to the C’s? Great, we’re going to call the A’s, first I’m going to show you how to do a couple and how to talk to them and let’s get a couple of successes under our belt. Then step number four, let’s take action, great, we get you one, two, and three now, I’m going to watch, you get the four, five and six. That’s literally a four-step process to help them win in 24 hours, show them how to do that, and then you can watch them repeat it. And if you were to do that four levels deep in your business, I guarantee you, you will have coma checks, you will have a start of a system that works for everybody and then the more you do it, the better you get, and the higher-level people you meet who help you refine it. It doesn’t take rocket science, it takes simple systems and positivity and doing the good work and getting better. So, you get, oh my gosh. So, I am literally texting my team right now and Blair and I’m like, wait till this podcast, 6 AM everybody, be ready because you will need to listen to this 25,000 times. So, it’s a good thing that this is in the archives of the world.

So, we’ve gone through how you win on repeat, like this literally is a millionaire action plan for you, for a network marketer. So, we’re going to invite you to another training that is in Camp Elevate, it’s free. So, we want you to go to Get inside of that group, and then if you would like to find Danelle, on Friday nights tell us about Friday live. This is where a lot of people, gosh, I think thousands and thousands have been tuning in it. You are Oprah of Friday nights, you know. Well, beyond Oprah. So, if somebody wants to tell everyone how do they get in your inbox, and obviously did what my husband Don said was impulsive, but it was divine intervention. But how do people get with Danelle Delgado? Friday night? Obviously free training? But how do they get in your space? You don’t coach everyone, and you can’t.

I don’t, I really, just like I taught you guys today, how to see who wants it, who wants results. If you truly want results, like I could tell Beth results. You private message me on social media, you show up on Friday nights consistently, and let me see your name, their comment share, I will recognize you, I talk to those who are hungry. And then we talk about the best placement for you, if that’s VIP, or in the annual program that I do, you guys will all hear about in Camp Elevate. I want to see you in there. Just like this, if you do what Beth says, and move over to Camp Elevate and I meet you in there, we’ll all know that you’re a person of action, I want to run with people who are ready to take action, even if we have to do it a little scared. I’ll help you do it, bravely.

So that’s the best place to find me and how we can help, we do things together. Love it, thank you, Danelle! As always, knowing when I’m telling you guys this, that when you have people in your circle that genuinely want you to win, and it’s not about the money that they’re making from you. So, it’s the time that I have spent with you. A year ago, we were Greece on this day, I think yesterday we were on ATV’s actually, how strange is this? This is the day that we are returning the ATV’s. And I was at the top of a mountain and I realized my why and came down on an ATV, literally crying my eyes out. And I will say this and you’ve guys have read it. Danelle had to push me across the country at the top of the mountain and all of a sudden, I knew why I had to go out and win again and keep winning and not get comfortable. Do you remember that? Yes, I remember it vividly. I’m getting all teary-eyed just thinking about it. But it was because yesterday, in my memory, Glen Lundy of Rise and Grind was live. We were getting ready to go out in the ATV’s, and then today was the day that we hopped on in the morning and we returned them and that was that moment. So, when you guys can get back traveling, take a look at it… There are very rare opportunities with Danelle to go to these incredible exotic places. And that is where I was able to have the biggest breakthrough based on how you accidentally don’t set up those breakthroughs. You know what it takes to get someone as stubborn as me, it took me, not only just going away for three days, halfway across the world on an ATV on top of a mountain, but you plan it perfectly and then you fed me beautiful, delicious food from a beautiful Greek chef. I mean what else could I want?

I met people. I just know every single one of us get so set in our patterns, and our ways at our homes and in our environments, we have to adjust them, we have to be willing to put ourselves in an uncomfortable place to see what’s possible and that’s what happens.

Well, I am forever, forever grateful and I write it every day in my… I chose joy journal. And again, Danelle will be back, we’re going to do this every quarter for you guys. I just promise her all kinds of things like not making her cookies, but showing up with her eyelashes or something, but she just comes in serves as our only regular the only repeat guest, on this podcast because she’s like, one of the most impactful, if not the most impactful humans in my life. So, thank you for being on with us today, and as you just blew my mind and my journal is full, I’m going to just go and re-write in color and make hearts.

I love it. Thank you so much for having me. Again, I love what you do, anything you need for me… You got it. Thank you, Danelle and we’ll see you in Camp Elevate. I can’t wait! Bye.

Thank you so much for hanging out with us today. All of you, it was amazing… So, she literally gave you a plan for how to be the top recruiter in your company, and before she hopped off, I paused the recording, and we will be doing that hour long training in Camp Elevate, the 27th. You can hear the thunder in the background, we’re having a thunderstorm. So, I wanted to get you over to Camp Elevate on the 27th. I also want to let you know the map membership group is open, we are in pre-launch, you can get on that list by going to That is going to be my monthly membership program where we will be having accountability, the training tools, trainers like Danelle coming in. You will be able to be in the Map Membership for $27 a month, and that is closing after we get our first 50, it will then go up because I want to give you access to how to do this, how to build out your daily map.

We have got so much that’s being poured into that group.

I want to get you on that list. So, two things,, get over there, head on over to Camp Elevate. If you’re not there, if you already are, it’s at noon on the 27th, we’ll be sending out reminders as well. And as always, I want you guys to have the courage to push, have the courage to know when to stop and breathe, have courage to know when you want to sprint and look for the helpers.

I was just listening to Mr. Rogers. It’s, look for the helpers in your life, and that is someone like Danelle, who is on this podcast, who does the Friday Night Lives. The connections that I have made just from asks. So, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode please share this out, please go ahead and put this in your Instagram Stories. I’ll see you in the map membership and also see you in Camp Elevate on Wednesday. And as always, please leave me a review. I love, love, love having those reviews and having the downloads because it allows this podcast to get into the hands of more people so we can impact more, make more money and build businesses, our way.


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